Doom Anshlag - Five terrible accidents

Known TV presenter Regina Dubovitskaya believes that all participants in its programs put a spell ...

Regina Dubovitskaya, recently recovered after a serious car accident, against the advice of doctors, plans to start shooting his beloved "Full House", the newspaper "Life". And on the set it comes on crutches. Native presenter did not know how to react - Dubovitskaya just spoiling for a fight. Typically, after such injuries people recover within an average of five months, from the date of the terrible accident in Montenegro's only been two and a half ...
So, in May holidays Regina Dubovitskaya got into a terrible accident in Montenegro. The car in which they were traveling to the hotel, crashed into a concrete fence. Regina Igorevna strongly hit the windshield and broke her hip. She now lives in a country house near Moscow, moved with difficulty and hardly goes out ...
And because in this terrible accident in a taxi Dubovitskaya got not one, but with his girlfriend Elena Sparrow ...

Here it is, the place of the accident ... Elena escaped with bruises and a concussion a miracle ...

Chain of a terrible car accident, proiskodyaschih with "anshlagovtsami" began with Vladimir Vinokur. In Germany, the car crashed into the artist concrete pole. Two passengers were killed, and when Vinokur in serious condition was taken to hospital, the doctors were even going to amputate his left leg ...

Comedian with his friends returned from a concert in the city of Nakhodka. At the crossroads in their jeep crashed into a car. The car spun several times, and only the skill of the driver Drobotenko spared from much trouble. As admitted later, Sergei, he only escaped with slight shock ...

The next was Mikhail Evdokimov ...
A favorite of "Full House" and the Governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov died in August 2005, once in a car accident, the causes of which are still arguing locals ...
According to the official version, the "Mercedes" of the governor of the Altai Territory raced along the road Biysk - Barnaul and tried to overtake going ahead of him "Toyota» ...
Faced with her car Evdokimov flew into a ditch and crashed into a tree ...

As a result, Evdokimov and his driver were killed ...
Survived only the governor's wife Galina ...

People still bring to this place flowers and poems written by your favorite artists ...
But the eerie story clairvoyant, who treated the Altai governor 16 years ... Healer Tais'ya Panfilov (pictured) says, Evdokimov own self-fulfilling prophecy. "When Misha felt bad, he came, sometimes I went to him - said Panfilov. - And when he became governor, was afraid of something ... He told me that you can substitute any person, for example, to arrange an accident. I can ward off trouble, but at that moment I did not see anything. Then he again returned to the subject accident. I put at his request magical protection. It had to be repeated, and he stopped me to go. And my pride, I suppose, leaped. Or pettiness. And call him I did not itself ».

The latest in this sad list was Svyatoslav Eshchenko ...
Artist of the rest in the Lazarev district of Sochi. He himself was behind the wheel, cornering the car skidded and jumped through a metal fence, he crashed into a tree. Eshchenko immediately taken to the hospital ...
Since he received a severe blow head, then he had problems with memory ...
But, thank God, everything worked out - a couple of weeks actor escaped from the hospital in order to not to cancel concerts ... According to the newspaper "Life," "Your Day", "Komsomolskaya Pravda»
