Heroic act.
Schoolboy sacrificed his life to save a friend. He did not hesitate to jump into the cold water. After a couple of seconds he was drowning grabbed the girl and pulled upward with force. The victim was picked up and dragged to shore, but he Oleg never surfaced.
The tragic story of the heroism of the 16-year-old boy shocked the whole Novomoskovsk. On that day, June 19, Oleg Aksenov rushed to pull out of the water sinking his girlfriend. Woman was saved, but at the cost of this action was the life of the young hero.
- He is always somewhere in a hurry, often acted without thinking. Told me that one day lives - says Lyudmila mother of the deceased. - I was afraid of him even scooter trust. I thought, no matter how done something ... And here's how: not guessed from the water died. With photos blond looking at us, smiling man of sixteen. Next to him are Andrew and Vitaly - childhood friends. From one of them and Lyudmila learned about the tragedy.
- I got a call on a cell phone - she recalls. - Said that Oleg drowned saving his girlfriend.
On that day, a group of friends, Oleg went to bathe Lyubovskaya reservoir. The girls climbed into the water, and he and his friend Vitaliy went for a walk on the railway bridge, which is not far. On that day, the weather was cold, and swim son did not like.
At first, the guys thought that the girls just shout their names, and did not pay attention to it. But a little later before they came the requests for assistance. The boys immediately rushed to the rescue, throwing clothes on the road.
It turned out one of the girls, Julia, went to the depth and began to sink. Girlfriend tried to help her, but the girl in a panic gripped his savior and began to pull her into the water.
At this point, the aid arrived, Oleg. He quickly jumped into the water, swam to Julia, grabbed her and pushed to the surface, where the girl picked up the rest. After a few seconds the guys were already on the beach. All except Oleg.
- I dived another 20 minutes trying to find it, but there is a very deep and I could not get to the bottom, - Vitaly sighs, friend of the deceased. - We immediately called the girls "soon", called rescuers. But until they arrived minutes have passed 25.
- I was hoping to the last that he did not drown, but just grown weak lies somewhere near the shore. Rescuers could not find it, then hope was still with me. A little later came divers, they said that the entire bottom of the failure. If Oleg not find them, then it's just near the shore. And five minutes later, he was dragged out of the water ...
The experts concluded that the adolescent body could not stand the temperature changes suddenly: the guy looked up the clot.
- You know, it is strange that day behaved - tearful voice says Lyudmila. - Usually in the evening came from the street, and we have always said to him: "In the shower come down." He ran for a computer, forgot to wash. And in that day woke up and went into the bath. May feel that?
Because of the angle in the room with interest looks Daniel, a boy of five, the younger brother Oleg. He still probably does not understand what had happened to his older brother, nor can appreciate the act committed by Oleg.
To honor the memory of the young hero came not only his friends, but also the teachers of the school where he studied. Among those who came was, and Julia, the girl he rescued. However, she did not dare to speak to her mother Oleg.
The tragic story of the heroism of the 16-year-old boy shocked the whole Novomoskovsk. On that day, June 19, Oleg Aksenov rushed to pull out of the water sinking his girlfriend. Woman was saved, but at the cost of this action was the life of the young hero.
- He is always somewhere in a hurry, often acted without thinking. Told me that one day lives - says Lyudmila mother of the deceased. - I was afraid of him even scooter trust. I thought, no matter how done something ... And here's how: not guessed from the water died. With photos blond looking at us, smiling man of sixteen. Next to him are Andrew and Vitaly - childhood friends. From one of them and Lyudmila learned about the tragedy.
- I got a call on a cell phone - she recalls. - Said that Oleg drowned saving his girlfriend.
On that day, a group of friends, Oleg went to bathe Lyubovskaya reservoir. The girls climbed into the water, and he and his friend Vitaliy went for a walk on the railway bridge, which is not far. On that day, the weather was cold, and swim son did not like.
At first, the guys thought that the girls just shout their names, and did not pay attention to it. But a little later before they came the requests for assistance. The boys immediately rushed to the rescue, throwing clothes on the road.
It turned out one of the girls, Julia, went to the depth and began to sink. Girlfriend tried to help her, but the girl in a panic gripped his savior and began to pull her into the water.
At this point, the aid arrived, Oleg. He quickly jumped into the water, swam to Julia, grabbed her and pushed to the surface, where the girl picked up the rest. After a few seconds the guys were already on the beach. All except Oleg.
- I dived another 20 minutes trying to find it, but there is a very deep and I could not get to the bottom, - Vitaly sighs, friend of the deceased. - We immediately called the girls "soon", called rescuers. But until they arrived minutes have passed 25.
- I was hoping to the last that he did not drown, but just grown weak lies somewhere near the shore. Rescuers could not find it, then hope was still with me. A little later came divers, they said that the entire bottom of the failure. If Oleg not find them, then it's just near the shore. And five minutes later, he was dragged out of the water ...
The experts concluded that the adolescent body could not stand the temperature changes suddenly: the guy looked up the clot.
- You know, it is strange that day behaved - tearful voice says Lyudmila. - Usually in the evening came from the street, and we have always said to him: "In the shower come down." He ran for a computer, forgot to wash. And in that day woke up and went into the bath. May feel that?
Because of the angle in the room with interest looks Daniel, a boy of five, the younger brother Oleg. He still probably does not understand what had happened to his older brother, nor can appreciate the act committed by Oleg.
To honor the memory of the young hero came not only his friends, but also the teachers of the school where he studied. Among those who came was, and Julia, the girl he rescued. However, she did not dare to speak to her mother Oleg.
