Researchers: active use of Twitter can cause divorce and infidelity
Twitter was originally created bring people together. Irony? Actively using the service may spell trouble for real users.
A new study by the University of Missouri showed that active Twitter users are more likely to have problems in their romantic relationship because of Twitter, which in turn leads to other problems like emotional or physical cheating, breakup, or even divorce.
A study conducted by Russell Clayton, a graduate student of the faculty of journalism of the University of Missouri, showed some correlation between Twitter use and problems. Clayton surveyed 581 Twitter users aged 18 or older, asking questions such: "How often do you log into Twitter?" and "How often do you have disagreements with others as a result of excessive пользованияTwitter?"
Clayton has based his work on previous, similar study related to the use of Facebook and how it leads to jealousy.
"Based on the results of both studies, the use of Twitter and Facebook can have devastating consequences for romantic relationships," said Clayton. "That is, when the SSS (social networking site) becomes a problem in your romantic relationship, there is a risk of negative consequences for the relationship."
These types of relationship problems happen no matter how long couples have been together, says Clayton. Of course there are simple ways to avoid conflict with Twitter. Couples can create a joint user account page in social networks, or simply to reduce daily use of Twitter, he said.
Source: monoblog.su/
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