Steven Seagal in Beslan
I could not believe my ears when I heard about who I am to take pictures in the next few hours ...
All childhood admiration revised movies with this American actor. Steven Seagal for me has always been on the side of "Schwartz," Stallone, Van Damme and other heroes of the fighters ... His mind that the movements that voice, fascinated ... Doing battle was visually impeccable. He almost never injured in his films, has always played a strong people, beating until the end of the validity and safety of their loved ones) I wanted to be like him. I never thought I'd see it in real life ... but ...
29 pics + 3 videos here
On the way to Beslan, I pictured Stephen down off the plane, shaking hands with us, smiling, I asked him a question, saying that his fan is photographed in front of boxers ... but, again, "but" ...
At the airport we did not go, and the purpose of the visit, the American actor was not idle. He came to us in the delegation of congressmen to International Children's Day (and maybe this day nothing to do with) to honor the memory of those killed in "the Beslan tragedy" ...
First of all, the American delegation headed to the "Tree of Grief", carrying a wreath in front of him, "With deep condolences to the American people" ...
Placing a wreath at the "Tree of Sorrow", the Americans in turn have begun to express their thoughts about the "Beslan".
After a "high-profile" speeches, delegates descended on the cemetery ...
The Americans have never seen so many children's faces on tombstones ... it "touched to the depths of their hearts" ...
Segal knelt in front of the graves Totievyh ... In September 2004, gunmen killed six people at once from this family ...
Steven again bowed his head and knelt before the monument to the victims and rescue commandos ...
Congressmen also laid flowers to the monument ...
Once released from the cemetery, Segal continued to look in the direction of children's graves ...
Surprisingly for us, he gave vent to his emotions, turned away and wept ...
A minute later, he was already in his usual way ...
... Next on the program was the visit of congressmen officialdom in the government. Questions were asked why there was a tragedy in Beslan, who is to blame and so on ... The Americans apologized for being so late visited Ossetia, they had no idea of the full extent of what happened here in 2004 ... we intend to strengthen cooperation between our countries in the fight against terrorism ... < br />
At the exit of the government building, Steven Seagal answered some questions the press service ...
After we went to the Beslan school №1, to the Americans with their own eyes saw the place, which they have heard so much ...
Americans were shocked, they could not believe that in this small gym could accommodate over a thousand people ...
One of the team members Segal pointed actor in the picture commandos and Stephen did not hesitate headed in their direction, to lay flowers and remember fallen soldiers ... The hero of many militants, man is not just play a warrior who saved the lives of others, at the risk of their own, the death of these people of particular pain ...
In the school yard Stephen had expected a group of young boys, three of whom were held hostage in 2004. Steven called them to him, put his arm around and asked a few questions.
Steven: "If I can do to help, you just tell me!" The boys sheepishly replied that they all right. The way they are doing jiu-jitsu, and Segal liked ...
Congressmen already late for the plane, but Stephen could not deny the guys do a group photo on the memory)
All childhood admiration revised movies with this American actor. Steven Seagal for me has always been on the side of "Schwartz," Stallone, Van Damme and other heroes of the fighters ... His mind that the movements that voice, fascinated ... Doing battle was visually impeccable. He almost never injured in his films, has always played a strong people, beating until the end of the validity and safety of their loved ones) I wanted to be like him. I never thought I'd see it in real life ... but ...
29 pics + 3 videos here

On the way to Beslan, I pictured Stephen down off the plane, shaking hands with us, smiling, I asked him a question, saying that his fan is photographed in front of boxers ... but, again, "but" ...
At the airport we did not go, and the purpose of the visit, the American actor was not idle. He came to us in the delegation of congressmen to International Children's Day (and maybe this day nothing to do with) to honor the memory of those killed in "the Beslan tragedy" ...
First of all, the American delegation headed to the "Tree of Grief", carrying a wreath in front of him, "With deep condolences to the American people" ...
Placing a wreath at the "Tree of Sorrow", the Americans in turn have begun to express their thoughts about the "Beslan".

After a "high-profile" speeches, delegates descended on the cemetery ...


The Americans have never seen so many children's faces on tombstones ... it "touched to the depths of their hearts" ...


Segal knelt in front of the graves Totievyh ... In September 2004, gunmen killed six people at once from this family ...



Steven again bowed his head and knelt before the monument to the victims and rescue commandos ...


Congressmen also laid flowers to the monument ...

Once released from the cemetery, Segal continued to look in the direction of children's graves ...

Surprisingly for us, he gave vent to his emotions, turned away and wept ...

A minute later, he was already in his usual way ...

... Next on the program was the visit of congressmen officialdom in the government. Questions were asked why there was a tragedy in Beslan, who is to blame and so on ... The Americans apologized for being so late visited Ossetia, they had no idea of the full extent of what happened here in 2004 ... we intend to strengthen cooperation between our countries in the fight against terrorism ... < br />

At the exit of the government building, Steven Seagal answered some questions the press service ...

After we went to the Beslan school №1, to the Americans with their own eyes saw the place, which they have heard so much ...



Americans were shocked, they could not believe that in this small gym could accommodate over a thousand people ...


One of the team members Segal pointed actor in the picture commandos and Stephen did not hesitate headed in their direction, to lay flowers and remember fallen soldiers ... The hero of many militants, man is not just play a warrior who saved the lives of others, at the risk of their own, the death of these people of particular pain ...




In the school yard Stephen had expected a group of young boys, three of whom were held hostage in 2004. Steven called them to him, put his arm around and asked a few questions.

Steven: "If I can do to help, you just tell me!" The boys sheepishly replied that they all right. The way they are doing jiu-jitsu, and Segal liked ...

Congressmen already late for the plane, but Stephen could not deny the guys do a group photo on the memory)
