Grocery forgery
On the shelves comes more and more counterfeit and substandard products, which can cause enormous harm to human health. We offer a collection of facts about the most counterfeited foods. Caviar - a fake
In Russia, the eggs began to bring to the table more than 300 years ago. Peter the 1st held 50 special anglers who supplied eggs to the royal court.
Today, this delicacy is rich in iodine from the high price is not available to everyone. Therefore, the red and black caviar learned to forge. Make it from seaweed and caviar gives a taste of gelatin. But even if the calf has the smell of fish, and eggs are well shaped and have the desired color, all this does not prove their naturalness. Natural caviar when compressed bursts and has a bitter taste and a fake just chewed. In natural caviar eggs must be whole, the liquid should be not much. If the calf is less salt is laid, it can not survive until the end of the implementation.
The shelf life of eggs after the catch three days, that's why manufacturers to extend the added preservatives. The best caviar packed in cans July to September, at this time of spawning salmon, and more likely that the manufacturer used a minimum of preservatives.
Checking natural caviar. If a container with boiling water to throw a real eggs, the protein begins to fold, leaving a white trail in the water, and she will remain unharmed spawn. Artificial eggs in boiling water, after a while lose shape and begin to dissolve.
Sour cream - a fake
One of the most popular dairy products. Today stores offer us different fat sour cream, but are silent about the fact that it has long ceased to be a real sour cream. We buy stuff like her both in appearance and taste. What we eat, really? Animal fat is replaced by vegetable, soybean milk protein and soy a genetically modified. Added flavor, and on the shelves. Sour cream is very useful, it is very quickly absorbed by the body, but it concerns cream, cooked in the classical way, ie exclusively from cream and sourdough. And this cream on the shelves today is quite difficult to find. How do you check the naturalness of the product? Very simply, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of sour cream in a cup of boiling water. Forgery precipitates, and the present is completely dissolved.
Challenges that may face the buyer.
- The ratio of fish and sauce. If the manufacturer uses the sauce more than expected, he saves;
- To fish most often added enlargers volume;
- The presence of preservatives (eg sorbic acid);
- When not properly plugging canned tin can get inside and oxides.
Preservatives. The use of preservatives began in antiquity. People have always wanted to extend the life of products. Salt, honey, wine. Later replaced by wine vinegar and ethanol. For preserving foods, spices extracted from essential oils. All would be good if the natural preservatives are not replaced by synthetic.
They stop the formation of the product as well as harmful and beneficial bacteria. Thanks to them, increasing the shelf life of the product, color, smell.
On the other hand, they can trigger indigestion, changes in blood pressure, even cancer.
Crab sticks
Judging by the title - a delicacy. But all consumers have long known that there is no crab sticks crab. But not many people know that most of the fish even there. Judging by the inscriptions on the packaging of the crab sticks include starch, dyes, preservatives and surimi (minced fish).
As it turns out, a minced fish of the fish no more than 10%. After analysis, the experts did not manage to find out exactly what kind of substances make up the remaining 90%.
After the publication of the results of such research in the press, the sale of crab sticks fell several times. The saddest thing is that the manufacturers do not tell the whole truth about the composition of "not crab sticks." The conclusion is simple, crab sticks - a product with unknown ingredients, and there was not just not worth it, and absolutely not worth it.
Smoked fish
Basically it is made with liquid smoke - a strong carcinogen banned in many countries around the world.
The manufacturer claims that the main component of this fluid - extract from the usual smoke. A recipe for production kept secret. Quick to smoke fish is not a problem, do not need any smoker or cherry chips.
Recipe. Quite simply, for half a liter of water, two tablespoons of salt and 50 grams. liquid smoke. Dip the fish and leave in the refrigerator for two days. All smoked fish is ready. But what about the heat treatment, which should kill botulism, cholera, salmonella, staphylococcus and all kinds of worms? We whole bunch of probabilities offer to buy along with the fish. It would be fair to call it is not smoked fish, and "russkoruletochnoy" fish. Finding one want to live simply do not eat "ruskoruletochnuyu" fish.
Distinguish it from the real smoked too easy. In this smoked fish on the cut of meat has a yellowish tint, and in the area of stomach fat is going to the same color. Painted fish in the context of a simple color selection herring and almost no fat. Therefore, when buying smoked fish ask the seller to cut it. And pay attention to the date of smoking, as if not stored properly, the probability of harmful bacteria is greatly increased.
Buying shrimp, actually we buy water. They are frozen immediately after the catch: shrimp glazed with ice, so they do not break. Amount of ice in the shrimp is not specified by the manufacturers, because the rules on the quantity is not there. These manufacturers increase the weight percent 10-40.
On the packaging is also listed caliber shrimp, its essence, the number of shrimp per kilogram. But this is true not only for peeled shrimp. These rules violate almost all manufacturers. Coastal marine plankton can accumulate heavy metals in itself.
Quite a long time learned to breed shrimp in the coastal zone. Shrimp grown piece, contain antibiotics, which are added to the water to shellfish does not hurt. Excess body antibiotics causes allergic reactions dizbakterioz kills micro flora in the body. The most commonly used chloramphenicol, which is very slowly eliminated from the human body. Unfortunately, so far we do not have laws that regulate the presence of growth stimulants or antibiotics in shrimp.
Eye on the presence of antibiotics in shrimp can not be detected. Therefore, when buying look for "Atlantic" shrimp that is caught in the sea, they are much less antibiotics.
Conclusion: in shrimp are very likely to have antibiotics, so it is advisable to limit the use of shrimp to several times a month. Especially if the manufacturer shrimp questionable.
Most of the honey, soy sauce and spices in stores - fake
Most of the honey market participants around the world are buying honey questionable quality in China. The Chinese honey pollen is usually filtered out - this is done to disguise its origin. Consequently, the resulting substance honey rightfully can not be called.
Soy sauce, too much of a fake, although it would seem, the very soybeans - raw materials are readily available. Here the point is that the production process of the soy sauce too long and time consuming. Therefore, many enterprising producers decided to shift to "rapid" imitation, which is preparing for three days, and kept incomparably longer.
But worst of all, perhaps, is the case with saffron. It is expensive, no wonder it is called "the king of spices." Per kilogram of saffron this will have to pay about twenty thousand dollars. That's impressive, considering that most manufacturers claiming that sell spices only "high quality", in fact, in each package saffron ten percent or so. The rest - worthless crushed plants.
With a special adhesive from meat scraps can make a big and tasty steak
Substance that glues the pieces of meat, called "transglutaminase" or simply "meat glue". This enzyme allows fashionable chefs have to give meat dishes or crab patties some intricate shapes.
Much less innocent looks other use of transglutaminase. In a large meat production always remains a lot of bits and scraps that are suitable except for animal feed. And thanks to lean transglutaminase entrepreneurs can glue any waste of meat production into a single whole and avoid financial losses. Moreover, ordinary consumers to distinguish such a mosaic from the usual piece of meat is very difficult.
Salmon pink color
The real color of salmon (trout, salmon), which lies on the shelves of our stores - pale gray. Now it is mainly grown artificially - on farms where this unfortunate fish deprived of natural food and live in such close quarters that almost unable to move.
To give the same fish beautiful pink color, manufacturers, as you may guess, stuffed her special coloring agents. These pills for salmon make even different shades - for different tastes owners fish enterprises.
Today is grown on farms, about 95% of Atlantic salmon, and almost all of it - painted.
The Italian Mafia is engaged in a fake olive oil
As strange as it sounds, but the falsification of olive oil - one of the most lucrative "activity" of the Italian mafia. Income from olive oil have comparable with the proceeds of drug trafficking. For ordinary consumers, this means that most of the olive oil on the market or strongly diluted cheaper raw materials or a complete imitation.
That oil, which today are sold under the guise of high-quality olive oil, at least 80% - a mixture of cheap vegetable oils from Tunisia, Morocco, Greece and Spain. No particular advantage of such a product, of course, not. At least no greater than that of conventional sunflower oil. Surprisingly, people are so used to the taste of fakes is now a real pure product is often mistaken for a fake.
Source: bigpicture.ru
In Russia, the eggs began to bring to the table more than 300 years ago. Peter the 1st held 50 special anglers who supplied eggs to the royal court.
Today, this delicacy is rich in iodine from the high price is not available to everyone. Therefore, the red and black caviar learned to forge. Make it from seaweed and caviar gives a taste of gelatin. But even if the calf has the smell of fish, and eggs are well shaped and have the desired color, all this does not prove their naturalness. Natural caviar when compressed bursts and has a bitter taste and a fake just chewed. In natural caviar eggs must be whole, the liquid should be not much. If the calf is less salt is laid, it can not survive until the end of the implementation.
The shelf life of eggs after the catch three days, that's why manufacturers to extend the added preservatives. The best caviar packed in cans July to September, at this time of spawning salmon, and more likely that the manufacturer used a minimum of preservatives.
Checking natural caviar. If a container with boiling water to throw a real eggs, the protein begins to fold, leaving a white trail in the water, and she will remain unharmed spawn. Artificial eggs in boiling water, after a while lose shape and begin to dissolve.

Sour cream - a fake
One of the most popular dairy products. Today stores offer us different fat sour cream, but are silent about the fact that it has long ceased to be a real sour cream. We buy stuff like her both in appearance and taste. What we eat, really? Animal fat is replaced by vegetable, soybean milk protein and soy a genetically modified. Added flavor, and on the shelves. Sour cream is very useful, it is very quickly absorbed by the body, but it concerns cream, cooked in the classical way, ie exclusively from cream and sourdough. And this cream on the shelves today is quite difficult to find. How do you check the naturalness of the product? Very simply, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of sour cream in a cup of boiling water. Forgery precipitates, and the present is completely dissolved.

Challenges that may face the buyer.
- The ratio of fish and sauce. If the manufacturer uses the sauce more than expected, he saves;
- To fish most often added enlargers volume;
- The presence of preservatives (eg sorbic acid);
- When not properly plugging canned tin can get inside and oxides.
Preservatives. The use of preservatives began in antiquity. People have always wanted to extend the life of products. Salt, honey, wine. Later replaced by wine vinegar and ethanol. For preserving foods, spices extracted from essential oils. All would be good if the natural preservatives are not replaced by synthetic.
They stop the formation of the product as well as harmful and beneficial bacteria. Thanks to them, increasing the shelf life of the product, color, smell.
On the other hand, they can trigger indigestion, changes in blood pressure, even cancer.

Crab sticks
Judging by the title - a delicacy. But all consumers have long known that there is no crab sticks crab. But not many people know that most of the fish even there. Judging by the inscriptions on the packaging of the crab sticks include starch, dyes, preservatives and surimi (minced fish).
As it turns out, a minced fish of the fish no more than 10%. After analysis, the experts did not manage to find out exactly what kind of substances make up the remaining 90%.
After the publication of the results of such research in the press, the sale of crab sticks fell several times. The saddest thing is that the manufacturers do not tell the whole truth about the composition of "not crab sticks." The conclusion is simple, crab sticks - a product with unknown ingredients, and there was not just not worth it, and absolutely not worth it.

Smoked fish
Basically it is made with liquid smoke - a strong carcinogen banned in many countries around the world.
The manufacturer claims that the main component of this fluid - extract from the usual smoke. A recipe for production kept secret. Quick to smoke fish is not a problem, do not need any smoker or cherry chips.
Recipe. Quite simply, for half a liter of water, two tablespoons of salt and 50 grams. liquid smoke. Dip the fish and leave in the refrigerator for two days. All smoked fish is ready. But what about the heat treatment, which should kill botulism, cholera, salmonella, staphylococcus and all kinds of worms? We whole bunch of probabilities offer to buy along with the fish. It would be fair to call it is not smoked fish, and "russkoruletochnoy" fish. Finding one want to live simply do not eat "ruskoruletochnuyu" fish.
Distinguish it from the real smoked too easy. In this smoked fish on the cut of meat has a yellowish tint, and in the area of stomach fat is going to the same color. Painted fish in the context of a simple color selection herring and almost no fat. Therefore, when buying smoked fish ask the seller to cut it. And pay attention to the date of smoking, as if not stored properly, the probability of harmful bacteria is greatly increased.

Buying shrimp, actually we buy water. They are frozen immediately after the catch: shrimp glazed with ice, so they do not break. Amount of ice in the shrimp is not specified by the manufacturers, because the rules on the quantity is not there. These manufacturers increase the weight percent 10-40.
On the packaging is also listed caliber shrimp, its essence, the number of shrimp per kilogram. But this is true not only for peeled shrimp. These rules violate almost all manufacturers. Coastal marine plankton can accumulate heavy metals in itself.
Quite a long time learned to breed shrimp in the coastal zone. Shrimp grown piece, contain antibiotics, which are added to the water to shellfish does not hurt. Excess body antibiotics causes allergic reactions dizbakterioz kills micro flora in the body. The most commonly used chloramphenicol, which is very slowly eliminated from the human body. Unfortunately, so far we do not have laws that regulate the presence of growth stimulants or antibiotics in shrimp.
Eye on the presence of antibiotics in shrimp can not be detected. Therefore, when buying look for "Atlantic" shrimp that is caught in the sea, they are much less antibiotics.
Conclusion: in shrimp are very likely to have antibiotics, so it is advisable to limit the use of shrimp to several times a month. Especially if the manufacturer shrimp questionable.

Most of the honey, soy sauce and spices in stores - fake
Most of the honey market participants around the world are buying honey questionable quality in China. The Chinese honey pollen is usually filtered out - this is done to disguise its origin. Consequently, the resulting substance honey rightfully can not be called.
Soy sauce, too much of a fake, although it would seem, the very soybeans - raw materials are readily available. Here the point is that the production process of the soy sauce too long and time consuming. Therefore, many enterprising producers decided to shift to "rapid" imitation, which is preparing for three days, and kept incomparably longer.
But worst of all, perhaps, is the case with saffron. It is expensive, no wonder it is called "the king of spices." Per kilogram of saffron this will have to pay about twenty thousand dollars. That's impressive, considering that most manufacturers claiming that sell spices only "high quality", in fact, in each package saffron ten percent or so. The rest - worthless crushed plants.

With a special adhesive from meat scraps can make a big and tasty steak
Substance that glues the pieces of meat, called "transglutaminase" or simply "meat glue". This enzyme allows fashionable chefs have to give meat dishes or crab patties some intricate shapes.
Much less innocent looks other use of transglutaminase. In a large meat production always remains a lot of bits and scraps that are suitable except for animal feed. And thanks to lean transglutaminase entrepreneurs can glue any waste of meat production into a single whole and avoid financial losses. Moreover, ordinary consumers to distinguish such a mosaic from the usual piece of meat is very difficult.

Salmon pink color
The real color of salmon (trout, salmon), which lies on the shelves of our stores - pale gray. Now it is mainly grown artificially - on farms where this unfortunate fish deprived of natural food and live in such close quarters that almost unable to move.
To give the same fish beautiful pink color, manufacturers, as you may guess, stuffed her special coloring agents. These pills for salmon make even different shades - for different tastes owners fish enterprises.
Today is grown on farms, about 95% of Atlantic salmon, and almost all of it - painted.

The Italian Mafia is engaged in a fake olive oil
As strange as it sounds, but the falsification of olive oil - one of the most lucrative "activity" of the Italian mafia. Income from olive oil have comparable with the proceeds of drug trafficking. For ordinary consumers, this means that most of the olive oil on the market or strongly diluted cheaper raw materials or a complete imitation.
That oil, which today are sold under the guise of high-quality olive oil, at least 80% - a mixture of cheap vegetable oils from Tunisia, Morocco, Greece and Spain. No particular advantage of such a product, of course, not. At least no greater than that of conventional sunflower oil. Surprisingly, people are so used to the taste of fakes is now a real pure product is often mistaken for a fake.

Source: bigpicture.ru