Free translation from anglitstskogo :)

Free translation from anglitstskogo :)

1) wears black clothes
2) Does the piercing or tattoo
3) bears a pentagram or the ankh (symbol of the ancient Egyptians used them in satanic rituals) (ancient egipyatne were Satanists ?! Wah-wah-wah!)
4) bears rock t-shirts.

5) Listens to gothic bands such as Marilyn Manson, and other anti-social music. (Why have offended the holy fool, HIM and Rasmus forgotten? = () 6) "hangs" with new friends suspicious.
7) showed no interest in church prayers, sport.
8) prinmat drugs.
9) kills people for fun. (this Achtung, my children approx.)
10) Walk at night and drinking the blood.
11) Watch cable TV.
12) complains of headaches, boredom, nausea. (or maybe he just brain cancer for a long time, but ..?)
13) He became secretive.
14) spends most of his time alone.
15) Poor behavior at school.
16) Remember to make the lessons, perhaps influenced by drugs or alcohol. (or maybe early sclerosis ...?)
17) Listen to music at full volume, possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. (maybe deafness ..?)
18) use computers or the Internet.
19) reads science fiction or adventure. (Conan Doyle Fiction Satan! Mark Twain - too! In the furnace! Give us the lives of the saints!)
20) Conducts malicious entries in the personal diary (you can find it if you will search the baby's room).
21) It appears paronoidalnye fantasies (many are ready to accuse their parents of spying for them). (And this is after the council read the diary of the child)
22) Explore a dangerous religious cult type WICCA, SATANISM, Hinduism and Buddhism.
23) use the blood of Christian children to inscribe pentagrams and other symbols on the churches and schools.
24) Sleeping too much or too little.
25) Eating too much or too little. (anorexia and bulimia patients, too, Goths, what do you think?)
26) Viewing pornography or otherwise interested in sex. (What is not excusable for a true Christian !!! =))
27) is a homosexual, bisexual, or «pansexual». (But it's close to the truth)
28) Smokes.
29) to scatter around the house syringes or other suspicious items. (just goes and throws a large baskets ...)
30) If there is a Gothic food, such as McDonald's, chocolate, or oatmeal. (powerful, is not it? - my note.)
31) says: "I - GOT." (yes, all of a sudden the parents were still doubts)
32) wears a badge with the inscription "I GOT". (this is a deaf-mute option)
33) Walks on suspicious clubs and places.
34) Collect cast iron boilers. (here I whinnying about an hour. It's more of a kleptomaniac fitter, not goth ... but who knows, who knows ...)
35) dancing to the music. (dance without me, la la la la, la la la la)
36) behaves in any other strange and terrifying manner. (where much of the country than picking up cast-iron boilers)


See also

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