Pro aggressive "Nat" and tattered Ukrainian army
On the current technical condition of Ukrainian military equipment, combat capability of the army and of the sworn friends of Ukraine. A brief description of how to correctly and with the greatest damage to yourself and your beloved homeland latter-day "dermokraty" pissed away all that sweat and blood created by several generations of hard-working and talented our ancestors.
4 photo.
It was in December 2002. By occupation I had time to visit the Ukrainian military unit: in Alexandria (Kirovohrad region) - at that time - helicopter of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine - The Prison Service (especially dangerous prisoners etapiruyut).
When we (kinosёmochnaya group) were in a helicopter part, we were immediately taken to the officers' mess. The massive building, built of prisoners of war by the Germans, with high ceilings, on the wall adorned Reproduction of Shishkin's "Morning in a pine forest." It was written on the wall, on top of the plaster! Great idea - a picture no one steal as the murals in the church. They fed us soup from a tin concentrate on combi-fat, the second - the potato puree with canned fish. View and had a strange taste. Reminiscent of "canned" smoked, roasted that "just in case." Each incoming officer in the dining room loudly uttered everyone present sacred phrase: "Bon appetit!". He answered in unison stuffed their mouths - "shpashibo!»
At the airport, I found a picture: on the helicopter parking was a crowd in the form of US military and photographed against a background of sawn huge Mi-6 with red stars on pieces of skin. These were the helicopters Kherson helicopter regiment relocated to Alexandria back in 1998. Sami machines were 1963 release, due to problems with spare parts (steering units), they stood on the "conservation" (in the moors) over five years and gradually rotted under the open sky. They cut them literally in the living. We are doing it the representatives of the US Army (or NATO).
Struck by one thing: a group of several Pindos rose against the background of the fallen symbol of former power potential opponent, and, holding a huge propeller blade course of patent Karelian birch, posed in front of the camera lens. They in turn changed by passing on part-relay luxury helicopter. Another group of Americans diligently documented and photographed some individual components and spare parts sawn helicopters, some elements took with them on their dedicated command of the warehouse. Blades - were taken, supposedly, "souvenirs" (valuable thing). Behind all this watching and our officers, technicians, ordinary soldiers. I saw their eyes - there is sadness, anger, frustration. It seemed they were ready to tear at the site of the Pindos, grinning mischievously in front of lenses.
Then we went to the control room, "the tower." It was a small iron box - "Aquarium" with balcony on the perimeter and hipped visor mounted on the roof of a two-storey brick building. As we climbed the steep staircase to the central control position. Closely. Patched linoleum on the floor, boxes along the baseboard, wall design tables, warning posters. Pile navigation equipment sample the 1970s, with the run down on the display round CRT-round view. All - obsolete. I remind you that it was in December 2002. At the post I was in an American uniform. In his hands was a "strange" device. It was the GPS-navigator. He pointed at it busily dispatching location "tower". In front of him on the desk stood a laptop connected to the navigation data cable. On its screen was a satellite map of the airport. The American made an adjustment position of objects on the ground. Then, 12 years ago. it was almost a "gimmick".
Just then there was the question: who made at sensitive military facility strangers? Not only foreigners, not only the military, not only from the country - a potential enemy? It turned out that in the framework of "cooperation" Ukraine-NATO. Type project for "recovery damned bloody legacy of the Soviet past." Pindos and at his own expense famously "disposed of" all this "heritage", not disdaining any means. Fortunately, our military officials were well rewarded for such "cooperation".
After a visit to the aerodrome, we, along with the commander of the past to his office. He took a bottle of vodka from his desk, took off his dark blue jacket with lёtnuyu dark brown tsigeykovym collar, and we all saw his tunic. Order of the Red Star, and, in my opinion, of the Red Banner. This military officer went to Afghanistan with his regiment. In helicopters, which were still "in service" - MI-8MT, they fought. All machines were plastered visible traces of bullets.
The commander poured moonshine us first, then yourself. Full glass. And he drank in silence. I could then understand his condition. And we all drank in silence, "clinking glasses".
In December 2012, the same parts. at the same airport crashed MI-8 helicopter, which belonged to the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine. The crew then made an unscheduled flight during the passage of TO. 5 people were killed. One of them cut off the head of the screw.
Now back to the realities of the Ukrainian leaky under-sample the army in 2014. Who and how will fight with anyone? How and on what? On that does not fly, on what does not go, do not that does not hold water?
Farts loudly in a puddle present fascist junta that led Pindos to power in Ukraine - no more. than profanity. Neither the EU nor the United States nor NATO will help impostors in moderinzatsii army. Not for them, "disposed of" our aircraft, tanks, ships, ammunition, so that Ukraine was in any way operational. Parts of the air defense of Ukraine - the most combat-ready today. They may reflect the potential of the Russian attack aircraft in the next 48 hours!
Our valiant young men know how to fight only on the computer screen. Do not be surprised if the current "mobilization", someone from the "warriors of Narnia" will ask the authorities to issue him with a radioactive launcher and plasma gun 40 watts.
Sala-Ukraine, Hero - bacon!
4 photo.

It was in December 2002. By occupation I had time to visit the Ukrainian military unit: in Alexandria (Kirovohrad region) - at that time - helicopter of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine - The Prison Service (especially dangerous prisoners etapiruyut).
When we (kinosёmochnaya group) were in a helicopter part, we were immediately taken to the officers' mess. The massive building, built of prisoners of war by the Germans, with high ceilings, on the wall adorned Reproduction of Shishkin's "Morning in a pine forest." It was written on the wall, on top of the plaster! Great idea - a picture no one steal as the murals in the church. They fed us soup from a tin concentrate on combi-fat, the second - the potato puree with canned fish. View and had a strange taste. Reminiscent of "canned" smoked, roasted that "just in case." Each incoming officer in the dining room loudly uttered everyone present sacred phrase: "Bon appetit!". He answered in unison stuffed their mouths - "shpashibo!»
At the airport, I found a picture: on the helicopter parking was a crowd in the form of US military and photographed against a background of sawn huge Mi-6 with red stars on pieces of skin. These were the helicopters Kherson helicopter regiment relocated to Alexandria back in 1998. Sami machines were 1963 release, due to problems with spare parts (steering units), they stood on the "conservation" (in the moors) over five years and gradually rotted under the open sky. They cut them literally in the living. We are doing it the representatives of the US Army (or NATO).
Struck by one thing: a group of several Pindos rose against the background of the fallen symbol of former power potential opponent, and, holding a huge propeller blade course of patent Karelian birch, posed in front of the camera lens. They in turn changed by passing on part-relay luxury helicopter. Another group of Americans diligently documented and photographed some individual components and spare parts sawn helicopters, some elements took with them on their dedicated command of the warehouse. Blades - were taken, supposedly, "souvenirs" (valuable thing). Behind all this watching and our officers, technicians, ordinary soldiers. I saw their eyes - there is sadness, anger, frustration. It seemed they were ready to tear at the site of the Pindos, grinning mischievously in front of lenses.

Then we went to the control room, "the tower." It was a small iron box - "Aquarium" with balcony on the perimeter and hipped visor mounted on the roof of a two-storey brick building. As we climbed the steep staircase to the central control position. Closely. Patched linoleum on the floor, boxes along the baseboard, wall design tables, warning posters. Pile navigation equipment sample the 1970s, with the run down on the display round CRT-round view. All - obsolete. I remind you that it was in December 2002. At the post I was in an American uniform. In his hands was a "strange" device. It was the GPS-navigator. He pointed at it busily dispatching location "tower". In front of him on the desk stood a laptop connected to the navigation data cable. On its screen was a satellite map of the airport. The American made an adjustment position of objects on the ground. Then, 12 years ago. it was almost a "gimmick".
Just then there was the question: who made at sensitive military facility strangers? Not only foreigners, not only the military, not only from the country - a potential enemy? It turned out that in the framework of "cooperation" Ukraine-NATO. Type project for "recovery damned bloody legacy of the Soviet past." Pindos and at his own expense famously "disposed of" all this "heritage", not disdaining any means. Fortunately, our military officials were well rewarded for such "cooperation".

After a visit to the aerodrome, we, along with the commander of the past to his office. He took a bottle of vodka from his desk, took off his dark blue jacket with lёtnuyu dark brown tsigeykovym collar, and we all saw his tunic. Order of the Red Star, and, in my opinion, of the Red Banner. This military officer went to Afghanistan with his regiment. In helicopters, which were still "in service" - MI-8MT, they fought. All machines were plastered visible traces of bullets.
The commander poured moonshine us first, then yourself. Full glass. And he drank in silence. I could then understand his condition. And we all drank in silence, "clinking glasses".
In December 2012, the same parts. at the same airport crashed MI-8 helicopter, which belonged to the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine. The crew then made an unscheduled flight during the passage of TO. 5 people were killed. One of them cut off the head of the screw.
Now back to the realities of the Ukrainian leaky under-sample the army in 2014. Who and how will fight with anyone? How and on what? On that does not fly, on what does not go, do not that does not hold water?
Farts loudly in a puddle present fascist junta that led Pindos to power in Ukraine - no more. than profanity. Neither the EU nor the United States nor NATO will help impostors in moderinzatsii army. Not for them, "disposed of" our aircraft, tanks, ships, ammunition, so that Ukraine was in any way operational. Parts of the air defense of Ukraine - the most combat-ready today. They may reflect the potential of the Russian attack aircraft in the next 48 hours!
Our valiant young men know how to fight only on the computer screen. Do not be surprised if the current "mobilization", someone from the "warriors of Narnia" will ask the authorities to issue him with a radioactive launcher and plasma gun 40 watts.
Sala-Ukraine, Hero - bacon!
