How to Remodel Old T-shirts
Modern trends are increasingly leaning towards minimalism: a small number of things, a large and bright space and space. Liberating your home from junkFirst of all, we get rid of old clothes.
Of course, you also need to get rid of unnecessary things wisely. For example, you can crochet. On the one hand, you eliminate a stretched worn-out T-shirt, for example. On the other hand, you will get something useful and original.
Mats knitted with a hook of old thingsThis is not the only way to dispose of useless T-shirts. There are many other equally interesting crafts, which we will talk about today.
After this selection, you can find a curious master class on the topic of the most successful alterations.
Ideas for recycling old T-shirts or T-shirts
Here's the promised master class!
From this video you will learn how to make knitted yarn from old things. There are three ways, choose any!
Of course, you also need to get rid of unnecessary things wisely. For example, you can crochet. On the one hand, you eliminate a stretched worn-out T-shirt, for example. On the other hand, you will get something useful and original.
Mats knitted with a hook of old thingsThis is not the only way to dispose of useless T-shirts. There are many other equally interesting crafts, which we will talk about today.
After this selection, you can find a curious master class on the topic of the most successful alterations.
Ideas for recycling old T-shirts or T-shirts
- Franched scarf There are many variations of these scarves. Creating this accessory requires no special skills, just scissors, a little imagination and 15 minutes of your time.
We also advise to use large beads as weights fringe.
- Necklace in classic strict style Making knitted beads from a T-shirt is very simple! The basis for such beads is a cropped T-shirt without sleeves and neck. Longitudinal cutouts on each side of the product will help to form a beautiful necklace.
Try to combine different techniques in one product, add small parts in the form of large flat wooden beads and other elements that you like. Add a few tight pigtails from the fabric of a contrasting color T-shirt.
- Bracelet with wooden beads This bracelet is made of stripes cut from several old T-shirts. To them you can add threads with beads or leather laces.
Especially stylish look several bracelets of similar colors. Such bracelets are weaved with an ordinary braid or one of the makrameh techniques.
- A wicker necklace Old T-shirts are a great material for unusual jewelry. For example, you can make several wicker necklaces on different topics.
One of the easiest ways to create an original and simple necklace is to combine several pigtails into one decoration, fixing their edges together. - Headband. With the help of various weaving techniques, you can easily make several practical headbands.
For such accessories, both old T-shirts and unnecessary stretched T-shirts are suitable. The brighter their color, the more interesting the decoration will turn out. - Various yarns The manufacture of such yarn is an ideal option for recycling old T-shirts and T-shirts. There are times when you do not need new products from old things, but you just need to get rid of the junk as quickly as possible.
It takes up much less space than old things. You will save space and at the same time prepare material for future products.
From such yarn, you can make mats, as well as stands for hot.
Here's the promised master class!
From this video you will learn how to make knitted yarn from old things. There are three ways, choose any!