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About not returning from a mission (24 photos + text)

During the April 30, 1942 at the front of something significant has happened. For April 30, parts of our aircraft destroyed or damaged 95 German vehicles carrying troops and cargo, 12 guns, 7 mortars, anti-aircraft machine-gun 5 points Exploded several warehouses with ammunition, scattered and destroyed part of the two companies of infantry of the enemy. For April 30, destroyed 38 German aircraft. Our losses - 9 aircraft.

From the Soviet Information Bureau reports
Among our combat losses that day were legendary, and the Il-2. At the helm of one of these single machines went to his last sortie Mikhail Petrovich Gavrilov, lieutenant, deputy commander of 2 Squadron 568 Attack Aviation Regiment. And lost.

In 1942, Lieutenant Gavrilov was already an experienced pilot. Had the account for at least 27 sorties, 20 of which were ground attack manpower, tanks, artillery and enemy airfields. According to incomplete, but vindicated escort fighters and ground parts of the data, he destroyed 6 tanks, 45 vehicles carrying troops and cargo, 10 pieces of artillery, anti-aircraft artillery battery 4, 12-15 fortified points and more than 500 Nazis. Again emphasize that the data were confirmed, but incomplete.

War Mikhail Gavrilov met in the composition of 66 ShAP. The regiment was based then in Komarno, Kurovitse and was armed with 58-15bis aircraft, as well as 5 IL-2 has not yet mastered the pilots. June 22, 1941 as a result of the first air raid on an enemy airfield Kurovitse been disabled 36 aircraft. By the end of the day in the regiment left 24 I-15bis and 3 IL-2. In the future pilots of the regiment attacked the dedication motomehvoyskam and reflect raids of enemy bombers. June 28, 1941 the regiment was transferred to the surviving-153 62 ShAP. On this day 35 "horseless" pilots with the regimental commander S.S.Scheglikovym loss to Uman for retraining in the IL-2, and the remaining pilots continued to operate at the front under the command of Captain A.I.Sevastyanova.

In early July, the remains of the regiments that made up the 15 SAD (23 IAP, 62 ShAP, ShAP 66, 89 IAP) were informally summarized in one regiment which is based aircraft and 66 pilots ShAP. Commanded a combined regiment Colonel A.I.Sidorenko (Commander 23 IAP), a military commissioner was Panchenko battalion commissar, chief of staff - Captain animals from 89 IAP. "Consolidated" regiment participated in the defense of Kiev, provoevav to September 1941 In this case it is usually called 66 ShAP.

In late July 1941 at the front returned to the part 66 ShAP that passed retraining on IL-2 under the name 66 ShAP. But these regiments fought independently as separate parts. At the end of August 1941 "consolidated" 66 ShAP departed in Balashov to re-form and part of the personnel of the former fighter regiments, which in June and July joined ShAP 66, went on to form a new 66 IAP. Another part of the flight and maintenance personnel from the assault regiments formed the basis of the formation of a new 820 ShAP. Later, in May 1943 for the differences in the defense of Kiev, Kiev received the honorary title as ShAP 66 and 820 ShAP, although formally a military unit with the number 820 in the defense of Kiev did not participate.

War in the Air
April 1, 1942 at 14.45 in the air was raised four Il-2568 ShAP (2 UAG, North-Western Front): Gavrilov, Kireev, Belov, Shtevnin accompanied by seven fighters LaGG-3. The task - to strike at the enemy in the area Mikhalkin, Dmitrieva, M.Gorby. Returned to their base only Gavrilov. He said that the first call group met heavy anti-aircraft fire, but skillfully maneuvering, she successfully made the attack. On the second pass flak force: solid curtain of fire stood before them. Break it, the group rushed to the enemy tanks and soon became well out of the attack. At the exit from the dive plane trailing a group of Ivan Shtevnina exploded.

Gavrilov began to maneuver for the third attack, but at the same moment noticed a fire on the tracks. 4 Bf-109 attacked three stormtroopers rushed to the aid of their three Lugg. The other four were related Lugg brutal fight with several "Messerschmitt". The battle lasted about fifteen minutes. But in the end, "Messer" managed to split the order and attack aircraft and fighter force to fight alone. How were shot down Kireev and Belov and where they fell or got - Gavrilov not seen.

April 3, 1942, performing a combat mission for ground attack and railway stations Volot Tuleblya as deputy leader of the group of four Il-2 (without fighter cover), Gavrilov and his comrades were attacked by three fighters Me-109. Germans in the first attack brought down the leading group of stormtroopers and decided to hit the slave - junior lieutenant Feoktistov and Argba.

Lieutenant Gavrilov took command of the group and immediately entered into a twenty-minute battle with enemy fighters. On the ground watched the battle Air Force Chief of II A (sic) Colonel Ivanov and a group of fighter pilots. They sent a letter Commander 2 UAG letter "full of admiration the courage and bravery of Lieutenant Gavrilov." Pilot Gavrilov successfully confront in his IL-2 German fighters, and even attack them. For that Mikhail Petrovich and was presented to the government award - the Order "Red Banner".

Order of the Red Banner (Order of the Red Banner, Order of the "Red Flag") - the first of the Soviet orders. The Order was established as an award for special bravery, selflessness and courage in defending the socialist fatherland. Order of the Red Banner also awarded military units, warships, state and public organizations. Until the establishment of the Order of Lenin in 1930, the Order of the Red Banner remained the highest order of the Soviet Union. Was established September 16, 1918 during the Civil War, the Central Executive Committee decree. Originally called the order "Red Banner».

0512 by the order of the troops of the North-Western Front on April 24, the pilot was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Order of the Red Star was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee on April 6, 1930. Statute of the Order was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee on May 5, 1930. Order of the Red Star instituted an award for great contribution to the Defence of the USSR, both in wartime and in peacetime, to ensure public safety. Awarded the Order of the Red Star: soldiers of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal troops, officers of the State Security Committee of the USSR, as well as soldiers and officers of law enforcement agencies; military units, warships, connections and associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In Demyansk boiler
So who is he - Pilot Gavrilov stormtrooper? Born in 1916, Russian, office, a candidate member of the CPSU (b) since 1939 and, according to some data, a member of the CPSU (b) since the spring of 1942. As part of the Red Army in 1934. He took part in the Polish Campaign 1939, with 22 June 1941 fought in the 66 ShAP. Shot and wounded was not for the courage and heroism presented to the government awards. Cause of the party of Lenin and Stalin and the socialist homeland - betrayed. According to TsAMO - went missing April 30, 1942. Did not return from a mission on the last day Luban offensive of the Red Army. By the end was coming and tragically known Demyansk offensive.

In the area surrounded Demyansk turned 6 enemy divisions, about 100,000 people. Heavy fighting to eliminate the encircled troops dragged on, the Germans managed to establish an "air bridge", allowing to transfer the surrounded troops reinforcements, ammunition and food. In March 1942, with the support of the enemy force 1 air force launched an operation to unblocking of his troops. During the month there were continuous fights and at the end the Germans break the encirclement.

Formed t. N. "Ramushevsky" (named after the village Ramushevo) corridor width of 6-8 km (end of April 1942). Fought in the area Demyansk stormtroopers Red Army Air Force made a significant contribution to the defeat of the encircled enemy units, more than once attacked the German airfields, disrupting air bridge Goering. There is reason to believe that the lieutenant Gavrilov stormed one of these airfields - in Glebovschine or in the sand. And on the way "home" was shot down by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft artillery. To the base has not held, fell somewhere. Where exactly - no one knew.

68 years later
Lieutenant Gavrilov and IL-2 was found in a swamp after 68 years after the death. Two weeks ago. Anatoly S. Pavlov, the commander of the search party "Demyansk" and his friends a few days getting out of the peat manure all that remains of the single Il-2. Remains, generally speaking, not much: hull, engine, aircraft construction debris. And most importantly - in an armored compartment were found the remains of the pilot. This discovery was worth a few days of hard work dozen volunteers worn tracked and wheeled vehicles and pump continuously pumped out swamp water from the excavation. Here's how it looked:

In the helmet, overalls, with the "head over heels" in the tunic, a pilot canvas boots rested on the ruined cockpit of his aircraft. After the war, "flying tank" was blown up by unknown "well-wishers": they had to live somehow, and crashed during the crash - sources of valuable non-ferrous metals, and, consequently, money. Parachute, gun and hours when the pilot was not - someone managed to get all of the above immediately after the war. And then the plane settled deep in the swamp and lay there until October 2010, keeping secret the name of the pilot.

Name installed
Following the discovery of the remains of the pilot and the operation is completed by lifting fragments combat aircraft search engines have begun to at least time consuming task - identification pilot. Found in tablet documents were unreadable. Awards and personal weapons not. Search by number extracted from the bog the engine gave the following information: single IL-2, the motor AM 38sh, engine number SH28563 number 1879701. 568 aircraft ShAP 2 Shock Air Group. Based on these data it was possible to assume - at the helm was the pilot of attack aircraft MP Gavrilov, a native of the farm bill hooks Komsomolsk district Stalingrad region.

Source: onepamop.livejournal.com