Pichak master Hasanbi
That's decided to introduce you to my mind a very interesting article on the Uzbek Pichak.
Really interesting article.
Walk past the counter with the Uzbek knives - for me the thing is incomprehensible. So now, in the early morning, in the Fergana market, seeing a wooden tray, shining steel came up and paused for a long time. You can not, you can not immediately rush and grab great knives one by one. They do not like that. First you need to tune in, to stand next to, to get used to. Slowly go look for each blade. Create an idea of what kind of knives, knives for someone, what quality, what price categories ... Such things dive mental contact, no touching.
- What is the knife you want, sister? Work, a gift, a gift? - Pulls me out of Nirvana voice Seller
- I want to look at first. I'll be watching for a long time - I say not taking vzgdyad from the slender ranks
- Hop, sister, I will not disturb you. - Says the seller knowingly
It's time to pick up the knife. The one that, as we say "look at me". "I am looking to you" - a wonderful phrase, meaning that you have chosen not the thing, and she chose you.
Why dozens of blades, I pulled out this particular, I do not try to explain myself. But as soon as the warm grip of horns lay in the arm and swung, straining the wrist, tight satin blade: "He is my" - it's instant sensation.
- "Your ..." - he seemed to have said the knife
And I spend gently with your fingernail on a sharp blade, and it sang in response to the sound of net debt.
- Oh, good! - I said admiringly. And I save it. - Do not get out, I'll look again.
Seller watching me. And there was joy in his eyes, in response to my delight.
- You are the master himself? Pichokchi? It is your job? - I guessed
- Yes, - he nods. - I'm from Shahrihan. I pichokchi and brother, father and grandfather.
- Wow, I do not like to buy from dealers. Such a joy to talk with the master himself. You can, I'll ask you?
- Of course! All the talk. What's your name?
- Lily
- Very nice, Liliyahon. I Hasanbay.
- Hasanbay-aka, show me a good kassob-Pichak.
Kassob Pichak - a knife for cutting meat and carcasses. To them I always impose the highest demands.
Hasanboy extracts from the pile of knives classic knife with a wide blade straight spring steel.
Pichak-kassoby one after another fall on the counter. Some I reject at once, throwing a glance at them. Hasanboy immediately calculates my tastes, requirements, and further shows only "my" knife.
That is, I understand, master! At first glance, I like that. "My" knife is always somewhere nearby.
What is particularly liked in the tray Hasanbi that most of his knife - a knife work, not souvenirs. Souvenir, of course, they were also, but this selection of knives for a living, I have not met in Tashkent. Then I sold.
- A small knife for fruit you have?
- There is. Here they are!
I just save myself two small, simple knife. These small, with desyatisantimetrovymi blades pichachki recent rare.
Here's a classic. Simple Osh Pichak with a white handle.
It knives average price category, the best of the simple kitchen knives. I have a kitchen-righteousness by faith alone is 15 years.
Speaking of the use of Uzbek Pichak the kitchen. How many complaints I had heard that they are constantly rust. But I do not rust. 25 years does not rust. And I use exclusively by Uzbek Pichak. Everyday. As many times a day.
How do I keep them?
Do you think, my, wipe dry, lubricating oil and tidy?
Oh, no!
My wet and put in the cradle. No problems, no rust!
You know, our Uzbek Pichak there is one mysterious feature. They do not like the horizontal position. It is necessary to put Pichak, so what you want to do with them - will still rust. Put vertically - and everything is fine. Men have character.
Standard hake-bar knife with cuts on top of the fine. I have this simple partial stand, inexpensive, out of the ordinary poplar.
I find on the tray at the two tiny Pichak Hasanbi with pyatisantimetrovym blade. It bola Pichak. Children Pichak. This knife is presented as a little boy in a man's talisman.
Two bola Pichak I immediately put down yourself. Because I have small men - Mas and Pas.
Meanwhile Hasanbay took "my" Pichak and demonstrated how it can easily cut paper just in the web.
Next Hasanbay makes movement in which I know that he understands that from "my" Pichak I'm not going anywhere, and has certainly buy it.
Hasanbay takes grindstone and several movements of runs "my" knife.
The fact that the new Pichak covered with a thin protective layer, which prevents the metal blade oxidized. Before you start a new blade lightly seasoned on grindstones, I rented this layer. At the edge of the blade appears sparkling white stripe. Metal opened knife initiated.
Master Hasanboy demonstrates to me shining edge.
Master once again picks up a sheet of paper, and now the knife cut into thin noodles paper, by the mere touch of the blade.
- Try it yourself - he tells me.
Then I notice the stone. The same mysterious stone!
But first sharpening Uzbek Pichak. In each of our markets are not taken grinder to grind Pichak. Luda another knife - please, Pichak - nothing. The owners usually know the good Pichak master grinders that zatochat knife so that it then will have only a couple of years to correct.
In my practice was a case where stupid grinder spoiled me some knives. Then, spoiling the third, he handed me the rest, and said that he can not, and I have to refer them to someone who knows how to work with them.
Properly sharpened blade retains sharpness for a long time. Suffice it to start several times to hold the blade on the bottom of the porcelain bowls or cups. Many of us here in Uzbekistan, do this automatically.
So we have legends about the mysterious magic stones that sharpen knives master pichokchi. Here it is, this stone:
I have long considered black smooth stone. He did not want to let go.
- Hasanbay-aka, sell it to me - I begged
- Lilyahon not get me wrong, I can not! This stone - my bread. I got it from his father, and his father from his grandfather.
- Then give, I had at least a little longer hold it in their hands.
I see a strange black surface and can not understand why she was so full both smooth and rough.
- Hasanbay-aka, tell me about the stone. What is it?
From the story of the master knives Hasanbi:
This is a simple stone found on the banks of the river. The stone must be very hard, smooth, and always black. Stone thoroughly washed, wrapped in a clean cloth and go into the house, where there is one. And that we have - it is a holiday. On the feast comes a lot of guests to a few hundred. Because these days, in the courtyard of the owner of the holiday, three days languishing in the cauldron of fire shurpa. Shurpa rich, fatty.
Stone in a cloth, with the permission of the owner, is lowered into the pot. Here he cooked three days soaking up the screws, and the fat.
Then the stone is removed, and wait for the next toy. Then again wrapped in a cloth and lowered into the pot. Future grindstone must pass a minimum of three Toy. That is three times in three days of boil fat Shurpa.
More Toy - a stone better. As a result, the stone thoroughly washed clean and ready for use.
His grinding quality of words can not explain. This is a must see, it should feel.
We still had a long conversation with the master Hasanbaem. We exchanged contacts. I received an invitation from the master to visit their workshop in Shakhrikhan. It is located in the center, near the mosque.
- Come to us - said Hasanboy aka - look over there, I do Pichak, my mother Chust skullcaps embroider beautiful - the same look. Pilaf'll do, I'll show you Shahrihan, we have there is a very interesting ancient mosque there.
- I will definitely come, Hasanbay aka. Thanks!
- With family, friends come. And if you urgently in Tashkent Pichak need, you go to the Alai Bazaar. There's my older brother, Mansour, Pichak sells. Tell him that you Hasanbi from his brother, he will show you the best knives.
- I'm sure I'll go to him and see knives.
Master pichokchi Hasanbay made my day holiday. I enjoyed the beautiful knives, communicating with an amazing master. Now I look forward to a new trip to the Ferghana Valley, in the glorious city of craftsmen Shahrihan to hereditary master of knives and his family.
Master of Hasanbay Shahrihan - man with talented hands, a good memory and a generous heart. Let your hands do not get tired of it. Let easily sold his beautiful Pichak.
Thank you for attention! Everything))
Really interesting article.
Walk past the counter with the Uzbek knives - for me the thing is incomprehensible. So now, in the early morning, in the Fergana market, seeing a wooden tray, shining steel came up and paused for a long time. You can not, you can not immediately rush and grab great knives one by one. They do not like that. First you need to tune in, to stand next to, to get used to. Slowly go look for each blade. Create an idea of what kind of knives, knives for someone, what quality, what price categories ... Such things dive mental contact, no touching.
- What is the knife you want, sister? Work, a gift, a gift? - Pulls me out of Nirvana voice Seller
- I want to look at first. I'll be watching for a long time - I say not taking vzgdyad from the slender ranks
- Hop, sister, I will not disturb you. - Says the seller knowingly

It's time to pick up the knife. The one that, as we say "look at me". "I am looking to you" - a wonderful phrase, meaning that you have chosen not the thing, and she chose you.
Why dozens of blades, I pulled out this particular, I do not try to explain myself. But as soon as the warm grip of horns lay in the arm and swung, straining the wrist, tight satin blade: "He is my" - it's instant sensation.
- "Your ..." - he seemed to have said the knife
And I spend gently with your fingernail on a sharp blade, and it sang in response to the sound of net debt.
- Oh, good! - I said admiringly. And I save it. - Do not get out, I'll look again.

Seller watching me. And there was joy in his eyes, in response to my delight.
- You are the master himself? Pichokchi? It is your job? - I guessed
- Yes, - he nods. - I'm from Shahrihan. I pichokchi and brother, father and grandfather.
- Wow, I do not like to buy from dealers. Such a joy to talk with the master himself. You can, I'll ask you?
- Of course! All the talk. What's your name?
- Lily
- Very nice, Liliyahon. I Hasanbay.
- Hasanbay-aka, show me a good kassob-Pichak.
Kassob Pichak - a knife for cutting meat and carcasses. To them I always impose the highest demands.
Hasanboy extracts from the pile of knives classic knife with a wide blade straight spring steel.

Pichak-kassoby one after another fall on the counter. Some I reject at once, throwing a glance at them. Hasanboy immediately calculates my tastes, requirements, and further shows only "my" knife.
That is, I understand, master! At first glance, I like that. "My" knife is always somewhere nearby.

What is particularly liked in the tray Hasanbi that most of his knife - a knife work, not souvenirs. Souvenir, of course, they were also, but this selection of knives for a living, I have not met in Tashkent. Then I sold.
- A small knife for fruit you have?
- There is. Here they are!
I just save myself two small, simple knife. These small, with desyatisantimetrovymi blades pichachki recent rare.
Here's a classic. Simple Osh Pichak with a white handle.

It knives average price category, the best of the simple kitchen knives. I have a kitchen-righteousness by faith alone is 15 years.
Speaking of the use of Uzbek Pichak the kitchen. How many complaints I had heard that they are constantly rust. But I do not rust. 25 years does not rust. And I use exclusively by Uzbek Pichak. Everyday. As many times a day.
How do I keep them?
Do you think, my, wipe dry, lubricating oil and tidy?
Oh, no!
My wet and put in the cradle. No problems, no rust!
You know, our Uzbek Pichak there is one mysterious feature. They do not like the horizontal position. It is necessary to put Pichak, so what you want to do with them - will still rust. Put vertically - and everything is fine. Men have character.
Standard hake-bar knife with cuts on top of the fine. I have this simple partial stand, inexpensive, out of the ordinary poplar.

I find on the tray at the two tiny Pichak Hasanbi with pyatisantimetrovym blade. It bola Pichak. Children Pichak. This knife is presented as a little boy in a man's talisman.
Two bola Pichak I immediately put down yourself. Because I have small men - Mas and Pas.
Meanwhile Hasanbay took "my" Pichak and demonstrated how it can easily cut paper just in the web.

Next Hasanbay makes movement in which I know that he understands that from "my" Pichak I'm not going anywhere, and has certainly buy it.
Hasanbay takes grindstone and several movements of runs "my" knife.

The fact that the new Pichak covered with a thin protective layer, which prevents the metal blade oxidized. Before you start a new blade lightly seasoned on grindstones, I rented this layer. At the edge of the blade appears sparkling white stripe. Metal opened knife initiated.

Master Hasanboy demonstrates to me shining edge.

Master once again picks up a sheet of paper, and now the knife cut into thin noodles paper, by the mere touch of the blade.
- Try it yourself - he tells me.

Then I notice the stone. The same mysterious stone!

But first sharpening Uzbek Pichak. In each of our markets are not taken grinder to grind Pichak. Luda another knife - please, Pichak - nothing. The owners usually know the good Pichak master grinders that zatochat knife so that it then will have only a couple of years to correct.
In my practice was a case where stupid grinder spoiled me some knives. Then, spoiling the third, he handed me the rest, and said that he can not, and I have to refer them to someone who knows how to work with them.
Properly sharpened blade retains sharpness for a long time. Suffice it to start several times to hold the blade on the bottom of the porcelain bowls or cups. Many of us here in Uzbekistan, do this automatically.
So we have legends about the mysterious magic stones that sharpen knives master pichokchi. Here it is, this stone:

I have long considered black smooth stone. He did not want to let go.
- Hasanbay-aka, sell it to me - I begged
- Lilyahon not get me wrong, I can not! This stone - my bread. I got it from his father, and his father from his grandfather.
- Then give, I had at least a little longer hold it in their hands.
I see a strange black surface and can not understand why she was so full both smooth and rough.
- Hasanbay-aka, tell me about the stone. What is it?
From the story of the master knives Hasanbi:
This is a simple stone found on the banks of the river. The stone must be very hard, smooth, and always black. Stone thoroughly washed, wrapped in a clean cloth and go into the house, where there is one. And that we have - it is a holiday. On the feast comes a lot of guests to a few hundred. Because these days, in the courtyard of the owner of the holiday, three days languishing in the cauldron of fire shurpa. Shurpa rich, fatty.
Stone in a cloth, with the permission of the owner, is lowered into the pot. Here he cooked three days soaking up the screws, and the fat.
Then the stone is removed, and wait for the next toy. Then again wrapped in a cloth and lowered into the pot. Future grindstone must pass a minimum of three Toy. That is three times in three days of boil fat Shurpa.
More Toy - a stone better. As a result, the stone thoroughly washed clean and ready for use.
His grinding quality of words can not explain. This is a must see, it should feel.

We still had a long conversation with the master Hasanbaem. We exchanged contacts. I received an invitation from the master to visit their workshop in Shakhrikhan. It is located in the center, near the mosque.
- Come to us - said Hasanboy aka - look over there, I do Pichak, my mother Chust skullcaps embroider beautiful - the same look. Pilaf'll do, I'll show you Shahrihan, we have there is a very interesting ancient mosque there.
- I will definitely come, Hasanbay aka. Thanks!
- With family, friends come. And if you urgently in Tashkent Pichak need, you go to the Alai Bazaar. There's my older brother, Mansour, Pichak sells. Tell him that you Hasanbi from his brother, he will show you the best knives.
- I'm sure I'll go to him and see knives.
Master pichokchi Hasanbay made my day holiday. I enjoyed the beautiful knives, communicating with an amazing master. Now I look forward to a new trip to the Ferghana Valley, in the glorious city of craftsmen Shahrihan to hereditary master of knives and his family.
Master of Hasanbay Shahrihan - man with talented hands, a good memory and a generous heart. Let your hands do not get tired of it. Let easily sold his beautiful Pichak.
Thank you for attention! Everything))
