Fresh "Glass bolt"
Ilya Varlamov writes:
So, I am pleased to introduce you to the next selection of candidates for the most prestigious antipremiyu for Russian officials' glass bolt 2012 "(loud and prolonged applause) !!! Let me remind you that this year we are taking stupidity from all over Russia. We are interested in the most idiotic and durtskie achieve officials. You have made the road to nowhere? Repaired transition, and now all fall down? Did the information boards that are 2 months all broken? Fools have built the road? In the courtyard marked out a new parking lot, so much so that there can only be parked bikes? We are interested in all the silliness around you - advertising, roads, parking, care for the disabled, work the officials on the Internet and much more.
I now invite vasposmotret selection of applicants for antipremiyu Glass bolt
14 photos
01. From the whole of Russia, we send photos of spring roads. Judging by this picture of Igor, in Samara recently undergone a meteor rain.
02. However, in some cities, the authorities monitor the state of the roads. That's the way it is done the Volga. One can see people are very value their work and delat all that she have never ended. It is a time to lay the asphalt properly, and 5 years will be nothing else to do! And people where? A steal where? No, it is not our method. Roads must be repaired constantly!
03. The city g.Tarko-Sale Yamal -Nenetsky Okrug pedestrians offer practice in overcoming obstacles. Thank you for the photo Berkutova Ilnur
04. In Moscow's Tsaritsyno officials work tirelessly. Many cases, for all will not follow. But even spring can not prevent the implementation of the plan. So, last week decided to hold a friendly match Tsaritsyno hockey. All is good, but the nature of the plans of Semin deputy disagrees. The ice melted long ago, and no one to hold the match going.
05. Alarming news come from St Petersburg. Alexander writes: "Mr. St. Petersburg, etc. Zanevsky. Conducted work on the laying of the cable, the reversal of land with paving slabs, but returned to its original state tiles in strange ways. I even can not imagine about why did so. Tile previously lay it dismantled, but put back completely different. This, of course, a trifle, but a very good show contractors impunity and indifference of those who took a job. »
06. Funny news on Channel One. Residents of the village in the Volgograd region had to install a special traffic lights on a busy road
07. In Voronezh, for 535 million. Rubles reconstructed embankment. Or rather build a new monument and raspizdyaystvu Krivolap. More details can be found here and here. For example, here's what a place for locals walks. Very romantic.
08. Road-savvy workers from Tula. "Before the house was a parking pocket. Small - for 2 cars. Therefore, the remaining three were parked side by side on the lawn. Then came the moment of light road repair ripoffs ... asphalt, set a new border ... and to make it easier to park on the lawn of the border placed horizontally! Brilliant !!! Instead of increasing the parking pocket, made a comfortable entry into the lawn! Admire this insanity at: Tula, ul.Lozhevaya, d.147 »
09. The original decision of the urn.
10. At the crossroads Large Academic street in Mockava and st. Priorov decided to push a little shopping and stopping unit. Now the residents of the house offers a wonderful view from the window.
11. During repair the roof on the Epiphany Lane in Moscow workers showed ingenuity and reliable protection from the water drain pipe.
12. But fools we protect not only vodochtochnye pipe from the water. On the Prospect Mira, 97 parking spaces are intended for disabled people, protected from lampposts disabled.
13. Last year, Marino set a beautiful fence. That's what happened to them after the first winter.
14. And now meet the applicant to "fence bolt." This Palace Square in St. Petersburg. Not enough even barbed wire and anti-tank hedgehogs! The enemy will not pass!
So, I am pleased to introduce you to the next selection of candidates for the most prestigious antipremiyu for Russian officials' glass bolt 2012 "(loud and prolonged applause) !!! Let me remind you that this year we are taking stupidity from all over Russia. We are interested in the most idiotic and durtskie achieve officials. You have made the road to nowhere? Repaired transition, and now all fall down? Did the information boards that are 2 months all broken? Fools have built the road? In the courtyard marked out a new parking lot, so much so that there can only be parked bikes? We are interested in all the silliness around you - advertising, roads, parking, care for the disabled, work the officials on the Internet and much more.
I now invite vasposmotret selection of applicants for antipremiyu Glass bolt
14 photos
01. From the whole of Russia, we send photos of spring roads. Judging by this picture of Igor, in Samara recently undergone a meteor rain.

02. However, in some cities, the authorities monitor the state of the roads. That's the way it is done the Volga. One can see people are very value their work and delat all that she have never ended. It is a time to lay the asphalt properly, and 5 years will be nothing else to do! And people where? A steal where? No, it is not our method. Roads must be repaired constantly!
03. The city g.Tarko-Sale Yamal -Nenetsky Okrug pedestrians offer practice in overcoming obstacles. Thank you for the photo Berkutova Ilnur

04. In Moscow's Tsaritsyno officials work tirelessly. Many cases, for all will not follow. But even spring can not prevent the implementation of the plan. So, last week decided to hold a friendly match Tsaritsyno hockey. All is good, but the nature of the plans of Semin deputy disagrees. The ice melted long ago, and no one to hold the match going.

05. Alarming news come from St Petersburg. Alexander writes: "Mr. St. Petersburg, etc. Zanevsky. Conducted work on the laying of the cable, the reversal of land with paving slabs, but returned to its original state tiles in strange ways. I even can not imagine about why did so. Tile previously lay it dismantled, but put back completely different. This, of course, a trifle, but a very good show contractors impunity and indifference of those who took a job. »

06. Funny news on Channel One. Residents of the village in the Volgograd region had to install a special traffic lights on a busy road
07. In Voronezh, for 535 million. Rubles reconstructed embankment. Or rather build a new monument and raspizdyaystvu Krivolap. More details can be found here and here. For example, here's what a place for locals walks. Very romantic.

08. Road-savvy workers from Tula. "Before the house was a parking pocket. Small - for 2 cars. Therefore, the remaining three were parked side by side on the lawn. Then came the moment of light road repair ripoffs ... asphalt, set a new border ... and to make it easier to park on the lawn of the border placed horizontally! Brilliant !!! Instead of increasing the parking pocket, made a comfortable entry into the lawn! Admire this insanity at: Tula, ul.Lozhevaya, d.147 »

09. The original decision of the urn.

10. At the crossroads Large Academic street in Mockava and st. Priorov decided to push a little shopping and stopping unit. Now the residents of the house offers a wonderful view from the window.

11. During repair the roof on the Epiphany Lane in Moscow workers showed ingenuity and reliable protection from the water drain pipe.

12. But fools we protect not only vodochtochnye pipe from the water. On the Prospect Mira, 97 parking spaces are intended for disabled people, protected from lampposts disabled.

13. Last year, Marino set a beautiful fence. That's what happened to them after the first winter.

14. And now meet the applicant to "fence bolt." This Palace Square in St. Petersburg. Not enough even barbed wire and anti-tank hedgehogs! The enemy will not pass!
