Reeducation "difficult" cats
In prison Yocult (Washington) launched a new social program aimed at rehabilitating and prisoners and to rescue animals.
According to the program «Cuddly Catz", a cat with complex behavioral problems because they were unable to find a new family and that, according to the rules, should have been put to sleep, to be taken under the care of prisoners.
6 photos + video via goodnewsanimal
Each complex cat appointed two people who try to care and affection for the animal to change its behavior to more acceptable. The presence of cats in this will be very beneficial effect on the prisoners and teach them the responsibility for their actions
When a cat named Princess Natalie (Princess Natalie) was still a kitten, she has long been in a shelter in a cage with another cat. They were fed and watered, but never released a walk. Princess Natalie was afraid of the presence of other cats and people. When she finally found a foster family, she began to throw at people, hissing and scratching and it immediately gave back. Cat threatened with euthanasia.
But she was lucky. It was then launched a program to rehabilitate prisoners cats and Princess Natalie was one of the first to be brought to jail Yocult. Guardians of the black six-year-long-haired cats were chosen two prisoners Kontrelas Joey (Joey Contreras), and Joseph Walker (Joseph Walker). He gave the camera for two + cat.
Every day they have to walk on the street Princess Natalie, and the rest of the time trying to communicate more with her and teach her good manners.
-Nobody Wanted to take her to his home - says Joey Kontrelas, -She came to us quite wild, whimsical and highly aggressive. But now the change in her behavior there.
Now, this cat may be safely and pet brush, although she still growls and hisses, but not as often as before.
The other cat, a participant of the same program, a cross between a Persian named Clementine (Clementine) got into the hands of just one prisoner, Richard Amaro (Richard Amaro). According to the latter, dealing with the cat, it was an experience that he never was in life and that it is undoubtedly useful. He admitted that he became very close friends, and with this cat.
Soon the prison wants to bring here another four cats, seeing some positive results gives their program. According to the secretary Monique Camacho (Monique Camacho), many prisoners are used to care for and to think only of himself, and the responsibility for another living creature teaches them to help them and then re-enter normal society.
According to the program «Cuddly Catz", a cat with complex behavioral problems because they were unable to find a new family and that, according to the rules, should have been put to sleep, to be taken under the care of prisoners.
6 photos + video via goodnewsanimal

Each complex cat appointed two people who try to care and affection for the animal to change its behavior to more acceptable. The presence of cats in this will be very beneficial effect on the prisoners and teach them the responsibility for their actions
When a cat named Princess Natalie (Princess Natalie) was still a kitten, she has long been in a shelter in a cage with another cat. They were fed and watered, but never released a walk. Princess Natalie was afraid of the presence of other cats and people. When she finally found a foster family, she began to throw at people, hissing and scratching and it immediately gave back. Cat threatened with euthanasia.

But she was lucky. It was then launched a program to rehabilitate prisoners cats and Princess Natalie was one of the first to be brought to jail Yocult. Guardians of the black six-year-long-haired cats were chosen two prisoners Kontrelas Joey (Joey Contreras), and Joseph Walker (Joseph Walker). He gave the camera for two + cat.
Every day they have to walk on the street Princess Natalie, and the rest of the time trying to communicate more with her and teach her good manners.

-Nobody Wanted to take her to his home - says Joey Kontrelas, -She came to us quite wild, whimsical and highly aggressive. But now the change in her behavior there.
Now, this cat may be safely and pet brush, although she still growls and hisses, but not as often as before.

The other cat, a participant of the same program, a cross between a Persian named Clementine (Clementine) got into the hands of just one prisoner, Richard Amaro (Richard Amaro). According to the latter, dealing with the cat, it was an experience that he never was in life and that it is undoubtedly useful. He admitted that he became very close friends, and with this cat.

Soon the prison wants to bring here another four cats, seeing some positive results gives their program. According to the secretary Monique Camacho (Monique Camacho), many prisoners are used to care for and to think only of himself, and the responsibility for another living creature teaches them to help them and then re-enter normal society.
