Inhuman tortures for unearthly beauty
Never, do you hear, never envy manicured housewives with graceful guitar figures. You just do not know through what horrors and torture they have to pass in order to please others fresh, healthy look.
And do not be fooled crafty gleam in his eyes and nespolzayuschaya Cheshire smile. To look like, we must always follow the diet, exercise, attend endless massages, body wraps and training.
70 photos will be. Source.
Olya I, a little battered by a 10-day working week, met by chance at the mall. Girlfriend poohat how bad I look, and as in any case can not run itself. It would be logical to me the most in it something to run, but I appreciate the fair criticism, so even agreed on arrangements to undergo rehabilitation at a special center. Thank God, not for a week, I strongly advise Olga, and just something for the weekend.
Already in the first procedure has become clear how thorny path to beauty. Oh, I would not want to be unemployed wife oligarch. Pleased that took a camera, I decided to tell you, dear readers, all the terrible sufferings endured by our hard share.
Take, for starters, wildly fashionable and seemingly quite simple Pilates.
Pilates, kids - not for wimps. It just seems that people are lazy relaxed slowly raised alternately one or the other limb.
In reality, it is hellishly difficult. Apart from the fact that the finiteness in principle not easy to keep on weight for a long time, so still need to manage to breathe vice versa. All of us are accustomed to starting an exercise to inhale and exhale ending. For example, squats. Sit down - inhale, get up - exhale. And then vice versa. And vice versa, this takes a lot of attention and effort, it's terribly inconvenient and difficult. Not only in Pilates, and more in other types of bullying body homosapiens so fashionable breath to show off. Do not be lazy. Try it. I even count you:
-Rrrraz, Squat and exhale
-Dvvvaa, Inspiratory rise
-Three, Breath, sat down (exhale and squat at the same time it is necessary)
-Four, Up, breathed.
Well, have felt? It is more an exercise I gave you light.
That's pretty athletic and I exercise some Pilates obtained with great difficulty
Hour of exercise three hours worth of driving on a bike field. Or even four.
And even when it seems that we are lying on the floor and relax every muscle in our body iznemozhdennogo Pilates taut as a string and look and tear.
If we neglect the salt-free diet, and even, God forbid, allow yourself a sip of beer once a week, then a simple Pilates not get off. Need more radical means. For example, such as vacuum Hipoksi simulators.
Look in front of you a unique home a torture device: a hybrid bike and cleaner
Right from the Great sticks treadmill. But I doubt gnaw. More like a cosmonaut training center.
Each of the torture simulators invent a suit.
Anxious to hear "full vacuum" in combination with "do not be afraid»
Not only that, we must not stop for a long time LYING (!) To pedal
So also scared that the same salutary body vaakum sucked into your spacecraft
For lazy people have special exercise equipment. Where you just lie there and be lazy
Costumes for them quite space. That seems to make such a gesture astronauts before batten down the hatches
Before you photo pictures from the movie "Aliens are coming»
Or better "awakening of Neo in The Matrix." Pay attention to the look of a happy baby and his sincere smile
Before being released to the world, of all the air pumped Oli
But as funny then looks at the body of pink krugleshki. If you meet someone, you can say that this is fashionable tights. Spring-fitness 2014. Although torture realm of beauty, and not all are accustomed to such
Water treatments
Shower relies too special here. Called Charcot.
This is the kind of sophisticated bullying using a very strong jets of water temperature contrast. He used many decades as a cool tool of excess fat, sagging skin, cellulite and other human afflictions. Suitable for suffering beings of either sex.
And here is the sniper
Some sophisticated prefer to visit this procedure in a suit of Adam and Eve. These are the latest fashion trends. Excuse me, I'm a little out of trend
Ooooogon, or rather voooooodaaaaaa
The main thing is not to let go of the handrails, and it will carry.
And a bath just can not have too take.
Here, too, will be hydro and their professional torturer.
Beautician - is a modern shaman, who with the help of healing potions and secret tactile techniques eliminates acne and wrinkles.
Some procedures, such as general massage can even be enjoyable.
Consilium Oli and shaman decided that I have a very haggard face. This is because a lot of work and very tired. Therefore, there just needs a serious Treatment. For example, algae mask.
Now I know what a good deal "alginate" will not be called. But then the question is why more cosmetologist "if I had claustrophobia" has not caused any suspicions?
Begin to impose a mask. Reds such as later in the photo turned out. Alginate.
The point is that the person is fully walled all. With the mouth and eyes. Entirely. Leave only the nose to breathe. And the mask immediately freezes.
Say you can not. See, too, of course. Orientirueshsya that occurs only by the sound. So I hear that Olga walks around and exclaims, what a beautiful strawberry out of me came out.
I panic, but scoffer, of course, did not let on. Logreus not lose heart! What I'm after the Japanese samurai and American canyons mask some scared! To misinform others, show that I am fine.
After completion of the memory remains cast personal face, as shown by the testimony of courage and heroism!
Too many modern Europeans believe that only authentic Indian philosophers understand the sense of eternal youth and longevity. You know, I myself was not in India, but saw a lot of pictures and stories about wonderful places such as Varanasi or, for example, Goa, where visitors from civilized worlds lose their documents and disappear forever. Therefore, to all sorts of Asian techniques treat with great suspicion. And then - Ayurveda.
The meaning of this thing to the end I was left unexplored. This kind of special for with his philosophy of feng shui and other instructions how to exist in the world.
And do not be fooled crafty gleam in his eyes and nespolzayuschaya Cheshire smile. To look like, we must always follow the diet, exercise, attend endless massages, body wraps and training.
70 photos will be. Source.

Olya I, a little battered by a 10-day working week, met by chance at the mall. Girlfriend poohat how bad I look, and as in any case can not run itself. It would be logical to me the most in it something to run, but I appreciate the fair criticism, so even agreed on arrangements to undergo rehabilitation at a special center. Thank God, not for a week, I strongly advise Olga, and just something for the weekend.
Already in the first procedure has become clear how thorny path to beauty. Oh, I would not want to be unemployed wife oligarch. Pleased that took a camera, I decided to tell you, dear readers, all the terrible sufferings endured by our hard share.
Take, for starters, wildly fashionable and seemingly quite simple Pilates.

Pilates, kids - not for wimps. It just seems that people are lazy relaxed slowly raised alternately one or the other limb.
In reality, it is hellishly difficult. Apart from the fact that the finiteness in principle not easy to keep on weight for a long time, so still need to manage to breathe vice versa. All of us are accustomed to starting an exercise to inhale and exhale ending. For example, squats. Sit down - inhale, get up - exhale. And then vice versa. And vice versa, this takes a lot of attention and effort, it's terribly inconvenient and difficult. Not only in Pilates, and more in other types of bullying body homosapiens so fashionable breath to show off. Do not be lazy. Try it. I even count you:
-Rrrraz, Squat and exhale
-Dvvvaa, Inspiratory rise
-Three, Breath, sat down (exhale and squat at the same time it is necessary)
-Four, Up, breathed.
Well, have felt? It is more an exercise I gave you light.

That's pretty athletic and I exercise some Pilates obtained with great difficulty

Hour of exercise three hours worth of driving on a bike field. Or even four.

And even when it seems that we are lying on the floor and relax every muscle in our body iznemozhdennogo Pilates taut as a string and look and tear.
If we neglect the salt-free diet, and even, God forbid, allow yourself a sip of beer once a week, then a simple Pilates not get off. Need more radical means. For example, such as vacuum Hipoksi simulators.

Look in front of you a unique home a torture device: a hybrid bike and cleaner

Right from the Great sticks treadmill. But I doubt gnaw. More like a cosmonaut training center.

Each of the torture simulators invent a suit.


Anxious to hear "full vacuum" in combination with "do not be afraid»

Not only that, we must not stop for a long time LYING (!) To pedal

So also scared that the same salutary body vaakum sucked into your spacecraft

For lazy people have special exercise equipment. Where you just lie there and be lazy

Costumes for them quite space. That seems to make such a gesture astronauts before batten down the hatches

Before you photo pictures from the movie "Aliens are coming»

Or better "awakening of Neo in The Matrix." Pay attention to the look of a happy baby and his sincere smile

Before being released to the world, of all the air pumped Oli

But as funny then looks at the body of pink krugleshki. If you meet someone, you can say that this is fashionable tights. Spring-fitness 2014. Although torture realm of beauty, and not all are accustomed to such

Water treatments
Shower relies too special here. Called Charcot.
This is the kind of sophisticated bullying using a very strong jets of water temperature contrast. He used many decades as a cool tool of excess fat, sagging skin, cellulite and other human afflictions. Suitable for suffering beings of either sex.

And here is the sniper

Some sophisticated prefer to visit this procedure in a suit of Adam and Eve. These are the latest fashion trends. Excuse me, I'm a little out of trend
Ooooogon, or rather voooooodaaaaaa
The main thing is not to let go of the handrails, and it will carry.
And a bath just can not have too take.

Here, too, will be hydro and their professional torturer.
Beautician - is a modern shaman, who with the help of healing potions and secret tactile techniques eliminates acne and wrinkles.

Some procedures, such as general massage can even be enjoyable.
Consilium Oli and shaman decided that I have a very haggard face. This is because a lot of work and very tired. Therefore, there just needs a serious Treatment. For example, algae mask.
Now I know what a good deal "alginate" will not be called. But then the question is why more cosmetologist "if I had claustrophobia" has not caused any suspicions?

Begin to impose a mask. Reds such as later in the photo turned out. Alginate.

The point is that the person is fully walled all. With the mouth and eyes. Entirely. Leave only the nose to breathe. And the mask immediately freezes.

Say you can not. See, too, of course. Orientirueshsya that occurs only by the sound. So I hear that Olga walks around and exclaims, what a beautiful strawberry out of me came out.

I panic, but scoffer, of course, did not let on. Logreus not lose heart! What I'm after the Japanese samurai and American canyons mask some scared! To misinform others, show that I am fine.

After completion of the memory remains cast personal face, as shown by the testimony of courage and heroism!

Too many modern Europeans believe that only authentic Indian philosophers understand the sense of eternal youth and longevity. You know, I myself was not in India, but saw a lot of pictures and stories about wonderful places such as Varanasi or, for example, Goa, where visitors from civilized worlds lose their documents and disappear forever. Therefore, to all sorts of Asian techniques treat with great suspicion. And then - Ayurveda.

The meaning of this thing to the end I was left unexplored. This kind of special for with his philosophy of feng shui and other instructions how to exist in the world.

