Exhibition blacksmithing
Hello, dear YaPovtsy!
I want to congratulate all the Day of the Great Victory.
Today, his family decided to go to see the parade-shoot technique, but, given the number of people and tight cordons of good shots came out not very much, but given the number of those with a parade on forume- not work at all. Then we decided to continue a cultural holiday in the Exhibition Center, where I found a very interesting exhibition, namely trade fair kuznecheskogo craft.
It will be about 30 photos, some text. How to finish MESSAGE)
So, the weather is wonderful, the sun roasts, kvass ledyanoy- what can you ask for Bole?
But then I hear the sound of the hammer on the anvil, and a premonition that something interesting.
I myself am one of those people who love things made by hands, it is desirable, even by yourself, therefore, regularly read on Yap relevant topics and today I had a chance to join more to this man's craft, and what I want to share.
Actually it is an engineering marvel immediately caught my attention. This is a mountain of fur, I skazali- technology Slavonic.
That's actually the owner. Leather fartuk- attribute this blacksmith, without them there is no one worked. I produced a souvenir in the smithy, but his show later. :)
This is partly a product options forge.
Tool for forged and rules right there on the spot. :)
Example of decorative forging. As I understand it, this stand for umbrellas and walking sticks, with a makeshift umbrella.
And here is the process of a forging.
The product range is extensive. From small to large knife swords from horseshoes to stained glass.
But all this beauty can not leave you indifferent. :)
And this is another one looks like a horn.
And here is the blacksmith who works for him very anturazhnye man.
And here is another interesting product. I think is called "Shishak".
Knives and kitchen utensils. Something to do right there.
All mastera- good guys, willingly posed and talked about his work to others. The photo wizard offers from trying glove armor.
Pushka- molding, decorative elements.
Forged nails into penke- for home, for good luck.
Lantern, kind of like running even kerosene.
And here I was a bit attached to the case. :)
In general, try your hand could each, the smallest memory manually minted souvenir coin itself.
I said that everyone can partake ... absolutely everyone! :)
And here's own souvenir that forged itself. Wife courtesy of hand as podstavochki. :)
Yes, I made a mistake with the number of photos a little. A lot of similar frames forged there. So what are rounded, ie That's all I wanted to say. Here's a horseshoe for good luck. :)
I want to congratulate all the Day of the Great Victory.
Today, his family decided to go to see the parade-shoot technique, but, given the number of people and tight cordons of good shots came out not very much, but given the number of those with a parade on forume- not work at all. Then we decided to continue a cultural holiday in the Exhibition Center, where I found a very interesting exhibition, namely trade fair kuznecheskogo craft.
It will be about 30 photos, some text. How to finish MESSAGE)

So, the weather is wonderful, the sun roasts, kvass ledyanoy- what can you ask for Bole?
But then I hear the sound of the hammer on the anvil, and a premonition that something interesting.
I myself am one of those people who love things made by hands, it is desirable, even by yourself, therefore, regularly read on Yap relevant topics and today I had a chance to join more to this man's craft, and what I want to share.

Actually it is an engineering marvel immediately caught my attention. This is a mountain of fur, I skazali- technology Slavonic.

That's actually the owner. Leather fartuk- attribute this blacksmith, without them there is no one worked. I produced a souvenir in the smithy, but his show later. :)

This is partly a product options forge.

Tool for forged and rules right there on the spot. :)

Example of decorative forging. As I understand it, this stand for umbrellas and walking sticks, with a makeshift umbrella.

And here is the process of a forging.

The product range is extensive. From small to large knife swords from horseshoes to stained glass.

But all this beauty can not leave you indifferent. :)

And this is another one looks like a horn.

And here is the blacksmith who works for him very anturazhnye man.

And here is another interesting product. I think is called "Shishak".

Knives and kitchen utensils. Something to do right there.

All mastera- good guys, willingly posed and talked about his work to others. The photo wizard offers from trying glove armor.

Pushka- molding, decorative elements.

Forged nails into penke- for home, for good luck.

Lantern, kind of like running even kerosene.

And here I was a bit attached to the case. :)

In general, try your hand could each, the smallest memory manually minted souvenir coin itself.

I said that everyone can partake ... absolutely everyone! :)

And here's own souvenir that forged itself. Wife courtesy of hand as podstavochki. :)

Yes, I made a mistake with the number of photos a little. A lot of similar frames forged there. So what are rounded, ie That's all I wanted to say. Here's a horseshoe for good luck. :)
