Olympic Cemetery
Now I'll be very surprised. In all my photos of the Olympic Park in the coastal cluster of Sochi present object, the appointment of whom I did not know. In the heart of the Olympic Park, next to the stadium "Fischt" and the Olympic torch is an active cemetery of the Old Believers.
there will be several photo
"Four years ago, during the visit of the IOC meeting in the cemetery of the Old Believers done a lot of noise. People stood between the grave fences, holding banners saying "SOS". On the contrary - the officials and riot police ...
- After seeing our posters, one of the leaders of the city administration cried, saying, now open fire on! - Says Dmitry Drofichev community leader. - Defiant knocked to the ground. Trampled graves. Police Cossacks pounded on the bus, where forced to write explanations. ...
As a result, the village of Old Believers Morlinsky moved a mile above the sea. But the cemetery bulldoze failed: people blocked the road bulldozers breast. »
To the audience, reaching for colorful bridges have not seen the cemetery were built three huge red screen.
I look at all this and do not understand: really could not move half a kilometer Olympic Park in any strontium? Or just hoped "under the guise of" raze the cemetery to the ground, but did not work?
Russian Olympiad on the bones, which can be symbolic of modern Russia.
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there will be several photo

"Four years ago, during the visit of the IOC meeting in the cemetery of the Old Believers done a lot of noise. People stood between the grave fences, holding banners saying "SOS". On the contrary - the officials and riot police ...
- After seeing our posters, one of the leaders of the city administration cried, saying, now open fire on! - Says Dmitry Drofichev community leader. - Defiant knocked to the ground. Trampled graves. Police Cossacks pounded on the bus, where forced to write explanations. ...
As a result, the village of Old Believers Morlinsky moved a mile above the sea. But the cemetery bulldoze failed: people blocked the road bulldozers breast. »
To the audience, reaching for colorful bridges have not seen the cemetery were built three huge red screen.
I look at all this and do not understand: really could not move half a kilometer Olympic Park in any strontium? Or just hoped "under the guise of" raze the cemetery to the ground, but did not work?
Russian Olympiad on the bones, which can be symbolic of modern Russia.

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