Couple zabroshek: Excursion to the past, "Air Defense Day" ...
Writes blogger Konstantin Vutsen
There were times when we were not invited to the press tour and we went to them for yourself ...
That is, once in hot summer season we Kotarsisom ignition and went to look for an outlet from Moscow smog burning peat to nearby countryside. Our first destination was the old "tree" once-mighty and the world's only air defense system, the S-25.
26 photos
I take this opportunity to congratulate the veterans and officials responsible for the peaceful sky over our heads on their professional holiday and go on tour.
Despite the fact that the fires raged far to the east, in the west of Moscow, still shrouded in smoke, the only thing that pleased and differs from the urban jungle, it's a cool morning. But as time passed and the sun inexorably chose the horizon, which made the local landscape even more syurealistichnym.
Each position (regiment) includes a warhead with launching pad and other missile infrastructure, as well as at a distance of 1, 5 and 4 kilometers located radar sector review, which is assigned the index B-200. The complex of buildings with a radar B-200 in the design documentation called CPR (central radar guidance), in military documents - RTC (Radio Technical Center). Each station, with twenty-fire channels should ensure the simultaneous observation of the twenty objectives and to direct them to twenty missiles.
On positions complexes station B-200 - (CPR) operably associated with SAM launchers, located in poluzaglublennom reinforced concrete structures, designed for survival in direct contact with 1000 kg high-explosive bombs, land and bunded disguised grass. For high-frequency equipment, a multi-part locator command post complex jobs of operators and Recreation combat duty shifts were provided separate facilities.
Two antennas sight of goals and four antennas command stationed in the vicinity of the structures on the tarmac. Search, detection, tracking air targets and guidance on their missiles every complex system is carried out in a fixed sector 60 x 60 degrees.
In general, currently the center gutted and not particularly interesting, except perhaps that the former served here.
Meanwhile, we will move to the former military part of the position, which after removal of the old complex located to the new position. On the central avenue has recently put the fence and begin planting area gradually suburban areas. To tired of the bustle of the city citizens improve their health under the influence of the life-giving rays from nearby (a hundred meters) different radars for detecting flying targets.
Radar ST-68UM (5N59) is designed for the detection, identification and tracking of air targets, including strategic cruise missiles ALCM, organized under the influence of active and passive jamming, as well as reflections from the earth's surface and meteorological formations. It is used in air defense forces, units and parts of the communication and radio provide the Air Force.
Two burdock bit further nothing more than RLS39N6 "Cast-2-2" - a mobile solid-state automated station that provides detection, measurement range, azimuth, altitude tier, as well as support with the issue of air-route characteristics include airplanes, helicopters, remotely manned aircraft and cruise missiles, including flying at extremely low altitudes on the background of intense reflections from the underlying surface, local objects and meteorological formations. It detects targets made using "stealth" technology, as well as moving objects on the sea surface.
A little further is located svezhepokrashennaya versatile stationary tower 8142KM, the common people called stool. Throw radar SART or C-300Ph kranom.Esli can not use heavy-lift cranes, the staff (for the C-300 ZRP) crane lifted the side staircase.
Then, with the aid of electric winches and rope system lowered platform dismantled rail platforms and tractors and winch it up the ramp rolled product. Then, in reverse order. Payload electric winches tower 25t.
For shooting landscapes over the forest would have to get at it, but then lost one of our comrades and had to go looking for him.
Zhelezyaka commands respect, and in the midst of the forest looks like an alien statue.
Finding his friend went to a nearby clearing, and there ...
Judging by the place popular rock inscriptions, and on-site start-up air defense system S-300my not the first.
Before we visited here the young affluent 20-35 years old, own a car; confidently looking to the future; socially and physically active segment of the population - those whom you will always find on our parking lot ...
I also like that participated in such pokatushki, very exciting, but not fully imbued, like all the closer a retreat
In addition haze surah adds that the launchers are here for a reason, not protected,
It has long been rotten fence should not take into account
Barb certainly there but purely nominal, apparently, as he said later he sacked Major General A.Shapekin, switched to a new system of protection nanotehnolgichnye so that they now are called secretive
In the starting position there is the so-called bunker, as well as a variety of radar, such as low-altitude detector 5N66 / 5N66M / 76N6, who was the weight accorded to the means, ie the complex could function without this radar. The rocket was originally planned to use a guidance system with a command from the radar illumination / aiming using the information from the passive radar missiles. But because of the problems with the guidance of the purposes below 500 m, the developers, it was decided that the possibility of low-altitude obstrelivaniya important goals, and was initially sold only guidance on command from ground radar. Later, a rocket has been developed with its own guidance system, which allowed to achieve the minimum target height of 25 m.
As a suitcase on the leg stands radar illumination and guidance (RPN) 30N6
shte bit wandering on the position we have gone further because of attractive lans on that weekend was a colossus
Actually the position of the things we ate some soup (ie eating soup) are active in their Zhigan, lit it at its Census and what happened after a certain wildness govonomass in the media and some circles militarized. I do this too once mentioned but oh well, it's by today's standards, and many long-standing left-overs. On the other hand progressive mankind just stirred up that for woodpeckers, the PR they say, there is to climb slowly. On that too much can be argued, firstly no PR was not all has spread through the efforts of very different people, all of which is actually smashed, secondly, if such a fucking considered the norm, you can do many things to close his eyes, well in Thirdly, and why should the main excuses to whose whatsoever speculation on the one and the other.
I would like to write dispassionately as possible about the event. Just the facts were such as to what they were. And it was not a zagorozhdeny, no warning signs, no means of protection or action sentry calculation for us. Of course, we know where we are and perhaps behaved provocatively and if I may say so boldly, but no emotions and actions cause the reverse side failed to truly Sleepy Hollow some. Also note that no violations of the law, we also are not made, because the territory is in fact looked like a no man. We are so no one was detained and did not ask what we are doing at the current position alone Chkalov in the neighboring pension sadly looked at us and turned away looking at the celestial heights.
There were times when we were not invited to the press tour and we went to them for yourself ...
That is, once in hot summer season we Kotarsisom ignition and went to look for an outlet from Moscow smog burning peat to nearby countryside. Our first destination was the old "tree" once-mighty and the world's only air defense system, the S-25.
26 photos

I take this opportunity to congratulate the veterans and officials responsible for the peaceful sky over our heads on their professional holiday and go on tour.

Despite the fact that the fires raged far to the east, in the west of Moscow, still shrouded in smoke, the only thing that pleased and differs from the urban jungle, it's a cool morning. But as time passed and the sun inexorably chose the horizon, which made the local landscape even more syurealistichnym.

Each position (regiment) includes a warhead with launching pad and other missile infrastructure, as well as at a distance of 1, 5 and 4 kilometers located radar sector review, which is assigned the index B-200. The complex of buildings with a radar B-200 in the design documentation called CPR (central radar guidance), in military documents - RTC (Radio Technical Center). Each station, with twenty-fire channels should ensure the simultaneous observation of the twenty objectives and to direct them to twenty missiles.

On positions complexes station B-200 - (CPR) operably associated with SAM launchers, located in poluzaglublennom reinforced concrete structures, designed for survival in direct contact with 1000 kg high-explosive bombs, land and bunded disguised grass. For high-frequency equipment, a multi-part locator command post complex jobs of operators and Recreation combat duty shifts were provided separate facilities.

Two antennas sight of goals and four antennas command stationed in the vicinity of the structures on the tarmac. Search, detection, tracking air targets and guidance on their missiles every complex system is carried out in a fixed sector 60 x 60 degrees.

In general, currently the center gutted and not particularly interesting, except perhaps that the former served here.

Meanwhile, we will move to the former military part of the position, which after removal of the old complex located to the new position. On the central avenue has recently put the fence and begin planting area gradually suburban areas. To tired of the bustle of the city citizens improve their health under the influence of the life-giving rays from nearby (a hundred meters) different radars for detecting flying targets.

Radar ST-68UM (5N59) is designed for the detection, identification and tracking of air targets, including strategic cruise missiles ALCM, organized under the influence of active and passive jamming, as well as reflections from the earth's surface and meteorological formations. It is used in air defense forces, units and parts of the communication and radio provide the Air Force.

Two burdock bit further nothing more than RLS39N6 "Cast-2-2" - a mobile solid-state automated station that provides detection, measurement range, azimuth, altitude tier, as well as support with the issue of air-route characteristics include airplanes, helicopters, remotely manned aircraft and cruise missiles, including flying at extremely low altitudes on the background of intense reflections from the underlying surface, local objects and meteorological formations. It detects targets made using "stealth" technology, as well as moving objects on the sea surface.

A little further is located svezhepokrashennaya versatile stationary tower 8142KM, the common people called stool. Throw radar SART or C-300Ph kranom.Esli can not use heavy-lift cranes, the staff (for the C-300 ZRP) crane lifted the side staircase.

Then, with the aid of electric winches and rope system lowered platform dismantled rail platforms and tractors and winch it up the ramp rolled product. Then, in reverse order. Payload electric winches tower 25t.

For shooting landscapes over the forest would have to get at it, but then lost one of our comrades and had to go looking for him.

Zhelezyaka commands respect, and in the midst of the forest looks like an alien statue.

Finding his friend went to a nearby clearing, and there ...

Judging by the place popular rock inscriptions, and on-site start-up air defense system S-300my not the first.

Before we visited here the young affluent 20-35 years old, own a car; confidently looking to the future; socially and physically active segment of the population - those whom you will always find on our parking lot ...

I also like that participated in such pokatushki, very exciting, but not fully imbued, like all the closer a retreat

In addition haze surah adds that the launchers are here for a reason, not protected,

It has long been rotten fence should not take into account
Barb certainly there but purely nominal, apparently, as he said later he sacked Major General A.Shapekin, switched to a new system of protection nanotehnolgichnye so that they now are called secretive


In the starting position there is the so-called bunker, as well as a variety of radar, such as low-altitude detector 5N66 / 5N66M / 76N6, who was the weight accorded to the means, ie the complex could function without this radar. The rocket was originally planned to use a guidance system with a command from the radar illumination / aiming using the information from the passive radar missiles. But because of the problems with the guidance of the purposes below 500 m, the developers, it was decided that the possibility of low-altitude obstrelivaniya important goals, and was initially sold only guidance on command from ground radar. Later, a rocket has been developed with its own guidance system, which allowed to achieve the minimum target height of 25 m.

As a suitcase on the leg stands radar illumination and guidance (RPN) 30N6

shte bit wandering on the position we have gone further because of attractive lans on that weekend was a colossus

Actually the position of the things we ate some soup (ie eating soup) are active in their Zhigan, lit it at its Census and what happened after a certain wildness govonomass in the media and some circles militarized. I do this too once mentioned but oh well, it's by today's standards, and many long-standing left-overs. On the other hand progressive mankind just stirred up that for woodpeckers, the PR they say, there is to climb slowly. On that too much can be argued, firstly no PR was not all has spread through the efforts of very different people, all of which is actually smashed, secondly, if such a fucking considered the norm, you can do many things to close his eyes, well in Thirdly, and why should the main excuses to whose whatsoever speculation on the one and the other.

I would like to write dispassionately as possible about the event. Just the facts were such as to what they were. And it was not a zagorozhdeny, no warning signs, no means of protection or action sentry calculation for us. Of course, we know where we are and perhaps behaved provocatively and if I may say so boldly, but no emotions and actions cause the reverse side failed to truly Sleepy Hollow some. Also note that no violations of the law, we also are not made, because the territory is in fact looked like a no man. We are so no one was detained and did not ask what we are doing at the current position alone Chkalov in the neighboring pension sadly looked at us and turned away looking at the celestial heights.
