When money is not worth anything (8 photos)

Big pile of money?
Hyperinflation in Germany in 1923
The average inflation rate was about 25% per day (3 days prices grew by half, and in the past month - a thousand times)
New banknotes still greater advantage in this case were published at least 2 times a week.
Prices in shops changed several times a day.

toys worth more than money

bill of one hundred billion

wood cost more money

paper cost more money

Wallpaper cost more money
one dollar = 4.2 million DM
price increase:
July 1914 - 1.0
January 1919 - 2.6
July 1919 - 3.4
January 1920 - 12.6
January 1921 - 14.4
July 1921 - 14.3
January 1922 - 36.7
July 1922 - 100.6
January 1923 - 2, 785.0
июль 1923 - 194, 000.0
ноябрь 1923 - 726, 000, 000, 000.0