Gas-dynamic trap and 4, 5 million degrees
Employees of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. GI Budker (Novosibirsk) managed to get the record for the quasi-stationary magnetic traps open type temperature of 400 electron volts (or 4, 5 million degrees). The result was achieved at the facility, which is called the gas-dynamic trap and used to keep the hot plasma in a magnetic field.
To fusion was positive output, it is necessary, first, to have the temperature of the fusing nuclei for light isotopes - hydrogen, deuterium and tritium - about 100 million degrees and, secondly, to be able to hold a plasma that includes ions and e Components, for about a second. With the first no problem: the particles with the desired energy are obtained with the help of atomic injection. The main issue is precisely in retention time, which is highly dependent on the electron temperature, which should have the highest.
Skilled BINP achieved good performance and, thus, get plenty of time in relation to the length of the main components that are involved in the synthesis reactions. It is about ten milliseconds, but this is enough for the system to be used as the source for controlling a hybrid reactor.
To heat the electronic components, scientists BINP used to develop the Institute of Applied Physics (Nizhni Novgorod) - a powerful source of microwave radiation.
"The immediate prospects are: having reached this temperature, we can talk about the construction of a very powerful electronic generator, which by its parameters will actually be equivalent to ITER - large tokamak", - said the deputy director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Alexander Ivanov.
Gasdynamic trap can be used as a neutron source, the fusion reactor has a relatively low efficiency. Another promising application - Disposal of radioactive waste: such a system can be operated using the spent nuclear fuel (plutonium, minor actinides, which have very long half-life) - afterburning him to residues that have a short life.
The plans of the research team - retrofitting installation and connection of a second source of microwave radiation, which, according to Alexander Ivanov, opens up the possibility to increase the temperature for approximately 1, 5 times.
According to the Russian Academy of Sciences

To fusion was positive output, it is necessary, first, to have the temperature of the fusing nuclei for light isotopes - hydrogen, deuterium and tritium - about 100 million degrees and, secondly, to be able to hold a plasma that includes ions and e Components, for about a second. With the first no problem: the particles with the desired energy are obtained with the help of atomic injection. The main issue is precisely in retention time, which is highly dependent on the electron temperature, which should have the highest.
Skilled BINP achieved good performance and, thus, get plenty of time in relation to the length of the main components that are involved in the synthesis reactions. It is about ten milliseconds, but this is enough for the system to be used as the source for controlling a hybrid reactor.
To heat the electronic components, scientists BINP used to develop the Institute of Applied Physics (Nizhni Novgorod) - a powerful source of microwave radiation.
"The immediate prospects are: having reached this temperature, we can talk about the construction of a very powerful electronic generator, which by its parameters will actually be equivalent to ITER - large tokamak", - said the deputy director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Alexander Ivanov.
Gasdynamic trap can be used as a neutron source, the fusion reactor has a relatively low efficiency. Another promising application - Disposal of radioactive waste: such a system can be operated using the spent nuclear fuel (plutonium, minor actinides, which have very long half-life) - afterburning him to residues that have a short life.
The plans of the research team - retrofitting installation and connection of a second source of microwave radiation, which, according to Alexander Ivanov, opens up the possibility to increase the temperature for approximately 1, 5 times.
According to the Russian Academy of Sciences
