exhibition of old computers
In the audience of the second body 304 can be collected BSUIR avaricious man's tears of nostalgia. Then from 10 to 17 hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, an exhibition of old computers from the collection of Alexander Alexandrov, 4th year student of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks.
Read more: it.tut.by/391471
The owner of the collection of Alexander Alexandrov
The exhibition is held for the second time in BSUIR two years ago artifacts exhibited in the Union of designers. This year the exhibition does not work one day and three days a week until March 29 inclusive.
At this time, exhibits significantly more. "Many managed to drag from Brest, where I" skladik "University gave a great space for the exhibition and repair facilities," - said IT.TUT.BY organizer. He is glad that the exhibition turned out to make a multi-day, now get to it anyone can. The exhibition, which is important to work on Saturday.
Since last year the fleet considerably enlarged. Immediately after the exhibition Alexander gave several retronoutbukov; learning about the collection, people gradually "getting out of the closet" dusty gadgets of the past decades.
Read more: it.tut.by/391471
Also on display there was a complete game-zone: a few to pain in the joints of fingers friends' children of the nineties "consoles, cult among this generation Mortal Kombat 3, Duck Hunt and" Tank Battle "(once the word was associated not with World of Tanks) . There are unfamiliar to most Belarusians prefix "Elf" - few people know that the prefix-based ZX Spectrum collected at Brest plant "Tsvetotron».
Unlike the "battle of childhood" only in the fact that they occur on the huge screen of the modern TV. But the music sounds at the exhibition of the relevant time frame exposure speakers do not even play the cassette 90, and the reel and the plate 80. However, some records do not play, but only support entourage, hanging from the ceiling.
All this did not one Alexander: worked on the exhibition team of nine students and university staff helped. Here are collected and programmable calculators, and computers in the housing with a keyboard and hefty laptops 90s, and even the "Tetris". Program here on floppy disks, tapes, and sometimes punched cards. Everywhere hung chip from the cabinets look out yellowed mechanical mouse. Just a list of exhibits about a hundred of points, their total price for today - twenty thousand dollars.
On the computer system "Electronics 15 VSM5" emblazoned inscription "year 1976", and under the next table stands polurazobrannom 21 years younger than Power Macintosh G3. On the table above it lights up the screen on the Macintosh Performa processor from Motorola, who could 20 years ago and still knows how to go online. Next - Soviet heavy digitizer pen tablet for engineers. On the table in front of iPad is 90 - Apple Newton MessagePad. In the native walls designed back in the RTI "Nyamiha».
The most valuable computer to Alexander - the first in his life computer "byte", only a month younger than the owner. "More precisely, the same" byte "is hidden in the closet, he does not have a pair of buttons," - he laughs, recalling the "first love." Computer he appeared in three years.
On it, he learned to read, and after programming in BASIC. First, just "drove" program from the book, and then modify them to write their own functions. "The book was only now she striated marks up and down", - says Alexander. There are quite a few scribbled notebooks, because the computer quickly overheated, the program initially "thought out" on paper, and then diligently "were hammered" in the device and quickly debug, he says. And remember that after the first acquaintance with the IBM PC written copy of its interface for its "Byte».
But first of all, Alexander confessed, he played - there were two dozen cassettes for 20 games each. But the process of running games differed from the "insert the cartridge and press Start» - it was necessary to insert the tape into the tape recorder, adjust the magnetic head on an accurate reading, try to make sure that the appliance is not turned off at boot time.
"Well, then got to his father's magazines" Radio ". In a huge binder found a great scheme, read that this self-made computer and said, "Daddy, we will collect it," - continues Alexander, opening the case "offspring". The board viewed from the hand written marker "Sasha". "My father's time he did not have when I was 11 years old, I've gradually completed, dokruchival, collected".
However, when the computer is turned on, the screen shows only the word "Radio 86RK." Further communication with the computer is a hexadecimal code. Computer programs have been published in the form of dump in the magazine "Radio", which had to be "drive" manually.
»IBM I had already when like a real, serious computer. At school studied Pascal, were the Olympics, needed a suitable machine. At 12 years old I was given a "pisishnik." He, of course, is obsolete, but the younger brother to play it, he likes & quot ;, - but Alexander himself relationship with PC has developed a double.
In the first year of familiarity with modern PC was held with passion, and came to remove the folder Windows («something it takes a lot of space"), but since it's a disappointment. "It is sad that, all computers are the same, similar to each other," Byte "wanted to get out from under the couch and connect" - businesslike expression again replaced by a smile. "But," Byte "broke, offended that a new computer!»
Soon classmate gave Alexander "any old unwanted computer» - Commodore-16. So Alexander discovered that in addition to "Byte" there are other interesting computers.
"In the new computers" Windows ", well, Linux - no change! In older machines - each its software, its architecture, striking differences. Vaughn in "vector" as much as 256 color graphics, and the other, released in the same year, only the text on the screen can be displayed! "- Says Alexander, along the" dumping "call on quite normal for 2014 smartfone-" shovel "in thousand times more powerful than most of the exhibits.
Found out about the passion of Alexander, his father's friend brought a small arsenal of old computers: "If a passenger car the whole load, we would have three separate raids." After it was going to university and moving to Minsk, and at the same familiarity with online flea market and the first unforgettable trip to the Zhdanovichi.
Many computers come with Alexander "dead", many have to solder and program. Some devices have to write emulators and even make converters from floppies on tape ...
Alexander hopes that after the university will have more time and money on the collection. "If I do not do it, zachahnu" - confidently declares collector. "It may be a real museum open computing».
Read more: it.tut.by/391471

The owner of the collection of Alexander Alexandrov

The exhibition is held for the second time in BSUIR two years ago artifacts exhibited in the Union of designers. This year the exhibition does not work one day and three days a week until March 29 inclusive.

At this time, exhibits significantly more. "Many managed to drag from Brest, where I" skladik "University gave a great space for the exhibition and repair facilities," - said IT.TUT.BY organizer. He is glad that the exhibition turned out to make a multi-day, now get to it anyone can. The exhibition, which is important to work on Saturday.

Since last year the fleet considerably enlarged. Immediately after the exhibition Alexander gave several retronoutbukov; learning about the collection, people gradually "getting out of the closet" dusty gadgets of the past decades.
Read more: it.tut.by/391471

Also on display there was a complete game-zone: a few to pain in the joints of fingers friends' children of the nineties "consoles, cult among this generation Mortal Kombat 3, Duck Hunt and" Tank Battle "(once the word was associated not with World of Tanks) . There are unfamiliar to most Belarusians prefix "Elf" - few people know that the prefix-based ZX Spectrum collected at Brest plant "Tsvetotron».

Unlike the "battle of childhood" only in the fact that they occur on the huge screen of the modern TV. But the music sounds at the exhibition of the relevant time frame exposure speakers do not even play the cassette 90, and the reel and the plate 80. However, some records do not play, but only support entourage, hanging from the ceiling.

All this did not one Alexander: worked on the exhibition team of nine students and university staff helped. Here are collected and programmable calculators, and computers in the housing with a keyboard and hefty laptops 90s, and even the "Tetris". Program here on floppy disks, tapes, and sometimes punched cards. Everywhere hung chip from the cabinets look out yellowed mechanical mouse. Just a list of exhibits about a hundred of points, their total price for today - twenty thousand dollars.

On the computer system "Electronics 15 VSM5" emblazoned inscription "year 1976", and under the next table stands polurazobrannom 21 years younger than Power Macintosh G3. On the table above it lights up the screen on the Macintosh Performa processor from Motorola, who could 20 years ago and still knows how to go online. Next - Soviet heavy digitizer pen tablet for engineers. On the table in front of iPad is 90 - Apple Newton MessagePad. In the native walls designed back in the RTI "Nyamiha».

The most valuable computer to Alexander - the first in his life computer "byte", only a month younger than the owner. "More precisely, the same" byte "is hidden in the closet, he does not have a pair of buttons," - he laughs, recalling the "first love." Computer he appeared in three years.

On it, he learned to read, and after programming in BASIC. First, just "drove" program from the book, and then modify them to write their own functions. "The book was only now she striated marks up and down", - says Alexander. There are quite a few scribbled notebooks, because the computer quickly overheated, the program initially "thought out" on paper, and then diligently "were hammered" in the device and quickly debug, he says. And remember that after the first acquaintance with the IBM PC written copy of its interface for its "Byte».
But first of all, Alexander confessed, he played - there were two dozen cassettes for 20 games each. But the process of running games differed from the "insert the cartridge and press Start» - it was necessary to insert the tape into the tape recorder, adjust the magnetic head on an accurate reading, try to make sure that the appliance is not turned off at boot time.

"Well, then got to his father's magazines" Radio ". In a huge binder found a great scheme, read that this self-made computer and said, "Daddy, we will collect it," - continues Alexander, opening the case "offspring". The board viewed from the hand written marker "Sasha". "My father's time he did not have when I was 11 years old, I've gradually completed, dokruchival, collected".
However, when the computer is turned on, the screen shows only the word "Radio 86RK." Further communication with the computer is a hexadecimal code. Computer programs have been published in the form of dump in the magazine "Radio", which had to be "drive" manually.

»IBM I had already when like a real, serious computer. At school studied Pascal, were the Olympics, needed a suitable machine. At 12 years old I was given a "pisishnik." He, of course, is obsolete, but the younger brother to play it, he likes & quot ;, - but Alexander himself relationship with PC has developed a double.
In the first year of familiarity with modern PC was held with passion, and came to remove the folder Windows («something it takes a lot of space"), but since it's a disappointment. "It is sad that, all computers are the same, similar to each other," Byte "wanted to get out from under the couch and connect" - businesslike expression again replaced by a smile. "But," Byte "broke, offended that a new computer!»
Soon classmate gave Alexander "any old unwanted computer» - Commodore-16. So Alexander discovered that in addition to "Byte" there are other interesting computers.

"In the new computers" Windows ", well, Linux - no change! In older machines - each its software, its architecture, striking differences. Vaughn in "vector" as much as 256 color graphics, and the other, released in the same year, only the text on the screen can be displayed! "- Says Alexander, along the" dumping "call on quite normal for 2014 smartfone-" shovel "in thousand times more powerful than most of the exhibits.
Found out about the passion of Alexander, his father's friend brought a small arsenal of old computers: "If a passenger car the whole load, we would have three separate raids." After it was going to university and moving to Minsk, and at the same familiarity with online flea market and the first unforgettable trip to the Zhdanovichi.
Many computers come with Alexander "dead", many have to solder and program. Some devices have to write emulators and even make converters from floppies on tape ...
Alexander hopes that after the university will have more time and money on the collection. "If I do not do it, zachahnu" - confidently declares collector. "It may be a real museum open computing».