Prisoners of brick factories in Dagestan
How much do you know of organizations that are engaged in the liberation of people trapped in slavery in Russia? Yes, this should be dealt with law enforcement agencies, but for some "unknown" reasons, they are often inactive, and it covers the slaveholders in the Russian Federation is engaged in a youth organization "Alternative", the one and only all over the country. Movement denied a grant, although applications have been written a lot of, in principle, it is not surprising, as all grants are distributed among its advance. And, anyway, this theme raise do not like, imagine: on the street to the Russian Federation 21, approaching the Olympics, and suddenly, out of nowhere, it turns out that in brick factories in Dagestan are thousands of slaves, bearing in mind that these very factories Dagestan more than 600 (!).
Driving contact with the plant is almost the same: people are lured by deception in a car or bus, offering good job in Sochi, or something watered and taken to the factory where they were on arrival and explain that they were sold for 15 thousand. Rubles (sometimes over 20 thousand.) and they are forced to work absolutely free, in full insanitary conditions. As in the case of escape threatens to kill, or take to the factories to the mountains, "no return", just explain that they have everything under control and no laws of the Russian Federation it is not a decree.
Two days ago I decided to ring in the press service of the Dagestani Interior Ministry and take their comments about slavery in Dagestan. After I introduced myself, I was told that I should go to the central office of the Interior Ministry, and through them to make a request, whereas, in other regions I have no such problems. Apparently, it is an uncomfortable question asked. And what they will say? Yes, we had a lot of similar cases, and none of the slaveholders not prosecuted?
January 2 activists of the movement "Alternative" in Dagestan (which there is practically no, I can even say that something like this phenomenon is trying to fight one Zakir Ismailov, who repeatedly threatened and almost declared enemy of Dagestan, which, he says, he denigrates the image of the country) has been released from slavery Vadim, a native of the Vladimir region. Vadim refused to give interviews and write a statement because he feared for his safety, as well as many others. Although the number of registered applications on the occasion of slavery necessarily, as it creates a certain statistics, but force people to write statements, we can not, as well as to ensure their safety. Thanks to those who throw money at our wallets or delivered them in person at the hands of the coordinators, January 9 Vadim was already at home, glad that someone's fate is already saved ...
January 11 were released 4 more human 3oe - the citizens of Belarus, and one - a citizen of the Russian Federation (Khabarovsk). These people have not yet sent home because there is no money for tickets. Many have asked, they say, that these people have no relatives? Friends, relatives of someone there, and are often orphans, but more likely it is people from low-income families who are looking for a means of income and they do not have the possibility to purchase tickets for 7-8 thousand. And believe me, if they helped the family, we would not publish their stories and photos once again ask the concerned people to help. The raid on the factory was jointly with the Interior Ministry, however, the question arises why the government of Dagestan is not willing to help in sending people home? How much they will ignore this problem?
On the road from Makhachkala they need to collect about 25 000 rubles. Money is needed to buy tickets to Khabarovsk and Belarus, as well as for the purchase of food and clothing, as people without winter clothing. Essential elements of the group vkontakte vk.com/alternative_moscowили Online kupiraba.ru /
And once again appeal to all: do not be indifferent, so if the government and their approximate denied us in grants, the Dagestani government does not consider it his duty to send the former slaves back home at their own expense, as business leaders and entrepreneurs are afraid to get our investors, only help and support ordinary people will be a critical factor in the eradication of the sale of black business people in the Russian Federation and the destruction of the slave owners. You can also sign the petition "Stop the slave trade in Russia. And inactive involvement of federal security forces to fire »: ni.kprf.ru/n/1649/
Driving contact with the plant is almost the same: people are lured by deception in a car or bus, offering good job in Sochi, or something watered and taken to the factory where they were on arrival and explain that they were sold for 15 thousand. Rubles (sometimes over 20 thousand.) and they are forced to work absolutely free, in full insanitary conditions. As in the case of escape threatens to kill, or take to the factories to the mountains, "no return", just explain that they have everything under control and no laws of the Russian Federation it is not a decree.
Two days ago I decided to ring in the press service of the Dagestani Interior Ministry and take their comments about slavery in Dagestan. After I introduced myself, I was told that I should go to the central office of the Interior Ministry, and through them to make a request, whereas, in other regions I have no such problems. Apparently, it is an uncomfortable question asked. And what they will say? Yes, we had a lot of similar cases, and none of the slaveholders not prosecuted?
January 2 activists of the movement "Alternative" in Dagestan (which there is practically no, I can even say that something like this phenomenon is trying to fight one Zakir Ismailov, who repeatedly threatened and almost declared enemy of Dagestan, which, he says, he denigrates the image of the country) has been released from slavery Vadim, a native of the Vladimir region. Vadim refused to give interviews and write a statement because he feared for his safety, as well as many others. Although the number of registered applications on the occasion of slavery necessarily, as it creates a certain statistics, but force people to write statements, we can not, as well as to ensure their safety. Thanks to those who throw money at our wallets or delivered them in person at the hands of the coordinators, January 9 Vadim was already at home, glad that someone's fate is already saved ...
January 11 were released 4 more human 3oe - the citizens of Belarus, and one - a citizen of the Russian Federation (Khabarovsk). These people have not yet sent home because there is no money for tickets. Many have asked, they say, that these people have no relatives? Friends, relatives of someone there, and are often orphans, but more likely it is people from low-income families who are looking for a means of income and they do not have the possibility to purchase tickets for 7-8 thousand. And believe me, if they helped the family, we would not publish their stories and photos once again ask the concerned people to help. The raid on the factory was jointly with the Interior Ministry, however, the question arises why the government of Dagestan is not willing to help in sending people home? How much they will ignore this problem?
On the road from Makhachkala they need to collect about 25 000 rubles. Money is needed to buy tickets to Khabarovsk and Belarus, as well as for the purchase of food and clothing, as people without winter clothing. Essential elements of the group vkontakte vk.com/alternative_moscowили Online kupiraba.ru /
And once again appeal to all: do not be indifferent, so if the government and their approximate denied us in grants, the Dagestani government does not consider it his duty to send the former slaves back home at their own expense, as business leaders and entrepreneurs are afraid to get our investors, only help and support ordinary people will be a critical factor in the eradication of the sale of black business people in the Russian Federation and the destruction of the slave owners. You can also sign the petition "Stop the slave trade in Russia. And inactive involvement of federal security forces to fire »: ni.kprf.ru/n/1649/
