An incredible adventure!
Hello everyone! 5 years on Yap eV recently.
This is my first post. Gallery 485 pieces, history will be very interesting!
The Unexpected Journey!
- This is the end of the Light!
Only one country of destination is already says a lot - India! Until that time, I was going to go, I did not know much about the homeland Mithun Chakroborti. But life is turned upside down unexpectedly. Then I could not know how this will turn out!
It all began, neither more nor less than a day, which many expected, and some feared - December 21, 2012. On that day, I was lucky enough to meet a pretty girl (on the internet, Ed.). Dialogue somehow immediately formed, and somewhere an hour interesting correspondence, I learned that she was going to India soon. I like a man who rarely capable of such adventures, I decided to invite himself in for fun companions. And has been approved as this candidacy almost immediately :) Here's the first surprise was! Retreat there was no thought, by the way!
During the first week were discussed highlights, I began to delve into what is "India". It was an exciting and challenging at the same time. It was hard to mentally understand that "there" is not so, as we have!
January 3 tickets have already been purchased (Uzbekistan Airways flew through Tashkent, docked 12 hours, but more on that later)! So way back was not exactly: D With work no problem - Nastya vacation signed without any problems, to me he was not signed - I'm a freelancer (electrical design).
And that day, "He" came - February 12! Our luggage - one large backpack (which we will see photo), where to put all the necessary clothes, rylno-soap supplies and sleeping for 1 person; Bag for documents Nastya and I fotik Canon 350D in the bag. Fotik and backpack kindly lent me my best friend :) Serge (Serge, hello!). The rest decided to buy on the spot, if necessary. They were dressed at once in spring / autumn - in Tashkent, 10 in all, in the north of India at this time simply heat + 15 ... + 20.
To Tashkent flew smoothly, met with 3 countrymen, who also held the route to India. At 4 am and landed 7 roamed the station, fighting sleep with the help of the local tea in pialki khaljavnogo and wi-fi :) By 7 am, our fifth point of the metal chairs are tired of the waiting room and we decided to move out to the open spaces of Tashkent. Exchanging 40dollarov on Uzbek sums (1rubl = 67sumov), we took the first available "gazelle" and went to the center. Two lovely ladies postbalzakovskogo age suggest where to get off to find a place to eat. Directions 800sumov (almost 12 rubles), the driver stops almost every column and collect passengers. (Krasnoyarsk no such).
As it turned out, in the center of Tashkent is difficult to find the refectory or we just do not know where it can be done. But nothing is impossible - "Diet Cafe" turned up for our hungry stomachs. But in vain - of all proposed (pancakes, curd pudding, milk porridge and coffee) was delicious porridge only. By check gave 12,000 soums (180r for two) and moved to enjoy the beauty of the Uzbek capital.
The time was about 9 and became warmer. The sun slowly rose over the city clean and spacious. He immediately reminded me of the Soviet Union! Echoes of the Soviet period there is clearly visible. Big, beautiful parks, spacious streets and roads, very easy to breathe. Watch for the purity of women's rights.
Local Attractions.
And these are people in black :)
This is one of the parks
Letters like Russian, and try to read it :)
This is the local Oriental market.
It comes in a huge park in the local Uzbek government.
The park itself.
The park itself. Beauty and silence.
Photos on the other hand
Their symbol on the go. In terms of city
One of the monuments. Someone - I do not know too lazy to go there was
This is one of the government buildings. looks impressive (ma'am Obama)
Yours truly pioneering))
A little more of the park.
Ministry of Finance and crooked tree :)
Interesting balconies
Local ass :)
We walked a lot, wandered into the local farm market, it is not very impressed, went to the park, of which there are many. By lunchtime, the newly hungry, Suka taverns everywhere, had to take the help of local valiant police. With their help, found only some glamorous coffee shop :) In the end, made a knight's move - have come to the nearest taxi driver and asked to be taken to the place where the most delicious Uzbek cuisine. Took far away, in the old city, as it turned out - to my friends :) (business!). Shurpa, skewers of beef (Indians tremble !!!), 2 salads, local bread from the oven, dumplings - that was our dinner. Everything was incredibly delicious! Gave 28,000 sumov420rub for two - smartly, I think! Decided to take a stroll through the old town to the east of the famous market (his hat in the photo). City as a city with a regular old low houses and narrow streets. The market is not impressed, and noisy little that you can buy.
Then he took a taxi to the airport (90r, drove 10 minutes) and went to register You're a little bit. I had to fill another 2 Declaration (2 filled in before boarding a plane), according to these pieces of paper have enough blatantly and unceremoniously obshmonali in spetskomnatah. Fotika bag opened and took out almost all of the items that were there; purse gutted last dollar. Arrogant guys shorter! But even speak Russian - and what a pleasure!
In the waiting area of departure very well, this hall was built just recently.
Well, that India, we fly to you!
And here is the first photo of her diverse!
Here is the usual street in the morning. Street called Main Bazaar, traveled from the airport 30-35 minutes by taxi, arrived late and therefore immediately to sleep. In the morning I waited experience! It's all indescribably! Smell, a lot of people ...
Work in full swing since the beginning of the day. Trade, etc.
There are alleys and decently. Main Bazar himself - he was still otstochnik! filth, stench :) The first day I paid attention to it so very much :)
Signs speak volumes! But in places I never once went. Or maybe they do not work at all for the whole journey :) I never anything from electronics and met. Must have been in the wrong places))
Daily Press - please!
All the walls usapany colorful signs! They're everywhere :) In the eyes flicker :)
Buy something in the morning!
Places to eat plenty! but only began to enter into a more or less decent))
On the streets of many dogs, they are usually not aggressive.
Just a street.
Buildings and life.
Very revealing photo. Rickshaws, people, atmosphere.
Local souvenir shop. It was all very nice, but did not buy - we still have so much time to come!
Even souvenirs.
Trade. Women can easily cope with his burden.
Local architecture. All dilapidated.
Nastya has taken the place of the seller. Trade went alive :) Indians began to run up and stare))
This is the only case when we were approached by beggars. Maybe we were just lucky. You can give money, usually enough Rs 10-20. You can just go on.
This we went to a local cafe on the second floor of this place for a decent hotel.
Here quite nicely.
Of the food it was - a salad of local vegetables and tomato crepe soup (he started a little :)). Vegetables are very specific, in the course of their already sharp grow :)
This chicken curry. Zhirnyuschy sauce, so I was a little put off his plate. And in general - very tasty!
While we ate on the 2nd floor, on the street of a traffic jam of people, rickshaws, cars. Noise incredible! I have three days to get used to the fact that traffic honking everywhere! absolutely!
After breakfast we went to the local train station to buy tickets on the way forward. Well, the guys we met in Tashkent, suggested where he is.
It is a monument or something, I do not know :)
This ticket office for foreign tourists. Here, I also experienced a mini-shock. Heap of assorted people, speak their own languages. and what to do - it is not clear! But to understand the course - filled sheets, which indicate the destination and departure date. We Nastya their way not planned, so create routes during :)
The queue moved quickly enough to the man in the corner. I had first heard of the Indo-Inglish (in the cafe with us almost did not say)! talk was complicated because of its specific focus. at the same time it was necessary to understand what he was saying - what are the trains which classes, etc. everything is pretty interesting :) We stayed there for almost 15 minutes behind us was already a crowd! and what are we - we did :) :)
picking routes
Tickets bought. This is the entrance to the station.
It is inside.
There is also a creative :)
A local resident. Preggers. This means they have wealth in the family.
After buying the tickets we were advised to go countrymen with them Akshardam - a huge temple in Delhi. As to Agra we could not get there (tickets were not), and there is the Taj Mahal, we decided to see the sights in Delhi. This subway. Here, all the decorum and noble. Queue builds spets.chelovek whistle, says when you can go, etc. hustle no cars go very gently and smoothly. You can barely hold on to the handrails
Here is the station
On the way to the temple could pokrepitsya local nishtyak :)
We - there! Unfortunately gallery of this temple will not. The rules - to hand over all electronics. Military shmonali double inlet. It will be interesting - Google. And I'd add - this is one of the best places I have visited over 30 years old. The magnificence can not describe!
This Akshardam afar.
Back took a tuk-tuk. He did not drove to our guest-house, but only to the Main Bazaar. we were there a little lost in the end :) even drove to the destination on the Hindu Great, who did not speak a word angel! We showed him a card Gest, and along the way he showed her all his friends - does somebody know where it is :) after 15 minutes by trishaw we finally got to our CITY PALACE :) alleys already lay wrapped in rags poverty. it was scary :)
On the streets there is such a beauty.
Gest cost us 700 rupees per day. there was hrenovenko, no pictures. photos of places where we spent the night will come later. More in Delhi decided not to stay. We go to the train station, go to Jaipur - the Pink City.
This station Delhi Saraj Rohilla, where we leave.
And here is the backpack, which I wrote in the beginning.
By the way, here is our reception in the City Palace :)
And this is his pointers))
Our train type CC - Chair Car. the place is not very comfortable, but you can sit. go 4, 5 hours.
It's all quite well, people look presentable. sitting at the platform.
This brought to eat. At first I thought that for free. Prices are not immediately seen. Nastya asleep. I decided to try it myself.
Stuck at the top left and top right is incredibly sharp! But I'll blah in India! ate everything, diluting the fire in your mouth rice! After half an hour of the mouth did not feel anything ... more such experiments for the whole trip did)
Hello Pink City - Jaipur!
This time the room was very decent, in the inn, we decided not to save - gave 1450 rupees per day (bargain all fifty dollars), were all there for two days.
Even our room
Bathroom decent enough. hot water was, though with a small head.
Even our room.
Our light breakfast at a local restaurant. All easy and delicious. And most importantly - cheap.
That's the streets of Jaipur.
Its buildings
Many horses. They close their eyes so as not to be confused by what is happening on the roads.
Jaipur is called the pink city, but the primary colors - red brown / brick. There destroyed Berl ... er ... Jaipur wall :)
Streets + residents
Spirit of adventure!
Such an atmosphere
Such an atmosphere.
Dump on the street - business as usual :)
Local resident
Market on earth!
And all this is close to the same market :))))
Ruins ...
And here is the sacred animal! they are a dead here, barely walk. no udder - milk from them is not necessary, especially when you consider that these cows are fed in the trash.
A local taxi driver tuk-tuk we still recruited on arrival. very haunting was brought in one of their so-called Jewerely Factory, but in fact - the usual home, where the Indians sell jewelry. factories here and does not smell.
Then brought back in one house, rings and bryuliki there really beautiful! but expensive! more on his advice, we did not go anywhere. at the end of the day gave babosov and his services are no longer used. And this is the first attractions of Jaipur. The palace of the royal family.
Looks very nice, there's fresh air and light breeze, making a walk - a pleasure.
Construction great. Offered a guide, but we decided to take a walk by yourself :)
Finally, the two of us! :) We sfotal guy from Canada stayed in the same guest-house, which we did.
Very colorful character! such we do not meet for the trip. Sfotatsya asked him, he does not understand English, muttered something and walked away.
On the way up the stairs and met these locals :) afar they first showed us the dogs :)
Photos, of course, will not give these exciting and an incredible feeling of this beauty.
This is on top of Jaipur. As the taxi driver told us, is a small town, here only 6 million inhabitants: D
And another view from above.
On buildings in India is very much swastikas. They have a good sign. And in general - have swastikas its ancient history. And the fact that it is ascribed only to fascism - a mistake.
Top view of the royal house.
Top view of the royal house.
Another attraction was the Water Palace - Water Castle. There the prince of old times arranged hunting ducks. They say that sunk on purpose, the lower floors of a special water-repellent material. It's all free translation of the speech taxi driver :)
Here on the banks of dirty. Are found here are birds
A lot of fishes that are simply swarming with!
And all because they are fed a test that winds this lady :)
Asked sfotkatsya - refuse smiling man could not :)
That's how the fish and feed the locals.
Here you can pribarahlitsya and souvenirs. But to do that did not - still to come!
Ta-dum! Naja, gentlemen! I saw for the first time, fascinating spectacle. However, when he started to play - the snake moved somehow sluggish. Whether tired, or under hypnosis really :)
And a little closer!
The next place to go - the old observatory. All facilities are dated 1901. Protected by UNESCO.
All of these facilities for measurements - longitude, latitude position of the sun in the sky, etc. not much poring over nameplates, though English and know - but not so good :)
Wanted to climb up there - stopped me whistle, which not long to wait :) Although fences, as in other places was not
Explain that as a yes. WE as usual from the guides refused.
We both fish! :) Difference birthdays 4 days))
Pozёr :)
Pozёr 2 :)
Sfotkat like this circle without people, but Japanese and hinder had to capture :)
Further, at the rate of Wind Palace - Palace of the Winds! Beautiful sight. According to the taxi driver - it has 365 windows as days in the year. And once upon a time in each of the windows were dancing girls in dresses. Now this is not. Designed in such a way that the wind blows there is always, why, and got its name.
As this building is called - I do not know. and then just decided to take a walk.
The ceilings are covered with netting to the clouds of pigeons did not fly to the temple. But these feathered rats still making their way :)
Inside is very beautiful. On the walls of their former rulers, as I understand it.
And more.
2 Chinese woman asked them sfotkat. I fotkayu this process :)
This building passed by. Majestically looks! It is made of marble!
Another Palace. Located almost in the center of the city. On military subjects and not only.
That's the way in there. Color - brick :)
And more.
Souvenirs in such places (as elsewhere) is not recommended to buy. We took a small notepad for a child, gave 200 rupees. At the end of our journey are the same for the 100 seen, plus it was possible to bargain.
The interior decoration. Horizon littered :) I'm not special.
I do not know why! but rubbish in it, no one threw. Can to spit ...
Colorful guys, nice singing and playing their instruments. This and live!
Here again I am.
Smiling like that! and whisper "tea, said give me." I - how much? And he - how not mind :) here is a business everywhere.
The landfill 30 meters from the entrance to the palace. India - a country of contrasts :)
And then it happens! :) Commonplace
Local youth.
This is my first post. Gallery 485 pieces, history will be very interesting!

The Unexpected Journey!
- This is the end of the Light!
Only one country of destination is already says a lot - India! Until that time, I was going to go, I did not know much about the homeland Mithun Chakroborti. But life is turned upside down unexpectedly. Then I could not know how this will turn out!
It all began, neither more nor less than a day, which many expected, and some feared - December 21, 2012. On that day, I was lucky enough to meet a pretty girl (on the internet, Ed.). Dialogue somehow immediately formed, and somewhere an hour interesting correspondence, I learned that she was going to India soon. I like a man who rarely capable of such adventures, I decided to invite himself in for fun companions. And has been approved as this candidacy almost immediately :) Here's the first surprise was! Retreat there was no thought, by the way!
During the first week were discussed highlights, I began to delve into what is "India". It was an exciting and challenging at the same time. It was hard to mentally understand that "there" is not so, as we have!
January 3 tickets have already been purchased (Uzbekistan Airways flew through Tashkent, docked 12 hours, but more on that later)! So way back was not exactly: D With work no problem - Nastya vacation signed without any problems, to me he was not signed - I'm a freelancer (electrical design).
And that day, "He" came - February 12! Our luggage - one large backpack (which we will see photo), where to put all the necessary clothes, rylno-soap supplies and sleeping for 1 person; Bag for documents Nastya and I fotik Canon 350D in the bag. Fotik and backpack kindly lent me my best friend :) Serge (Serge, hello!). The rest decided to buy on the spot, if necessary. They were dressed at once in spring / autumn - in Tashkent, 10 in all, in the north of India at this time simply heat + 15 ... + 20.
To Tashkent flew smoothly, met with 3 countrymen, who also held the route to India. At 4 am and landed 7 roamed the station, fighting sleep with the help of the local tea in pialki khaljavnogo and wi-fi :) By 7 am, our fifth point of the metal chairs are tired of the waiting room and we decided to move out to the open spaces of Tashkent. Exchanging 40dollarov on Uzbek sums (1rubl = 67sumov), we took the first available "gazelle" and went to the center. Two lovely ladies postbalzakovskogo age suggest where to get off to find a place to eat. Directions 800sumov (almost 12 rubles), the driver stops almost every column and collect passengers. (Krasnoyarsk no such).
As it turned out, in the center of Tashkent is difficult to find the refectory or we just do not know where it can be done. But nothing is impossible - "Diet Cafe" turned up for our hungry stomachs. But in vain - of all proposed (pancakes, curd pudding, milk porridge and coffee) was delicious porridge only. By check gave 12,000 soums (180r for two) and moved to enjoy the beauty of the Uzbek capital.

The time was about 9 and became warmer. The sun slowly rose over the city clean and spacious. He immediately reminded me of the Soviet Union! Echoes of the Soviet period there is clearly visible. Big, beautiful parks, spacious streets and roads, very easy to breathe. Watch for the purity of women's rights.

Local Attractions.

And these are people in black :)

This is one of the parks

Letters like Russian, and try to read it :)

This is the local Oriental market.






It comes in a huge park in the local Uzbek government.

The park itself.

The park itself. Beauty and silence.

Photos on the other hand

Their symbol on the go. In terms of city

One of the monuments. Someone - I do not know too lazy to go there was

This is one of the government buildings. looks impressive (ma'am Obama)

Yours truly pioneering))

A little more of the park.

Ministry of Finance and crooked tree :)

Interesting balconies

Local ass :)

We walked a lot, wandered into the local farm market, it is not very impressed, went to the park, of which there are many. By lunchtime, the newly hungry, Suka taverns everywhere, had to take the help of local valiant police. With their help, found only some glamorous coffee shop :) In the end, made a knight's move - have come to the nearest taxi driver and asked to be taken to the place where the most delicious Uzbek cuisine. Took far away, in the old city, as it turned out - to my friends :) (business!). Shurpa, skewers of beef (Indians tremble !!!), 2 salads, local bread from the oven, dumplings - that was our dinner. Everything was incredibly delicious! Gave 28,000 sumov420rub for two - smartly, I think! Decided to take a stroll through the old town to the east of the famous market (his hat in the photo). City as a city with a regular old low houses and narrow streets. The market is not impressed, and noisy little that you can buy.

Then he took a taxi to the airport (90r, drove 10 minutes) and went to register You're a little bit. I had to fill another 2 Declaration (2 filled in before boarding a plane), according to these pieces of paper have enough blatantly and unceremoniously obshmonali in spetskomnatah. Fotika bag opened and took out almost all of the items that were there; purse gutted last dollar. Arrogant guys shorter! But even speak Russian - and what a pleasure!
In the waiting area of departure very well, this hall was built just recently.
Well, that India, we fly to you!
And here is the first photo of her diverse!

Here is the usual street in the morning. Street called Main Bazaar, traveled from the airport 30-35 minutes by taxi, arrived late and therefore immediately to sleep. In the morning I waited experience! It's all indescribably! Smell, a lot of people ...

Work in full swing since the beginning of the day. Trade, etc.

There are alleys and decently. Main Bazar himself - he was still otstochnik! filth, stench :) The first day I paid attention to it so very much :)

Signs speak volumes! But in places I never once went. Or maybe they do not work at all for the whole journey :) I never anything from electronics and met. Must have been in the wrong places))

Daily Press - please!

All the walls usapany colorful signs! They're everywhere :) In the eyes flicker :)

Buy something in the morning!

Places to eat plenty! but only began to enter into a more or less decent))

On the streets of many dogs, they are usually not aggressive.

Just a street.

Buildings and life.

Very revealing photo. Rickshaws, people, atmosphere.

Local souvenir shop. It was all very nice, but did not buy - we still have so much time to come!

Even souvenirs.

Trade. Women can easily cope with his burden.

Local architecture. All dilapidated.

Nastya has taken the place of the seller. Trade went alive :) Indians began to run up and stare))

This is the only case when we were approached by beggars. Maybe we were just lucky. You can give money, usually enough Rs 10-20. You can just go on.

This we went to a local cafe on the second floor of this place for a decent hotel.

Here quite nicely.

Of the food it was - a salad of local vegetables and tomato crepe soup (he started a little :)). Vegetables are very specific, in the course of their already sharp grow :)

This chicken curry. Zhirnyuschy sauce, so I was a little put off his plate. And in general - very tasty!

While we ate on the 2nd floor, on the street of a traffic jam of people, rickshaws, cars. Noise incredible! I have three days to get used to the fact that traffic honking everywhere! absolutely!

After breakfast we went to the local train station to buy tickets on the way forward. Well, the guys we met in Tashkent, suggested where he is.

It is a monument or something, I do not know :)

This ticket office for foreign tourists. Here, I also experienced a mini-shock. Heap of assorted people, speak their own languages. and what to do - it is not clear! But to understand the course - filled sheets, which indicate the destination and departure date. We Nastya their way not planned, so create routes during :)

The queue moved quickly enough to the man in the corner. I had first heard of the Indo-Inglish (in the cafe with us almost did not say)! talk was complicated because of its specific focus. at the same time it was necessary to understand what he was saying - what are the trains which classes, etc. everything is pretty interesting :) We stayed there for almost 15 minutes behind us was already a crowd! and what are we - we did :) :)
picking routes

Tickets bought. This is the entrance to the station.

It is inside.

There is also a creative :)

A local resident. Preggers. This means they have wealth in the family.

After buying the tickets we were advised to go countrymen with them Akshardam - a huge temple in Delhi. As to Agra we could not get there (tickets were not), and there is the Taj Mahal, we decided to see the sights in Delhi. This subway. Here, all the decorum and noble. Queue builds spets.chelovek whistle, says when you can go, etc. hustle no cars go very gently and smoothly. You can barely hold on to the handrails

Here is the station

On the way to the temple could pokrepitsya local nishtyak :)

We - there! Unfortunately gallery of this temple will not. The rules - to hand over all electronics. Military shmonali double inlet. It will be interesting - Google. And I'd add - this is one of the best places I have visited over 30 years old. The magnificence can not describe!

This Akshardam afar.

Back took a tuk-tuk. He did not drove to our guest-house, but only to the Main Bazaar. we were there a little lost in the end :) even drove to the destination on the Hindu Great, who did not speak a word angel! We showed him a card Gest, and along the way he showed her all his friends - does somebody know where it is :) after 15 minutes by trishaw we finally got to our CITY PALACE :) alleys already lay wrapped in rags poverty. it was scary :)

On the streets there is such a beauty.

Gest cost us 700 rupees per day. there was hrenovenko, no pictures. photos of places where we spent the night will come later. More in Delhi decided not to stay. We go to the train station, go to Jaipur - the Pink City.

This station Delhi Saraj Rohilla, where we leave.

And here is the backpack, which I wrote in the beginning.

By the way, here is our reception in the City Palace :)

And this is his pointers))

Our train type CC - Chair Car. the place is not very comfortable, but you can sit. go 4, 5 hours.

It's all quite well, people look presentable. sitting at the platform.

This brought to eat. At first I thought that for free. Prices are not immediately seen. Nastya asleep. I decided to try it myself.

Stuck at the top left and top right is incredibly sharp! But I'll blah in India! ate everything, diluting the fire in your mouth rice! After half an hour of the mouth did not feel anything ... more such experiments for the whole trip did)

Hello Pink City - Jaipur!

This time the room was very decent, in the inn, we decided not to save - gave 1450 rupees per day (bargain all fifty dollars), were all there for two days.

Even our room

Bathroom decent enough. hot water was, though with a small head.

Even our room.

Our light breakfast at a local restaurant. All easy and delicious. And most importantly - cheap.

That's the streets of Jaipur.

Its buildings

Many horses. They close their eyes so as not to be confused by what is happening on the roads.

Jaipur is called the pink city, but the primary colors - red brown / brick. There destroyed Berl ... er ... Jaipur wall :)

Streets + residents

Spirit of adventure!

Such an atmosphere

Such an atmosphere.

Dump on the street - business as usual :)

Local resident

Market on earth!

And all this is close to the same market :))))

Ruins ...

And here is the sacred animal! they are a dead here, barely walk. no udder - milk from them is not necessary, especially when you consider that these cows are fed in the trash.

A local taxi driver tuk-tuk we still recruited on arrival. very haunting was brought in one of their so-called Jewerely Factory, but in fact - the usual home, where the Indians sell jewelry. factories here and does not smell.

Then brought back in one house, rings and bryuliki there really beautiful! but expensive! more on his advice, we did not go anywhere. at the end of the day gave babosov and his services are no longer used. And this is the first attractions of Jaipur. The palace of the royal family.

Looks very nice, there's fresh air and light breeze, making a walk - a pleasure.

Construction great. Offered a guide, but we decided to take a walk by yourself :)

Finally, the two of us! :) We sfotal guy from Canada stayed in the same guest-house, which we did.

Very colorful character! such we do not meet for the trip. Sfotatsya asked him, he does not understand English, muttered something and walked away.

On the way up the stairs and met these locals :) afar they first showed us the dogs :)

Photos, of course, will not give these exciting and an incredible feeling of this beauty.

This is on top of Jaipur. As the taxi driver told us, is a small town, here only 6 million inhabitants: D

And another view from above.

On buildings in India is very much swastikas. They have a good sign. And in general - have swastikas its ancient history. And the fact that it is ascribed only to fascism - a mistake.

Top view of the royal house.

Top view of the royal house.

Another attraction was the Water Palace - Water Castle. There the prince of old times arranged hunting ducks. They say that sunk on purpose, the lower floors of a special water-repellent material. It's all free translation of the speech taxi driver :)

Here on the banks of dirty. Are found here are birds

A lot of fishes that are simply swarming with!

And all because they are fed a test that winds this lady :)

Asked sfotkatsya - refuse smiling man could not :)

That's how the fish and feed the locals.

Here you can pribarahlitsya and souvenirs. But to do that did not - still to come!

Ta-dum! Naja, gentlemen! I saw for the first time, fascinating spectacle. However, when he started to play - the snake moved somehow sluggish. Whether tired, or under hypnosis really :)

And a little closer!

The next place to go - the old observatory. All facilities are dated 1901. Protected by UNESCO.

All of these facilities for measurements - longitude, latitude position of the sun in the sky, etc. not much poring over nameplates, though English and know - but not so good :)




Wanted to climb up there - stopped me whistle, which not long to wait :) Although fences, as in other places was not

Explain that as a yes. WE as usual from the guides refused.


We both fish! :) Difference birthdays 4 days))


Pozёr :)

Pozёr 2 :)

Sfotkat like this circle without people, but Japanese and hinder had to capture :)

Further, at the rate of Wind Palace - Palace of the Winds! Beautiful sight. According to the taxi driver - it has 365 windows as days in the year. And once upon a time in each of the windows were dancing girls in dresses. Now this is not. Designed in such a way that the wind blows there is always, why, and got its name.


As this building is called - I do not know. and then just decided to take a walk.

The ceilings are covered with netting to the clouds of pigeons did not fly to the temple. But these feathered rats still making their way :)

Inside is very beautiful. On the walls of their former rulers, as I understand it.

And more.

2 Chinese woman asked them sfotkat. I fotkayu this process :)

This building passed by. Majestically looks! It is made of marble!

Another Palace. Located almost in the center of the city. On military subjects and not only.

That's the way in there. Color - brick :)

And more.

Souvenirs in such places (as elsewhere) is not recommended to buy. We took a small notepad for a child, gave 200 rupees. At the end of our journey are the same for the 100 seen, plus it was possible to bargain.

The interior decoration. Horizon littered :) I'm not special.

I do not know why! but rubbish in it, no one threw. Can to spit ...

Colorful guys, nice singing and playing their instruments. This and live!

Here again I am.

Smiling like that! and whisper "tea, said give me." I - how much? And he - how not mind :) here is a business everywhere.

The landfill 30 meters from the entrance to the palace. India - a country of contrasts :)

And then it happens! :) Commonplace

Local youth.