10 places forbidden to show on Google Maps

Some places can not be seen on Google Maps from "security reasons." Their images on a blurred and distorted. Here is a selection of ten of these locations by Mashable.

1. Royal Residence, The Netherlands - a complex of buildings belonging to the royal family.

Buffalo Niagara International Airport, you can not see in detail when you zoom:

Tantauko National Park, Chile. Private Reserve, where live many endangered species. It can only be seen as a marker on the map:

The artificial reservoir at Lake Kyjov in South Carolina, USA. The reservoir serves energy company Duke:

Unknown piece surface in Siberia, Russia. Part of the tundra far from Alaska:

Minami Torishima Airport, Japan. The only airport on the island of Minami Torishima, painted white. Now it is used by naval forces:

Building Michael AAF, UT, United States. Area military polygon, where the testing of biological and chemical weapons:

Cornell University, the combined production of heat and electricity, Ithaca, New York. It develops high-tech ecological mode of production of electricity from natural gas:

Babylon, Iraq. More like a field than the bustling city:

Part of the city of Vlissingen, the Netherlands. Petroleum storage, as well as several bases of the Air Force:

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