From Peter Vladivostok 1.5 hours?
Elon Musk -one of the most talented entrepreneurs of the living, the billionaire CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, SolarCity chairman and founder of PayPal, a man for whom, it seems, there is no word "impossible." About a year ago, he announced his intention to create a "fifth mode of transport» - HIPERLOOP.
After all, the car is really a dangerous thing, and inefficient, most of the energy spent on it to move itself. Ships slow planes expensive and environmentally dangerous, trains and high-speed railways is also not cheap, in addition, all this is moving on schedule, not when you need to you personally, but the convenience of mobility with the crowd of other passengers poor (hello car with reserved seats RUSSIAN RAILWAYS). Musk did not disclose details of the project, only hinting that the new trucks is like a hybrid of Concord, electromagnetic cannons and air hockey. It is expected that this will be a modern equivalent pneumatic. Vacuum tunnels will not be created. It will be a personalized transport, ie no need to wait for a specific flight in a desired destination, if there paved trail, you come to the station, sit down in a capsule for 4-6 persons and submit. The speed of the capsule will be 6500 km / h, with Musk says that the probability of an accident at HIPERLOOP is almost zero, and the acceleration of the passenger will not be too big. This, according to analysts, is possible if the capsule will move in pipes filled with air, then the air "plug" between the capsule will make it impossible for them clash. The trip from New York to Los Angeles (4,500 km) will take 40 minutes and will cost $ 100. Cost of construction HIPERLOOP route between two points will be 1/4 of the cost of the highway or 1/10 of the high-speed railway. Recently, a businessman said in a tweet that the 12 August, he will conduct a detailed presentation of the project and will be grateful for critical comments. Patented Giperlup he does not plan and is ready to cooperate with all businessmen interested in innovation. One can only dream - Peter Vladivostok -1.5 hours. Moscow-Sochi -14 minutes, Krasnoyarsk-Odessa 50 minutes. But while our billionaires will sit in their shubohranilischah, I'm afraid we do not wait. In conclusion, video presentation HIPERLOOP
Materials used habrahabr.ru and www.computerra.ru

After all, the car is really a dangerous thing, and inefficient, most of the energy spent on it to move itself. Ships slow planes expensive and environmentally dangerous, trains and high-speed railways is also not cheap, in addition, all this is moving on schedule, not when you need to you personally, but the convenience of mobility with the crowd of other passengers poor (hello car with reserved seats RUSSIAN RAILWAYS). Musk did not disclose details of the project, only hinting that the new trucks is like a hybrid of Concord, electromagnetic cannons and air hockey. It is expected that this will be a modern equivalent pneumatic. Vacuum tunnels will not be created. It will be a personalized transport, ie no need to wait for a specific flight in a desired destination, if there paved trail, you come to the station, sit down in a capsule for 4-6 persons and submit. The speed of the capsule will be 6500 km / h, with Musk says that the probability of an accident at HIPERLOOP is almost zero, and the acceleration of the passenger will not be too big. This, according to analysts, is possible if the capsule will move in pipes filled with air, then the air "plug" between the capsule will make it impossible for them clash. The trip from New York to Los Angeles (4,500 km) will take 40 minutes and will cost $ 100. Cost of construction HIPERLOOP route between two points will be 1/4 of the cost of the highway or 1/10 of the high-speed railway. Recently, a businessman said in a tweet that the 12 August, he will conduct a detailed presentation of the project and will be grateful for critical comments. Patented Giperlup he does not plan and is ready to cooperate with all businessmen interested in innovation. One can only dream - Peter Vladivostok -1.5 hours. Moscow-Sochi -14 minutes, Krasnoyarsk-Odessa 50 minutes. But while our billionaires will sit in their shubohranilischah, I'm afraid we do not wait. In conclusion, video presentation HIPERLOOP
Materials used habrahabr.ru and www.computerra.ru
