Russian graduate student has created a nuclear battery
Graduate student of Tomsk Polytechnic University Dmitry Prokopiev has developed a nuclear battery that is capable of functioning autonomously for about 12 years without recharging. Since the power from the battery is small, it can be used so far only in the electronic devices with low power consumption. For example, pacemakers and other medical devices.
"In a sealed enclosure filled with tritium was placed gallium arsenide 3D-detector converts the energy of beta particles emitted by tritium, into electrical current. The detector created a huge number of wells. The total surface of the wells in the hundreds of times greater than the area of the detector, and thus the nuclear battery can be effective ", - the" RIA Novosti "According to Dmitry Prokopeva.
Already there are nuclear batteries of this type, but they use a silicon detector. Under the influence of radiation it loses its properties in three years. Prototypes of the detectors, which are the basis of improved batteries have been successfully tested at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics of Budker, as well as in the Siberian Physico-Technical Institute of the Tomsk State University.
Source onliner.by

"In a sealed enclosure filled with tritium was placed gallium arsenide 3D-detector converts the energy of beta particles emitted by tritium, into electrical current. The detector created a huge number of wells. The total surface of the wells in the hundreds of times greater than the area of the detector, and thus the nuclear battery can be effective ", - the" RIA Novosti "According to Dmitry Prokopeva.
Already there are nuclear batteries of this type, but they use a silicon detector. Under the influence of radiation it loses its properties in three years. Prototypes of the detectors, which are the basis of improved batteries have been successfully tested at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics of Budker, as well as in the Siberian Physico-Technical Institute of the Tomsk State University.
Source onliner.by