Japanese artist Hikaru Cho is known mainly for its stunning 3D-images on the human body. A new project dedicated Hikaru familiar to all of us food, she painted so that they become indistinguishable from other products.
How to prepare food for Japanese airlines
11 foods that grow in unusual ways (14 photos)
Media Lies: 6 harmful products, once considered useful.
10 mental disorders occurring only in some parts of the world
5 important scientific facts about the benefits of nocturnal sleep
"Your food should be your medicine." Hippocrates
Learn how to keep your weekly fasting youth
What to eat to lose weight: the principles nemuchenicheskoy power system
9 tricks to keep food sticking to the pan
Important! What clots in blood vessels: 3 main reasons
How to prepare food for Japanese airlines
11 foods that grow in unusual ways (14 photos)
Media Lies: 6 harmful products, once considered useful.
10 mental disorders occurring only in some parts of the world
5 important scientific facts about the benefits of nocturnal sleep
"Your food should be your medicine." Hippocrates
Learn how to keep your weekly fasting youth
What to eat to lose weight: the principles nemuchenicheskoy power system
9 tricks to keep food sticking to the pan
Important! What clots in blood vessels: 3 main reasons
House in the Swiss village
In China, building an eco-city