The right to use a lift
Two months ago, was hanged in the elevator advertising windows "Rules of using the elevator." Most of As I read the first paragraph of the rules, accepted them without reading further, and quiet ride. Until one day, I did not read the second paragraph ...
Rules lift
1. Persons included in the elevator, are required to read and accept these Rules, or to leave the cabin!
2. Upon entering the elevator car, passengers are required to call loudly and clearly on the floor of a room that they follow.
3. The order of pressing the buttons is determined by the open floor drawing lots, the reverse priority. Naynizshy floor has the opposite priority.
4. The passenger (s) with the highest priority are entitled to priority pressing the floor following.
5. In the case of coincidence floor following two or more passengers must be selected one person responsible for pressing the floor. Pressing floors ignored.
6. The passenger may transfer to another floor pressing passengers who are able to reach the buttons.
7. If a passenger mistakenly have the wrong number of floor, it may be necessary to conduct a new draw, but on reaching the next floor of the route.
8. Upon reaching the floor following the passenger is obliged to leave the elevator, and to release him from his luggage.
9. Passengers left in the elevator, continue to follow, according to the original draw.
10. The passenger, who missed his floor, losing the right of priority before the end of the route. In this case, the passenger is obliged to follow the route to the top floor, and then he is entitled to participate in the draw again reverse direction.
11. Repeated skipping my floor, the passenger is obliged to leave the elevator on the floor near the route and take the stairs.
12. Persons who violate the Terms of Use elevator can be landed at the nearest floor, by the decision of the majority of passengers involved in lifting (lowering).
PS: Now, when I go with my wife using some of the rules))))))

Rules lift
1. Persons included in the elevator, are required to read and accept these Rules, or to leave the cabin!
2. Upon entering the elevator car, passengers are required to call loudly and clearly on the floor of a room that they follow.
3. The order of pressing the buttons is determined by the open floor drawing lots, the reverse priority. Naynizshy floor has the opposite priority.
4. The passenger (s) with the highest priority are entitled to priority pressing the floor following.
5. In the case of coincidence floor following two or more passengers must be selected one person responsible for pressing the floor. Pressing floors ignored.
6. The passenger may transfer to another floor pressing passengers who are able to reach the buttons.
7. If a passenger mistakenly have the wrong number of floor, it may be necessary to conduct a new draw, but on reaching the next floor of the route.
8. Upon reaching the floor following the passenger is obliged to leave the elevator, and to release him from his luggage.
9. Passengers left in the elevator, continue to follow, according to the original draw.
10. The passenger, who missed his floor, losing the right of priority before the end of the route. In this case, the passenger is obliged to follow the route to the top floor, and then he is entitled to participate in the draw again reverse direction.
11. Repeated skipping my floor, the passenger is obliged to leave the elevator on the floor near the route and take the stairs.
12. Persons who violate the Terms of Use elevator can be landed at the nearest floor, by the decision of the majority of passengers involved in lifting (lowering).
PS: Now, when I go with my wife using some of the rules))))))