Why and why it is so blatantly distort
During his reign, Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) held a series of reform aimed at centralizing government. He reformed the central and local administration, the judicial system, streamline the tax system, introduced uniform for the entire state unit of taxation - the "big plow." When Ivan the Terrible started printing in Moscow. The growth of the population was 50% (half). It was built 155 new cities. The country has doubled - from 2, 8 million sq. M. 5 km to 4 million sq. m. km. The territory of Muscovy became more than throughout the rest of Europe.
Terrible organizes public mail (founded about 300 postal stations) and Apothecary order, developing international trade and creates Ambassadorial order created by the industry. Prohibited private underground prison and legalized state Rus ransom from captivity.
Continued under the cut ...
Emigration of people from Europe exceeded 30 000 families. The country receives regular troops - archers. His army stopped the expansion of the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray, supported by the Ottoman Empire. In the battle of the young July 30 - August 2, 1572 under the command of Prince Michael Vorotynsky magistrates it was destroyed 40,000th (other estimates 120 thousand.) Crimean Turkish army. And many are willing to lose in the time and the desire to bite off a piece of the former Western Province Slavonic-Aryan Empire.
It Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) the first of the Moscow Tsars attempted to make Muscovy maritime power, fighting for Russia's access to the Baltic Sea (a name early - Russian Sea) and creating a navy, and a port on the Baltic Sea. Europe is perceived as a threat to their commercial interests and to undertake everything possible to ensure that does not allow the Muscovites to the sea. In 1565 Augustus of Saxony stated: "Russian quickly give birth to the fleet, gaining everywhere skippers; Muscovites when perfected in the maritime business with them will no longer be possible to cope ... ».
So it does not belong to Peter I the palm construction Muscovite fleet.
Nevertheless, to this day in the course of the fable, who wrote about Ivan the Terrible More Romanov historians and their Western counterparts: Jesuit Possevino Englishman Horsey and domestic Prince Andrew Kurbsky - synoubiytsa, a tyrant and a tyrant, filled with blood all over the country. Here is an example of only one distortion of information.
In 1569 Grozny came to Novgorod, The population of then around 40 thousand. Man. There raging epidemic. Grave lists of the dead say 2800, and Jerome Horsey - British diplomat in "Notes of the Russian" indicates that the guardsmen were cut in Hovgorode 700 (seven hundred) thousand, and this number is accepted as historically significant.
And after 54 years reign of Ivan the Terrible was executed from 3 to 4 (according to other sources 15) thousand, and none without trial. Every death sentence was imposed under Ivan the Terrible in Moscow and personally approved by the king, and the princes and boyars sentence - and even the Boyar Duma. Meanwhile, the "enlightened" Europeans have treated themselves to St. Bartholomew massacre, when in one night on the orders of the French king Charles IX Catholics cut 4 to 12 tys.gugenotov.
In the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547), around the same time in England was executed 72 thousand. People (about 2, 5% of the total population of the country) "for vagrancy and begging", and under Queen Elizabeth I (1568-1603 ) - 89 thousand. man. In 1525 in Germany, during the suppression of the peasant uprising were executed more than 100 thousand. Man.
February 16, 1568 the Spanish Inquisition sentenced to death all the inhabitants of the Netherlands (not to mention all those executed by the Inquisition), during the suppression of uprisings in the Netherlands impansky King Philip II (1556-1598) executed in two years more than 100 thousand. November 4, 1576 at the suppression of the uprising were executed in Antwerp 8 th. He executed dozens of representatives of the Aragonese noble birth.
However, it is in the West, the Russian tsar nicknamed Terrible (as translated from the English expression of the Terrible), reversed the meaning of Grozny Russian epithet, which reflects the idea of greatness, justice and order in the country, not tyranny and bloody tyranny. Not far behind them and domestic "creators", carefully pouring mud Russian heritage. In 2009, Russia came out on the screens the film "King" Lungin where "creative author" thoroughly poizgalyalsya over Grozny, presenting it as a mentally ill freak - madman, maniac, a sadistic and paranoid in one bottle.
So what is so vexed them all Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible?
Perhaps the fact that Jewish merchants were forbidden to enter the territory of Russia. And when in 1550 the Polish King Sigismund Augustus demanded that they were allowed free entry into Russia, Grozny refused in the following words: "in their states Gide nothing goes not Veleta, zanezhe in their states dashing no see do not want to, but we want to that God will give my people are my states were in silence, without any embarrassment. And would you, our brother, ahead of Zhideh wrote to us, "the Russian people as they are" withdrawn from Christianity, and otravnye potions brought to our land and our people, many nasty things done ».
And, perhaps, by the fact that with the then European monarchs, he is not particularly ceremony and wrote to them all that he have thought, referring to him as overlord to his vassals, or at least like a man nobly to people much below him in origin. For example, the English Queen Elizabeth I, he did not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction with her manner of doing business and of itself: "... And we chayali that you're on your gosudarstve Empress herself possess. Azhno you by your own people and of not only people, but also trade and the men of our sovereign heads and chesteh, and spoil grounds are not looking, and looking for their trading Pribytkov. But continue thou in his maiden rank, as it is banal girl ... "And here is what he wrote to the Swedish King Johan III:« And if you want perelaivatsya, so you find yourself the same slave which you yourself slave, so with him and perelaivaysya. From now on, you can not write much barking, we have no answer to give to you will not ... ". Or maybe he pricked his eyes the legitimacy of his power and high birth of low-born Romanov.
Terrible organizes public mail (founded about 300 postal stations) and Apothecary order, developing international trade and creates Ambassadorial order created by the industry. Prohibited private underground prison and legalized state Rus ransom from captivity.
Continued under the cut ...

Emigration of people from Europe exceeded 30 000 families. The country receives regular troops - archers. His army stopped the expansion of the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray, supported by the Ottoman Empire. In the battle of the young July 30 - August 2, 1572 under the command of Prince Michael Vorotynsky magistrates it was destroyed 40,000th (other estimates 120 thousand.) Crimean Turkish army. And many are willing to lose in the time and the desire to bite off a piece of the former Western Province Slavonic-Aryan Empire.
It Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) the first of the Moscow Tsars attempted to make Muscovy maritime power, fighting for Russia's access to the Baltic Sea (a name early - Russian Sea) and creating a navy, and a port on the Baltic Sea. Europe is perceived as a threat to their commercial interests and to undertake everything possible to ensure that does not allow the Muscovites to the sea. In 1565 Augustus of Saxony stated: "Russian quickly give birth to the fleet, gaining everywhere skippers; Muscovites when perfected in the maritime business with them will no longer be possible to cope ... ».
So it does not belong to Peter I the palm construction Muscovite fleet.
Nevertheless, to this day in the course of the fable, who wrote about Ivan the Terrible More Romanov historians and their Western counterparts: Jesuit Possevino Englishman Horsey and domestic Prince Andrew Kurbsky - synoubiytsa, a tyrant and a tyrant, filled with blood all over the country. Here is an example of only one distortion of information.
In 1569 Grozny came to Novgorod, The population of then around 40 thousand. Man. There raging epidemic. Grave lists of the dead say 2800, and Jerome Horsey - British diplomat in "Notes of the Russian" indicates that the guardsmen were cut in Hovgorode 700 (seven hundred) thousand, and this number is accepted as historically significant.
And after 54 years reign of Ivan the Terrible was executed from 3 to 4 (according to other sources 15) thousand, and none without trial. Every death sentence was imposed under Ivan the Terrible in Moscow and personally approved by the king, and the princes and boyars sentence - and even the Boyar Duma. Meanwhile, the "enlightened" Europeans have treated themselves to St. Bartholomew massacre, when in one night on the orders of the French king Charles IX Catholics cut 4 to 12 tys.gugenotov.
In the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547), around the same time in England was executed 72 thousand. People (about 2, 5% of the total population of the country) "for vagrancy and begging", and under Queen Elizabeth I (1568-1603 ) - 89 thousand. man. In 1525 in Germany, during the suppression of the peasant uprising were executed more than 100 thousand. Man.
February 16, 1568 the Spanish Inquisition sentenced to death all the inhabitants of the Netherlands (not to mention all those executed by the Inquisition), during the suppression of uprisings in the Netherlands impansky King Philip II (1556-1598) executed in two years more than 100 thousand. November 4, 1576 at the suppression of the uprising were executed in Antwerp 8 th. He executed dozens of representatives of the Aragonese noble birth.
However, it is in the West, the Russian tsar nicknamed Terrible (as translated from the English expression of the Terrible), reversed the meaning of Grozny Russian epithet, which reflects the idea of greatness, justice and order in the country, not tyranny and bloody tyranny. Not far behind them and domestic "creators", carefully pouring mud Russian heritage. In 2009, Russia came out on the screens the film "King" Lungin where "creative author" thoroughly poizgalyalsya over Grozny, presenting it as a mentally ill freak - madman, maniac, a sadistic and paranoid in one bottle.
So what is so vexed them all Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible?
Perhaps the fact that Jewish merchants were forbidden to enter the territory of Russia. And when in 1550 the Polish King Sigismund Augustus demanded that they were allowed free entry into Russia, Grozny refused in the following words: "in their states Gide nothing goes not Veleta, zanezhe in their states dashing no see do not want to, but we want to that God will give my people are my states were in silence, without any embarrassment. And would you, our brother, ahead of Zhideh wrote to us, "the Russian people as they are" withdrawn from Christianity, and otravnye potions brought to our land and our people, many nasty things done ».
And, perhaps, by the fact that with the then European monarchs, he is not particularly ceremony and wrote to them all that he have thought, referring to him as overlord to his vassals, or at least like a man nobly to people much below him in origin. For example, the English Queen Elizabeth I, he did not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction with her manner of doing business and of itself: "... And we chayali that you're on your gosudarstve Empress herself possess. Azhno you by your own people and of not only people, but also trade and the men of our sovereign heads and chesteh, and spoil grounds are not looking, and looking for their trading Pribytkov. But continue thou in his maiden rank, as it is banal girl ... "And here is what he wrote to the Swedish King Johan III:« And if you want perelaivatsya, so you find yourself the same slave which you yourself slave, so with him and perelaivaysya. From now on, you can not write much barking, we have no answer to give to you will not ... ". Or maybe he pricked his eyes the legitimacy of his power and high birth of low-born Romanov.