Obama is pushing the world to the war, he could face impeachment
The editor of Executive Intelligence Review, Michael Billington was interviewed by Press TV and commented on the situation in Ukraine. He believes that Barack Obama is not responding to the actions of Russia and is pushing the country into a third world war. The journalist is sure that it is time to impeach Obama.
Billington said that the US government openly support the new government of Ukraine and Crimea opposed the referendum, although classified referendum, and armed with a change of government were carried out without complying with the Constitution. Therefore, he believes that the current Ukrainian government is illegitimate, while Yanukovych is still president.
Billington also noted that all the accusations against Russia are groundless. After all previously learned about the controversial conversation between Obama's official representative in Ukraine Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador, which discussed "quietly" in the country to overthrow the existing government. According to Billington, only it can serve the requirement of impeachment. "This is a crime, heinous crime against the international community, within the framework of existing international law", the words -tsitiruet RT Michael Billington.
Glavred edition confident that the deployment of Russian troops in the Crimea was entirely lawful because, according to the existing between Russia and Ukraine have agreed, in the Crimea may be the 26,000th contingent of troops.
Michael Billington also spoke about the little-known fact, which is almost never mentioned in the media. Late last week, Obama called for a state of emergency in the United States, although it had no reason to. The American leader to circumvent US law. "The call is to the state of emergency - only evidence that Obama himself exposes himself dictator, current, bypassing the Constitution, bypassing Congress, and he must immediately be declared the impeachment, unless we're going to start in the near future thermonuclear confrontation with Russia "- concluded the activist.
In conclusion, Billington said that the US president specifically looking for an excuse to start a nuclear war with Russia, to force Russia and China to abandon the imperial policy and stop the growth of the influence of these countries in the world, because of the West's financial system has collapsed. According to him the only way to prevent war is to declare impeachment to Barack Obama.
Billington said that the US government openly support the new government of Ukraine and Crimea opposed the referendum, although classified referendum, and armed with a change of government were carried out without complying with the Constitution. Therefore, he believes that the current Ukrainian government is illegitimate, while Yanukovych is still president.
Billington also noted that all the accusations against Russia are groundless. After all previously learned about the controversial conversation between Obama's official representative in Ukraine Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador, which discussed "quietly" in the country to overthrow the existing government. According to Billington, only it can serve the requirement of impeachment. "This is a crime, heinous crime against the international community, within the framework of existing international law", the words -tsitiruet RT Michael Billington.

Glavred edition confident that the deployment of Russian troops in the Crimea was entirely lawful because, according to the existing between Russia and Ukraine have agreed, in the Crimea may be the 26,000th contingent of troops.
Michael Billington also spoke about the little-known fact, which is almost never mentioned in the media. Late last week, Obama called for a state of emergency in the United States, although it had no reason to. The American leader to circumvent US law. "The call is to the state of emergency - only evidence that Obama himself exposes himself dictator, current, bypassing the Constitution, bypassing Congress, and he must immediately be declared the impeachment, unless we're going to start in the near future thermonuclear confrontation with Russia "- concluded the activist.
In conclusion, Billington said that the US president specifically looking for an excuse to start a nuclear war with Russia, to force Russia and China to abandon the imperial policy and stop the growth of the influence of these countries in the world, because of the West's financial system has collapsed. According to him the only way to prevent war is to declare impeachment to Barack Obama.