In the United States released the man, who was imprisoned in '32
A late three decades DNA testing cost Andre Davis 32 years of life, held in a maximum security prison. In 1980, he was convicted by a jury for the rape and murder of a girl of three years on the basis of circumstantial evidence and the testimony of his friend - wrote Huffingtonpost. Davis and his brothers in the day when Brienne Stickley raped, drinking in the house of the brothers, which later found the girl. Brother Andrew left the house first, and one of his friends told police that Davis allegedly said that he wanted to kill the woman.
Girls who her parents were last seen sitting under a tree in the yard of their house, found a few hours after the disappearance of one of the closets at home Davis, later died in hospital and Andre were charged not only rape, but also of murder. Under US law, the term for such crimes be served in a prison maximum security.
DNA analysis in 1980 was impossible, and Davis applied for inspection found semen at the crime scene only in 2004. After the first negative result of the analysis the court appointed a second, and, convinced of the innocence of Davis, released him from prison, where he spent most of his life: at the time of his arrest he was nineteen years old. Of the 42 people released in the history of the State of Illinois on the results of DNA tests Andre Davis had to serve the maximum term.
Since the damage suffered by Davis judiciary irreparable error, he intends to seek financial compensation from the state. The lawyer said Davis, his relatives were living, whom he knows and who can help him with social adaptation.
Taken: www.ridus.ru/news/39244/
Andre Davis, photo made in 2012. © AP Photo
Girls who her parents were last seen sitting under a tree in the yard of their house, found a few hours after the disappearance of one of the closets at home Davis, later died in hospital and Andre were charged not only rape, but also of murder. Under US law, the term for such crimes be served in a prison maximum security.
DNA analysis in 1980 was impossible, and Davis applied for inspection found semen at the crime scene only in 2004. After the first negative result of the analysis the court appointed a second, and, convinced of the innocence of Davis, released him from prison, where he spent most of his life: at the time of his arrest he was nineteen years old. Of the 42 people released in the history of the State of Illinois on the results of DNA tests Andre Davis had to serve the maximum term.
Since the damage suffered by Davis judiciary irreparable error, he intends to seek financial compensation from the state. The lawyer said Davis, his relatives were living, whom he knows and who can help him with social adaptation.
Taken: www.ridus.ru/news/39244/
Andre Davis, photo made in 2012. © AP Photo
