What does not see the passenger before departure ...
What is the preparation of the aircraft for the flight? This pit stop in Formula 1 and the apartment after the party for half an hour before the arrival of the parents-in-one. Dozens of professionals, services, machinery and tools in just a few minutes time to fill the ship with fuel and water to clean the interior, load luggage and food to check the technical condition.
Taken: here
And all this is called Handling.
Handling (from Eng. Ground handling) - ground handling of flights.
This urgency to work is not a fad, but an economic predestination. Plane makes money when it is in the air when he's on the ground - the money he spends. The less time the board spends on the ground, the more he is in the air, and thus bring more profits.
The time between landing and take-off spent on training ship called the time reversal. According to the standards of the western operators, while turning the aircraft type Airbus A320 between takeoff and landing is less than 30 minutes. Here's a not justice - at first for a few hours two hundred hard crumbled cookies, thrust wrappers in the gap, molded gum on the arms and spill the coffee, and then a team of ground handling of several fragile women again brings glamor, shine and beauty.
Required refinement: for different flights are performed different types of ground services such as aircraft maintenance, which has just arrived and do not fly immediately (arrival), aircraft maintenance, which for a time was in the parking lot and getting ready for the flight (departure) and reversal flight ie the plane flew and immediately prepares for a new departure, and not necessarily at the same place from which he came.
The main actor on the platform of a supervisor.
Supervisors - specialists, coordinating ground handling process, being a link between the airline and related airport services.
Just a list of duties of the supervisor 36 points - a full cycle of ground handling flight, including: monitoring loading and centering the sun, filling and control of traffic documents, the organization of services of business aviation flights, etc. and so on. n.
As soon as the board approaches the parking lot he was immediately grounded. That's what these red target on concrete:
Jammed engines and begin their inspection technical service, all of a sudden some illegal immigrant hiding
When all the passengers leave the cabin and flight attendants check for forgotten things, it takes a cleaning service managers, they are also cleaner. I sit down the "tail" to the guy with the heaped up with a vacuum cleaner Nilfisk GD930:
Electricity in the plane - a scarce resource, so if possible use the energy from the "mainland." Trendy vacuum cleaner plugged in in the vestibule apron. I try to pass on to the salon. And then ... when I say that there is a wild dvizhuha, it means nothing to say.
"Where on mytomu !!" - this cry makes shiver and the first-grader at school, and the president in the Kremlin.
I assure you that I even thought there nibble cookies and Semyon I stand on the spirit. The attitude to me changed to favor and even allow you to go further into the interior.
On the back of "kitchen" the density of the staff of these four square meters just rolls over, I counted seven. All something move, rearrange and shift, and the main thing on the positive!
As it turned out - in the midst of acceptance of catering and drinks. All this considered, it is checked and logged.
Seats cleaned, carpets vacuumed, safetikartochki checked for
Overboard, meanwhile, boils least stressful job. The fuel needed to fill, pour the water, luggage load
That through this fitting in just a minute into the tank falls almost a thousand liters of kerosene
tanker ...
Cargo space is ready to accept the fact that until recently carefully wrapped with tape and cling film
Do not resist the temptation and looked inside ... nothing unusual
Baggage ... Loading luggage ... This is not a Russian Post
2. loading ...
On the other side of the wing Autolifts ship board meals, drinks, magazines, blankets and pillows
The black bags is only a small part of what is left behind passengers in the cabin
All the preparation is completed, ground services leave the salon. I also have the opportunity to get to a nearby board, which stood on the C-check. C-check - it is also a service, but with a big dip in the material. Then over time, more room, and the atmosphere on board quieter. From myself I will say in the country where I worked constantly around and guards were on board.
Instead, cleaners and supervisors on board technology engineers. Thoughtfully and slowly they check how the overall technical condition of the ship and the work of all its systems
To my question "What gives the greatest concern on the plane," they chorused friendly technology - the chair. They jump on them passengers, something I do not know - Andrey was filled with discontent. One block of seats for business class is, by the way, more than a million rubles! What a difference when we had the Tu-154. There were chairs of course easier, but neubivaemye
But the situation is contrary to the stoves. Here Airbus totally hamming little old Tupolev. The only thing that annoys so it works machines overheating. What would they bring back into operation is necessary to unscrew the kitchen floor
Of course, technology is not only guided by his intuition, experience and instruction in technical maintenance and repair of aircraft (NTERAT GA-93), but also the technical condition of the vessel magazine. After each flight, the crew brings back all their Wishlist and sneak aboard the plane. What where the creaks, does not burn and does not close. Bukovki NIL means that no comments
Apparently, so it is necessary according to the instructions, but the board is not powered from the ground and from its own auxiliary power unit. Here I show on the display of a tank, a pump and some valves through which the fuel is to APU. Also, you can see that in the previous flight aboard eaten 3510 kg of kerosene and tanks still have 2 380 kg, fuel temperature 4, and its density - 0, 7
Here are all the pilot's economy and will test engineer. The point is responsibility, so I decided not to abuse the hospitality and bowed. And thank you for your attention.
After work, which usually ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes if everything goes normally, inviting passengers on landing!
Enjoy your flight!
Taken: here
And all this is called Handling.
Handling (from Eng. Ground handling) - ground handling of flights.
This urgency to work is not a fad, but an economic predestination. Plane makes money when it is in the air when he's on the ground - the money he spends. The less time the board spends on the ground, the more he is in the air, and thus bring more profits.
The time between landing and take-off spent on training ship called the time reversal. According to the standards of the western operators, while turning the aircraft type Airbus A320 between takeoff and landing is less than 30 minutes. Here's a not justice - at first for a few hours two hundred hard crumbled cookies, thrust wrappers in the gap, molded gum on the arms and spill the coffee, and then a team of ground handling of several fragile women again brings glamor, shine and beauty.
Required refinement: for different flights are performed different types of ground services such as aircraft maintenance, which has just arrived and do not fly immediately (arrival), aircraft maintenance, which for a time was in the parking lot and getting ready for the flight (departure) and reversal flight ie the plane flew and immediately prepares for a new departure, and not necessarily at the same place from which he came.
The main actor on the platform of a supervisor.
Supervisors - specialists, coordinating ground handling process, being a link between the airline and related airport services.
Just a list of duties of the supervisor 36 points - a full cycle of ground handling flight, including: monitoring loading and centering the sun, filling and control of traffic documents, the organization of services of business aviation flights, etc. and so on. n.
As soon as the board approaches the parking lot he was immediately grounded. That's what these red target on concrete:
Jammed engines and begin their inspection technical service, all of a sudden some illegal immigrant hiding
When all the passengers leave the cabin and flight attendants check for forgotten things, it takes a cleaning service managers, they are also cleaner. I sit down the "tail" to the guy with the heaped up with a vacuum cleaner Nilfisk GD930:
Electricity in the plane - a scarce resource, so if possible use the energy from the "mainland." Trendy vacuum cleaner plugged in in the vestibule apron. I try to pass on to the salon. And then ... when I say that there is a wild dvizhuha, it means nothing to say.
"Where on mytomu !!" - this cry makes shiver and the first-grader at school, and the president in the Kremlin.
I assure you that I even thought there nibble cookies and Semyon I stand on the spirit. The attitude to me changed to favor and even allow you to go further into the interior.
On the back of "kitchen" the density of the staff of these four square meters just rolls over, I counted seven. All something move, rearrange and shift, and the main thing on the positive!
As it turned out - in the midst of acceptance of catering and drinks. All this considered, it is checked and logged.
Seats cleaned, carpets vacuumed, safetikartochki checked for
Overboard, meanwhile, boils least stressful job. The fuel needed to fill, pour the water, luggage load
That through this fitting in just a minute into the tank falls almost a thousand liters of kerosene
tanker ...
Cargo space is ready to accept the fact that until recently carefully wrapped with tape and cling film
Do not resist the temptation and looked inside ... nothing unusual
Baggage ... Loading luggage ... This is not a Russian Post
2. loading ...
On the other side of the wing Autolifts ship board meals, drinks, magazines, blankets and pillows
The black bags is only a small part of what is left behind passengers in the cabin
All the preparation is completed, ground services leave the salon. I also have the opportunity to get to a nearby board, which stood on the C-check. C-check - it is also a service, but with a big dip in the material. Then over time, more room, and the atmosphere on board quieter. From myself I will say in the country where I worked constantly around and guards were on board.
Instead, cleaners and supervisors on board technology engineers. Thoughtfully and slowly they check how the overall technical condition of the ship and the work of all its systems
To my question "What gives the greatest concern on the plane," they chorused friendly technology - the chair. They jump on them passengers, something I do not know - Andrey was filled with discontent. One block of seats for business class is, by the way, more than a million rubles! What a difference when we had the Tu-154. There were chairs of course easier, but neubivaemye
But the situation is contrary to the stoves. Here Airbus totally hamming little old Tupolev. The only thing that annoys so it works machines overheating. What would they bring back into operation is necessary to unscrew the kitchen floor
Of course, technology is not only guided by his intuition, experience and instruction in technical maintenance and repair of aircraft (NTERAT GA-93), but also the technical condition of the vessel magazine. After each flight, the crew brings back all their Wishlist and sneak aboard the plane. What where the creaks, does not burn and does not close. Bukovki NIL means that no comments
Apparently, so it is necessary according to the instructions, but the board is not powered from the ground and from its own auxiliary power unit. Here I show on the display of a tank, a pump and some valves through which the fuel is to APU. Also, you can see that in the previous flight aboard eaten 3510 kg of kerosene and tanks still have 2 380 kg, fuel temperature 4, and its density - 0, 7
Here are all the pilot's economy and will test engineer. The point is responsibility, so I decided not to abuse the hospitality and bowed. And thank you for your attention.
After work, which usually ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes if everything goes normally, inviting passengers on landing!
Enjoy your flight!