Hawaii continues to experiment in long-term isolation team of astronauts

University of Hawaii Photos i> sup>
For about eight months, a team of seven volunteers the bulk of their time проводит in an isolated room area of 112 square meters, which is on the top of one of the extinct volcanoes in Hawaii USA. The surrounding landscape and privacy perfectly consistent with the objective of a scientific experiment - check the consistency and the psychological state of the crew of the ship during the expedition to Mars. To complete the feeling the whole team was planted in place of the experiment on parachutes with the help of the military, and communication with the control center of volunteers comes with a delay of 20 minutes.
This experiment - it's part of an ongoing long-term research program Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation ( HI-SEAS ). According to its plans, the seven volunteers - four men and three women - have to spend eight months under conditions simulating the flight and stay on Mars. Some members of the team - engineers, besides one of the volunteers - well-known expert on fitness, Tony Norton, which should follow the physical condition of the team during the experiment and monitor the implementation of the training program. June 13, 2015 at 11 am local time, the experiment is over.

University of Hawaii Photos - exterior station i> sup>
Lifestyle volunteers who were selected from over 700 candidates, largely mimics real life astronauts. They feed on a limited supply of products with a limited rate of water for drinking and showers, are obliged to carry out a specific time for exercise, and perform a number of planned personal experiments, such as printing on different parts of 3D-printers. Many participants in the experiment have blogs on wordpress: eg this and this < / a>, where "astronauts" to share their experiences and discuss the "mundane" events such as the Eurovision Song Contest or winning Canada in the final of the world championship on hockey.
The team also has a common twitter, from which you can understand what they are doing. For example, watch "Star Wars»:
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