Exhibition of caricatures Denis Lopatin
Author Igor Kravchuk, a journalist, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
Echo of Moscow via
On April 26, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, an exhibition of 34-year-old talented cartoonist Dennis Lopatin. Arriving before the opening of the museum, Denis found that exposure of the disappeared 6 works were mostly caricatures of Putin and Medvedev. So they place at the show did not get. Dennis believes that policy officials should tolerate more attention to her paparazzi cartoonists, the whole society and not become hysterical.
It was found that the cartoons "medvedoputov" removed from exhibition personally director of the state "Kamchatka Krai Art Museum" Tatiana Bikovets. About it all, including Lopatin and the artist himself, they say that she is a good and decent aunt. But, like many others, a victim of the current circumstances and lives in fear of captivity, it is better to remove, just in case, and then as if something happens. Ie she worked self-censorship, and the type of slavery in her heart she did not become obsolete. Because in Russia a lot of examples where linguists and critics among the lackeys of the current government easily will make a verdict that the literary (or draw) the product, slogan, picture, picture are signs of extremism, offend someone's honor and dignity, well Trained court will only to make such examination of the verdict in favor of the authorities.
About Dennis Lopatin on "Echo of Moscow" in the last year wrote my colleague Vladimir Khitrov: echo.msk.ru/blog/vladimir_khitrov/797108-echo/. In 2011, the artist became the winner of two major international competitions - one held in Germany, the other in Portugal. Moreover, the Portuguese «World Press Cartoon» is considered the most prestigious in the world forum for artists and cartoon caricatures. Previously, none of the Russian artists did not win on it. This year Denis exhibited in Poland and Poles, many appreciating sharply written word and drawing humor and satire included Denis among the 100 best cartoonists in the world.
In April 2011, Denis Lopatin participated in the world competition of professional cartoonists, caricaturist in the social network Facebook and immediately picked Grand Prix.
I do not Have Denis with envy, intrigue, running boards? It is well known typical Russian intelligentsia vzaimonenavistnichestvo, especially among creative people. Kamchatsky cartoonist says that after feysbuchnogo Grand Prix some artists from other countries psyched that some upstart from Russia took the first place. Indulges in his address of the virtual poison. Although the vote was fair, among the artists themselves. From the Russian cartoonists Denis does not feel anger and jealousy: "Our all gentle and kind. Journalistic cartoonists and others do not feel threatened by me, I'm intruding in their area. "
- Denis, is there for you, cartoonists, caricaturists global value is the authority?
- Of course. This American Jason Seiler, a Swiss Alberto Russo, German Sebastian Kruger, Kurt Jones, the British Sex Noise and Rodney Pike, the owner of the heap premiums Chinese Zhu Zi Zun, Amir Mohamed Taqwa Ajahn, Canadian Dominique Fildert. It is the only way a woman caricaturist with a worldwide reputation. There is a second so-called Echelon cartoonists. A lot of Latinos, since they made it a grotesque image of portraits, huge noses and jaws dragging along the ground. Many famous Germans, French, Italians. Russia has the world-famous cartoonist Zlatkovsky, winner of many awards and its level is difficult to dosyagnut. His cartoons are on site Viktor Shenderovich. It is an advanced caricaturist Vladimir Molchanov. From newspaper Alexei Merinova everyone knows, but I'm not familiar with it, like the others. In Russia, I feel a little like me, who have engaged in cartoon tank. It is, however - not a caricature, a cartoon, and not in a pure form, and not purely generated. It's kind of strange, mixed.
Denis appeared in the newspapers of Kamchatka in 2002. The tall, shy, skinny 25-year-old boy with an open, close, conservative look. He quickly won the hearts of readers. Like thousands of listeners waiting for the next "access code" to "Echo of Moscow" with a unique clever Julia Latynina, millions of readers in the newspapers looking for familiar names of Russian authors. So Kamchatka readers waited for each issue of the newspaper to see the next cartoon Denis.
Denis painted a lot, quickly and skillfully. He gave a whole page comics. It all turned out. Their faces were recognizable. Dennis refers to the so-called thinking cartoonists and he especially did not have to chew the plot. It began to apply to the courts for his sometimes caustic cartoons. Once banned from the exhibition at the last moment, because Governor considered that some of the cartoons osokrblyayut advantage of some female clerk.
And one day he came to the panel of judges of the Kamchatka region. Quiet and modest, he painted faces of the judges, participants in the process. Suddenly the judge puzzled: "What are you doing there?" Demanded to see what he paints and when Denis gave the whole panel of three judges voted for his removal from the hall. Thanks though not decided to give the sacred fires of the Inquisition his sketch pad. This is perhaps the only one of its kind in the Russian case absurd and perhaps in the world of justice, which is sometimes tempted to call krivosudiem.
- Dennis, do you have a favorite kind of art materials that you draw, how you feel about a graphics tablet?
- Use of the tablet, of course, as needed, when you need to hurry. But the figure of the dead. To submit an idea I use often mixed technique. It is not only akrilka, but sometimes mixed with oil, pencil, pastel, gouache. Ie I use several techniques, sometimes using flourestsentnye paint.
- When you feel the craving is a caricature that you get it. After all, plenty of artists, but not all of them will be able to draw like that, that it brings a smile?
- Yes, since childhood, I draw all sorts of funny pictures, cartoons. And I was constantly criticized for it, required me to do something serious. Everyone thought it was garbage, but the classic painting, graphics - this is what is necessary. Ie I constantly banned, and children's art school in Minsk Architectural and Civil Engineering criticized that doing something frivolous, and the Belarusian State University of Culture.
Former rukovodilel Kamchatka Party cell "Apple" Irina Spring. Today the State Duma deputy from the "United Russia", Chairman of the Committee on Anti-Corruption. In Kamchatka it in the elections in 2011 failed. His mandate it gave President Dmitry Medvedev. Therefore, it is not the people's choice, but rather the Kremlin, Presidential. So it can deal Jyoti before that deputies will be easy to assign.
Iron Felix
The master and the master of the Soviet-Russian Film Directing Nikita Mikhalkov
Fyodor Bondarchuk
Vladimir Pozner
Black Swan (Natalie Portman)
Freddie Mercury
Jacques Cousteau
At the opening ceremony the son of cartoonist Klim did not fully understand what was going on but he nroavilos that the pope showed attention his uncle and aunt.
Former Governor of Kamchatka Alexei Kuzmitsky (until February 2011). Now he is the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, in charge of the President's Administration. Appointed auditorom without the financial, economic, accounting education. And he became governor because his wife is the daughter of Viktor Ivanov, head of the Federal Drug Control Service.
A good cook Povarenkov constantly interfered with the normal soup krysёnysh, swarming in his head with his recipes.
Behind the wheel "Bentley" in the Russian outback
Condoleezza Rice and Nicolas Sarkozy
Former vice-governor of Kamchatka, Alexander Drozdov, who nicknamed Goebbels zhurnaloisty since He tried to control totally the press. And currently, he liked to say: "I GRU Colonel!»
Exhibition cartoonist Lopatin in the area.
Blogger with cartoonist Lopatin. Denis for many years I call Bidstrup (Herluf Bidstrup Danish cartoonist, communist, 1912-1988). Because a child is often viewed album cartoons Bidstrup and remember this name.
All. Thank you for not broken =)
Echo of Moscow via
On April 26, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, an exhibition of 34-year-old talented cartoonist Dennis Lopatin. Arriving before the opening of the museum, Denis found that exposure of the disappeared 6 works were mostly caricatures of Putin and Medvedev. So they place at the show did not get. Dennis believes that policy officials should tolerate more attention to her paparazzi cartoonists, the whole society and not become hysterical.

It was found that the cartoons "medvedoputov" removed from exhibition personally director of the state "Kamchatka Krai Art Museum" Tatiana Bikovets. About it all, including Lopatin and the artist himself, they say that she is a good and decent aunt. But, like many others, a victim of the current circumstances and lives in fear of captivity, it is better to remove, just in case, and then as if something happens. Ie she worked self-censorship, and the type of slavery in her heart she did not become obsolete. Because in Russia a lot of examples where linguists and critics among the lackeys of the current government easily will make a verdict that the literary (or draw) the product, slogan, picture, picture are signs of extremism, offend someone's honor and dignity, well Trained court will only to make such examination of the verdict in favor of the authorities.

About Dennis Lopatin on "Echo of Moscow" in the last year wrote my colleague Vladimir Khitrov: echo.msk.ru/blog/vladimir_khitrov/797108-echo/. In 2011, the artist became the winner of two major international competitions - one held in Germany, the other in Portugal. Moreover, the Portuguese «World Press Cartoon» is considered the most prestigious in the world forum for artists and cartoon caricatures. Previously, none of the Russian artists did not win on it. This year Denis exhibited in Poland and Poles, many appreciating sharply written word and drawing humor and satire included Denis among the 100 best cartoonists in the world.

In April 2011, Denis Lopatin participated in the world competition of professional cartoonists, caricaturist in the social network Facebook and immediately picked Grand Prix.
I do not Have Denis with envy, intrigue, running boards? It is well known typical Russian intelligentsia vzaimonenavistnichestvo, especially among creative people. Kamchatsky cartoonist says that after feysbuchnogo Grand Prix some artists from other countries psyched that some upstart from Russia took the first place. Indulges in his address of the virtual poison. Although the vote was fair, among the artists themselves. From the Russian cartoonists Denis does not feel anger and jealousy: "Our all gentle and kind. Journalistic cartoonists and others do not feel threatened by me, I'm intruding in their area. "

- Denis, is there for you, cartoonists, caricaturists global value is the authority?
- Of course. This American Jason Seiler, a Swiss Alberto Russo, German Sebastian Kruger, Kurt Jones, the British Sex Noise and Rodney Pike, the owner of the heap premiums Chinese Zhu Zi Zun, Amir Mohamed Taqwa Ajahn, Canadian Dominique Fildert. It is the only way a woman caricaturist with a worldwide reputation. There is a second so-called Echelon cartoonists. A lot of Latinos, since they made it a grotesque image of portraits, huge noses and jaws dragging along the ground. Many famous Germans, French, Italians. Russia has the world-famous cartoonist Zlatkovsky, winner of many awards and its level is difficult to dosyagnut. His cartoons are on site Viktor Shenderovich. It is an advanced caricaturist Vladimir Molchanov. From newspaper Alexei Merinova everyone knows, but I'm not familiar with it, like the others. In Russia, I feel a little like me, who have engaged in cartoon tank. It is, however - not a caricature, a cartoon, and not in a pure form, and not purely generated. It's kind of strange, mixed.

Denis appeared in the newspapers of Kamchatka in 2002. The tall, shy, skinny 25-year-old boy with an open, close, conservative look. He quickly won the hearts of readers. Like thousands of listeners waiting for the next "access code" to "Echo of Moscow" with a unique clever Julia Latynina, millions of readers in the newspapers looking for familiar names of Russian authors. So Kamchatka readers waited for each issue of the newspaper to see the next cartoon Denis.

Denis painted a lot, quickly and skillfully. He gave a whole page comics. It all turned out. Their faces were recognizable. Dennis refers to the so-called thinking cartoonists and he especially did not have to chew the plot. It began to apply to the courts for his sometimes caustic cartoons. Once banned from the exhibition at the last moment, because Governor considered that some of the cartoons osokrblyayut advantage of some female clerk.

And one day he came to the panel of judges of the Kamchatka region. Quiet and modest, he painted faces of the judges, participants in the process. Suddenly the judge puzzled: "What are you doing there?" Demanded to see what he paints and when Denis gave the whole panel of three judges voted for his removal from the hall. Thanks though not decided to give the sacred fires of the Inquisition his sketch pad. This is perhaps the only one of its kind in the Russian case absurd and perhaps in the world of justice, which is sometimes tempted to call krivosudiem.

- Dennis, do you have a favorite kind of art materials that you draw, how you feel about a graphics tablet?
- Use of the tablet, of course, as needed, when you need to hurry. But the figure of the dead. To submit an idea I use often mixed technique. It is not only akrilka, but sometimes mixed with oil, pencil, pastel, gouache. Ie I use several techniques, sometimes using flourestsentnye paint.

- When you feel the craving is a caricature that you get it. After all, plenty of artists, but not all of them will be able to draw like that, that it brings a smile?
- Yes, since childhood, I draw all sorts of funny pictures, cartoons. And I was constantly criticized for it, required me to do something serious. Everyone thought it was garbage, but the classic painting, graphics - this is what is necessary. Ie I constantly banned, and children's art school in Minsk Architectural and Civil Engineering criticized that doing something frivolous, and the Belarusian State University of Culture.

Former rukovodilel Kamchatka Party cell "Apple" Irina Spring. Today the State Duma deputy from the "United Russia", Chairman of the Committee on Anti-Corruption. In Kamchatka it in the elections in 2011 failed. His mandate it gave President Dmitry Medvedev. Therefore, it is not the people's choice, but rather the Kremlin, Presidential. So it can deal Jyoti before that deputies will be easy to assign.


Iron Felix

The master and the master of the Soviet-Russian Film Directing Nikita Mikhalkov

Fyodor Bondarchuk

Vladimir Pozner

Black Swan (Natalie Portman)


Freddie Mercury

Jacques Cousteau


At the opening ceremony the son of cartoonist Klim did not fully understand what was going on but he nroavilos that the pope showed attention his uncle and aunt.

Former Governor of Kamchatka Alexei Kuzmitsky (until February 2011). Now he is the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, in charge of the President's Administration. Appointed auditorom without the financial, economic, accounting education. And he became governor because his wife is the daughter of Viktor Ivanov, head of the Federal Drug Control Service.


A good cook Povarenkov constantly interfered with the normal soup krysёnysh, swarming in his head with his recipes.

Behind the wheel "Bentley" in the Russian outback

Condoleezza Rice and Nicolas Sarkozy


Former vice-governor of Kamchatka, Alexander Drozdov, who nicknamed Goebbels zhurnaloisty since He tried to control totally the press. And currently, he liked to say: "I GRU Colonel!»

Exhibition cartoonist Lopatin in the area.


Blogger with cartoonist Lopatin. Denis for many years I call Bidstrup (Herluf Bidstrup Danish cartoonist, communist, 1912-1988). Because a child is often viewed album cartoons Bidstrup and remember this name.
All. Thank you for not broken =)
