Hollywood chase
Hollywood chase Izhevsk: customers chasing a taxi driver in a jeep around the city
Early in the morning of April 27 the 24-year-old taxi driver Artem arrived on a call to the cafe "Shirvan" that in the Leninsky district of Izhevsk. While I am waiting for customers to admire standing next Toyota Land Cruiser Prado.
- Get out of the cafe three Ambala and two beautiful girls - says Artem. - Girls sit me in the car. And one youngster suddenly opened my door and said, "Come, I'll take myself!". I said to him: "Why all of a sudden? My car". He grabbed me by the ear begins to twist with all the dope and trying to pull. Second at this time kicking on the driver's door. I, without thinking twice (thanks to the voucher never beaten path) turn back and give 'gases. Ambala Prishibayu door and the person riding on the pavement five meters from me.
Artem turn prevented the same Prado. Then the taxi driver [next] pulled forward, "he landed on the hood" of the second assailant and left. I turned to the street Furmanov dropped the girls and called on the phone colleagues. To help in a few minutes rushed five taxi drivers and they went to a cafe. However, neither the big boys, nor a jeep was not there. Artem called the police, and he went to refuel at gas stations "Lukoil" nearby.
- I was standing there, the dispatcher calls and said that with the same issue caused the car to the locomotive, 1 'continued Artem. - Moreover, customers complained that I supposedly they moved proborozdil face and injured his leg.
Artem again called for help cabbies. But this time, came just one car. But go to a place call the taxi drivers did not have time.
- At the gas station at full steam flew Prado, from there they flew Umballa and began to pull me through the window - says Artem. - I 'sneaker on the floor, "and more! I realized that the ideal - to go towards Leninsky district police department.
Artem "pulled" back, but caught up with the jeep "Nexia" a taxi driver in a matter of minutes. Speedometer, according to Artyom, showed 150 km / h! Events moved rapidly all.
- Look in the mirror - is not it - worrying, says Artem. - I thought it looked ... and suddenly - a sharp shot Bochin! Already, issued! Then the second blow! .. Barely taxied sharply on the brakes, I realized that it was useless. The only way out - to fold into the yards.
In the yards Artem broke away from the "Kruzak" 50-70 meters, then turned onto the street Azin. At this point, Artem had to check, what can he rented "Nexia". The guy is not paying attention to the red light, rushes to the local police department.
- I call in the hallway near the police department - continues Artem - trying to get out, but the door is not open! At this point, my ass blow sickly at full speed! - I already flew forward, collecting along the way 3 "patrulki" and a "first" in the parking lot!
Men out of the jeep flew out of it, starting to hit the glass. Artem includes a reverse gear, and again hitting passing patrol cars astray Prado!
- I started to go around the cafe "Domino" from the backyard, but they did not go after me.
As it turned out, the taxi driver drove toward the thugs. And right at the "Domino" crumpled cars meet head-on!
- On my speedometer was 80 km / h, on their - obviously more - says Artem. - Climbs, they keep me one second trying to pour into my mouth bottle of beer. They yell!
Finally he came on duty of the police department. Police repelled the attackers by the taxi driver. DPS car drove up, a bunch of onlookers gathered. As it turned out, one of the "drivers" is on the federal wanted list. Now he is placed in jail. Other participants "Night Rendezvous" is delay did not. By the way, breathalyzer showed the presence of alcohol in the blood of Artem.
Artem is working in the taxi for about a year. "Nexia" rented another. The car is new, it is only three weeks. Insure the car did not have time.
- 32-year-old driver of Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, that morning of April 27 was chasing the taxi driver, he is really the federal wanted list for hooliganism, which he did in 2011 - confirmed the press officer of the police department of Izhevsk Natalia Markina. - Now a man at home in the temporary detention facility. The issue of his arrest.
The prosecutor's office, in turn, decide how to qualify against the instigator of the incident a criminal case.
Early in the morning of April 27 the 24-year-old taxi driver Artem arrived on a call to the cafe "Shirvan" that in the Leninsky district of Izhevsk. While I am waiting for customers to admire standing next Toyota Land Cruiser Prado.
- Get out of the cafe three Ambala and two beautiful girls - says Artem. - Girls sit me in the car. And one youngster suddenly opened my door and said, "Come, I'll take myself!". I said to him: "Why all of a sudden? My car". He grabbed me by the ear begins to twist with all the dope and trying to pull. Second at this time kicking on the driver's door. I, without thinking twice (thanks to the voucher never beaten path) turn back and give 'gases. Ambala Prishibayu door and the person riding on the pavement five meters from me.
Artem turn prevented the same Prado. Then the taxi driver [next] pulled forward, "he landed on the hood" of the second assailant and left. I turned to the street Furmanov dropped the girls and called on the phone colleagues. To help in a few minutes rushed five taxi drivers and they went to a cafe. However, neither the big boys, nor a jeep was not there. Artem called the police, and he went to refuel at gas stations "Lukoil" nearby.
- I was standing there, the dispatcher calls and said that with the same issue caused the car to the locomotive, 1 'continued Artem. - Moreover, customers complained that I supposedly they moved proborozdil face and injured his leg.
Artem again called for help cabbies. But this time, came just one car. But go to a place call the taxi drivers did not have time.
- At the gas station at full steam flew Prado, from there they flew Umballa and began to pull me through the window - says Artem. - I 'sneaker on the floor, "and more! I realized that the ideal - to go towards Leninsky district police department.
Artem "pulled" back, but caught up with the jeep "Nexia" a taxi driver in a matter of minutes. Speedometer, according to Artyom, showed 150 km / h! Events moved rapidly all.
- Look in the mirror - is not it - worrying, says Artem. - I thought it looked ... and suddenly - a sharp shot Bochin! Already, issued! Then the second blow! .. Barely taxied sharply on the brakes, I realized that it was useless. The only way out - to fold into the yards.
In the yards Artem broke away from the "Kruzak" 50-70 meters, then turned onto the street Azin. At this point, Artem had to check, what can he rented "Nexia". The guy is not paying attention to the red light, rushes to the local police department.
- I call in the hallway near the police department - continues Artem - trying to get out, but the door is not open! At this point, my ass blow sickly at full speed! - I already flew forward, collecting along the way 3 "patrulki" and a "first" in the parking lot!
Men out of the jeep flew out of it, starting to hit the glass. Artem includes a reverse gear, and again hitting passing patrol cars astray Prado!
- I started to go around the cafe "Domino" from the backyard, but they did not go after me.
As it turned out, the taxi driver drove toward the thugs. And right at the "Domino" crumpled cars meet head-on!
- On my speedometer was 80 km / h, on their - obviously more - says Artem. - Climbs, they keep me one second trying to pour into my mouth bottle of beer. They yell!
Finally he came on duty of the police department. Police repelled the attackers by the taxi driver. DPS car drove up, a bunch of onlookers gathered. As it turned out, one of the "drivers" is on the federal wanted list. Now he is placed in jail. Other participants "Night Rendezvous" is delay did not. By the way, breathalyzer showed the presence of alcohol in the blood of Artem.
Artem is working in the taxi for about a year. "Nexia" rented another. The car is new, it is only three weeks. Insure the car did not have time.
- 32-year-old driver of Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, that morning of April 27 was chasing the taxi driver, he is really the federal wanted list for hooliganism, which he did in 2011 - confirmed the press officer of the police department of Izhevsk Natalia Markina. - Now a man at home in the temporary detention facility. The issue of his arrest.
The prosecutor's office, in turn, decide how to qualify against the instigator of the incident a criminal case.
