A few words about cats (7 pics + text)
Dog, if its call, come running; cat - take note. (Mary Bly)
cat can vymurchat forgiveness for anything. (R.Henlon.)
Dogs think they are people. Cats think they are gods! (Unknown. Author).
Even the smallest of the cat - perfection. (Leonardo da Vinci)
But the cat - is itself a ghost, he is a demon. It is the very careful and very fun. (T.Lessing)
Only cat lovers know what is always warm, luxurious fur hot water bottle. (Suzanne Millen)
Hunted and pinned to the wall turns into a tiger cat. (Miguel de Cervantes)

cat can vymurchat forgiveness for anything. (R.Henlon.)

Dogs think they are people. Cats think they are gods! (Unknown. Author).

Even the smallest of the cat - perfection. (Leonardo da Vinci)

But the cat - is itself a ghost, he is a demon. It is the very careful and very fun. (T.Lessing)

Only cat lovers know what is always warm, luxurious fur hot water bottle. (Suzanne Millen)

Hunted and pinned to the wall turns into a tiger cat. (Miguel de Cervantes)
