Some stories about famous counterfeiters
The forger, who signed his forgeries
Forgery of coins is not the best way to make money, but it all depends on which coins you decide to copy. Counterfeiting dimes, the Bank you will not tear, however, there are some coins that are worth a lot of money. For example, the coin is the 1933 “Double eagle” denomination of$ 20 to a millionaire collector.
The forger, known as the "omega Man", produces almost exact replicas of this coin. Almost accurate? Actually the coins are indistinguishable – with the exception of one character. Omega man intentionally inflicting it on the coin as a trademark. It's a tiny image of the omega sign, visible only under the microscope. It is treated as a manifestation of the arrogance of Man omega, because without a sign, even the experts can't distinguish a fake.
In fact, copies are made so carefully and thoroughly that some collectors deliberately pay thousands of dollars for his remarks. Even if he will have enough millions that face these coins, he can be proud. But not everyone who forges coins away with it.
Children who did coins from toy soldiers
By today's standards, the forgery of coins is not the most effective way of making money, but for a child, the front pocket full of shiny coins, it can feel like a millionaire. Can we blame the child for wanting to be independent?
Obviously you can, because in 1962, three guys from Tennessee at the age of 16-17 years decided to make its own coins by melting lead soldiers. Authorities quickly put an end to it, not having to spend a dime. All three came under the juvenile court. In fact, the government has taken this so serious that the case ended with the intervention of the Secret service. It should be noted that teenagers were also arrested for robbery, so perhaps the police did the right thing, holding them in full.
Artist, draw money
Imagine for a second that you can write the number on paper, and she, like magic, turn into a bill of this denomination. Welcome to the world of the artist D. D. S. Boggs.
Boggs was famous for hand-painted “reproductions” of American money, which he then exchanged for goods and services. The story began in 1984, Boggs was sitting in a cafe, innocently drew a picture of one dollar bills on a napkin, later approached the waitress and took the towel, gently, that it charges for coffee. Since that day, Boggs has traveled the world trading his "money" on everything from food to hotel accommodation.
In several countries, he was accused of counterfeiting. However, formally his “activity” could not be prosecuted because he wasn't trying to give their money for real. The artist actually painted only one side of the banknote, and the other is left an imprint of his finger and signed. So turned out to be quite hard to accuse him of anything.
A counterfeiter, who was caught Newton
Isaac Newton was one of the greatest minds who ever knew the world, but few people know that along with the formulation of his brilliant ideas, he was the head of the Royal mint, and for several years fought with the equally brilliant counterfeiter.
William Chaloner was one of the “best” of counterfeiters in the UK. He spent a fortune to transform herself into the city's gentleman, despite the lack of visible signs of legal income. If this is not arrogance, there is even more: he once offered his services to the Mint to find out all their secrets. The attempt failed.
When Chaloner was arrested personally by Newton, but hooked up their connection and were instantly released. Constantly tempting fate, Chaloner decided to make fun of Newton, calling him a fraud, paying for brochures from his own pocket. Enraged by his behavior, Newton a year and a half collected against the fraudster irrefutable evidence, which ultimately led to the execution of Chaloner.
Good Samaritan counterfeiter
Most people become counterfeiters out of greed. Why not make your own money, if need a lot? But Art Williams is not like this – he forged the money out of the fun.
Williams is known to produce первоклассных100-dollar bills, which are not inferior in quality to the legendary counterfeit "Super notes", similar to real $ 100 like two drops of water. But we would like to pay attention to the less known side of his life. Although forgery Williams was really of outstanding quality, truly deserves attention and what he was spending.
Williams bought with his own hundreds of fake goods and provisions, which are immediately sent to charity. However, nothing lasts forever, and the Art was eventually arrested. Unfortunately, during an interview in 2002 he stated that he was proud of his actions. Because of this, he was punished even more severely, describing his statement as “lack of remorse”. The lesson here is apparently this: "never help."
The casual counterfeiter
Forging money is a crime that requires careful planning, tons of materials, and a detailed knowledge of the subject. No one can just so casually, to take and to begin to forge... or can it? The answer, of course, "Yes."
This story happened during the great civil war. Her character was Samuel Curtis Upham, nicknamed ” Honest Sam”, who accidentally flooded the Confederation of thousands of counterfeit banknotes.
How? When the war started, old Honest Sam wanted to earn extra money, and decided to make a fake 5 dollar bill Confederate – as a decorative souvenir. However, the money Upham was so realistic that people have decided to cut off the warning placed by Upham on all bills and spend them as real.
After a 5-dollar bills sold out, Upham decided to try again, but with a $ 10 because toy money with higher denominations are even funnier. When Upham finally discovered what had happened, he, nevertheless, decided to continue to produce fakes since they have devalued the real money Cofederation.
Fake the Upham worked so well that by the end of the war, his "notes" were virtually identical to the present. In an attempt to combat it, the Confederation established the death penalty for counterfeiting. But as Upham did not live in the Confederation, is absolutely nothing he is not threatened.
Lady, “stpasha” money in the kitchen
Historically, counterfeiting is a predominantly male activity. However, there are several women, who also learned the craft. Among them is Mary Butterworth, a lady who became a real Queen of counterfeiting, making fake in her kitchen.
Butterworth's method was simple: using nothing but iron and the handle, it could translate drawing notes on a sheet of paper, which is then, at your leisure, in detail described. By 1723, Butterworth had expanded her business to include a half of his crazy family.
Unlike almost all the others on this list, Butterworth was never caught. The police, however, raided her house after seven years of forging counterfeit money, but not not noticed anything suspicious (you can't arrest someone for the presence of iron). Butterworth thanked the stars and left the underworld before the age of 89 in harmony with the law.
The abortive Nazi plan
Perhaps one of the most ingenious Nazi plans was operation Bernhard the plot to ruin the British economy by flooding England with millions of counterfeit British pounds.
But before the operation was launched, British spies managed to find out. When the first few counterfeit bills were discovered, banknotes value above five pounds were withdrawn from circulation, and the plan was axed at the root. By the end of the war to distribute counterfeit money was nowhere, so the Nazis unceremoniously dumped the majority of the bills in lake Greenhouse.
If you wonder how was like fake bills for real, judging by the samples that came to the UK, the forgery was of exceptional quality.
The inkjet counterfeiter
"The inkjet counterfeiter" is a nickname for albert Talton that using an inkjet printer, the know-how and effort, in the middle of the two thousandth was released into circulation about seven million counterfeit dollars.
He used a multi-stage process impressive complexity, but with one big drawback – all the bills wore the same serial number. And yet he made a mess of the printer that you could buy in the store for 200 bucks.
To move in this helped Talton his love of experimentation. At the very beginning Talnet found that the real $ 100 bill turns yellow, if it has to hold a special token for authentication, and since most retailers checked like this, it was really the only thing he needed to implement to make their forgeries look convincing.
In General, Talton bought a marker and began to check them every paper that came across. Matter is able to deceive the marker detector are toilet paper. Or, more precisely, recycled paper.
With this information, Talton bought as many printers as he could fit in his house and began literally print their own money. Money toilet paper printed on an inkjet printer.
The old man drew his own dollars
Unlike Boggs, who created their money out of curiosity, Edward Mueller created their of necessity.
Most of the characters in this article for hours painstakingly recreated the banknote with perfect accuracy, and the money Muller the Secret service called "funny fake" – perhaps he did them in pencil. Despite this, he remains a forger with the longest career in American history, from 1938 to 1948.
Years later, the equipment 62-year-old Mueller broke, and the dollar became noticeably worse in quality. Ultimately, the failure to repair led to a spelling error in the spelling of the name of Washington as "Washngton". Even funnier happened when the government finally tracked down this elusive criminal. Hundreds of people who got these bills, I decided to keep them as Souvenirs instead of having to trade for real. That, of course, allowed Muller to go on living his quiet, harmless life a few years longer.
However, all good things must end, and Muller eventually was caught when his house burned down, and the children found the ashes of equipment.
What was the punishment? He was imprisoned for a year and a day in prison, and wrote a ridiculous fine of$1.
But the story doesn't end when the leaders of the Studio XX Century Fox heard Mueller, immediately bought the rights to it, paying Mueller a sum large enough that he could live the rest of my life, nothing lacking.
source: mixstuff.ru
Source: /users/1080
Forgery of coins is not the best way to make money, but it all depends on which coins you decide to copy. Counterfeiting dimes, the Bank you will not tear, however, there are some coins that are worth a lot of money. For example, the coin is the 1933 “Double eagle” denomination of$ 20 to a millionaire collector.
The forger, known as the "omega Man", produces almost exact replicas of this coin. Almost accurate? Actually the coins are indistinguishable – with the exception of one character. Omega man intentionally inflicting it on the coin as a trademark. It's a tiny image of the omega sign, visible only under the microscope. It is treated as a manifestation of the arrogance of Man omega, because without a sign, even the experts can't distinguish a fake.
In fact, copies are made so carefully and thoroughly that some collectors deliberately pay thousands of dollars for his remarks. Even if he will have enough millions that face these coins, he can be proud. But not everyone who forges coins away with it.
Children who did coins from toy soldiers
By today's standards, the forgery of coins is not the most effective way of making money, but for a child, the front pocket full of shiny coins, it can feel like a millionaire. Can we blame the child for wanting to be independent?
Obviously you can, because in 1962, three guys from Tennessee at the age of 16-17 years decided to make its own coins by melting lead soldiers. Authorities quickly put an end to it, not having to spend a dime. All three came under the juvenile court. In fact, the government has taken this so serious that the case ended with the intervention of the Secret service. It should be noted that teenagers were also arrested for robbery, so perhaps the police did the right thing, holding them in full.
Artist, draw money
Imagine for a second that you can write the number on paper, and she, like magic, turn into a bill of this denomination. Welcome to the world of the artist D. D. S. Boggs.
Boggs was famous for hand-painted “reproductions” of American money, which he then exchanged for goods and services. The story began in 1984, Boggs was sitting in a cafe, innocently drew a picture of one dollar bills on a napkin, later approached the waitress and took the towel, gently, that it charges for coffee. Since that day, Boggs has traveled the world trading his "money" on everything from food to hotel accommodation.
In several countries, he was accused of counterfeiting. However, formally his “activity” could not be prosecuted because he wasn't trying to give their money for real. The artist actually painted only one side of the banknote, and the other is left an imprint of his finger and signed. So turned out to be quite hard to accuse him of anything.
A counterfeiter, who was caught Newton
Isaac Newton was one of the greatest minds who ever knew the world, but few people know that along with the formulation of his brilliant ideas, he was the head of the Royal mint, and for several years fought with the equally brilliant counterfeiter.
William Chaloner was one of the “best” of counterfeiters in the UK. He spent a fortune to transform herself into the city's gentleman, despite the lack of visible signs of legal income. If this is not arrogance, there is even more: he once offered his services to the Mint to find out all their secrets. The attempt failed.
When Chaloner was arrested personally by Newton, but hooked up their connection and were instantly released. Constantly tempting fate, Chaloner decided to make fun of Newton, calling him a fraud, paying for brochures from his own pocket. Enraged by his behavior, Newton a year and a half collected against the fraudster irrefutable evidence, which ultimately led to the execution of Chaloner.
Good Samaritan counterfeiter
Most people become counterfeiters out of greed. Why not make your own money, if need a lot? But Art Williams is not like this – he forged the money out of the fun.
Williams is known to produce первоклассных100-dollar bills, which are not inferior in quality to the legendary counterfeit "Super notes", similar to real $ 100 like two drops of water. But we would like to pay attention to the less known side of his life. Although forgery Williams was really of outstanding quality, truly deserves attention and what he was spending.
Williams bought with his own hundreds of fake goods and provisions, which are immediately sent to charity. However, nothing lasts forever, and the Art was eventually arrested. Unfortunately, during an interview in 2002 he stated that he was proud of his actions. Because of this, he was punished even more severely, describing his statement as “lack of remorse”. The lesson here is apparently this: "never help."
The casual counterfeiter
Forging money is a crime that requires careful planning, tons of materials, and a detailed knowledge of the subject. No one can just so casually, to take and to begin to forge... or can it? The answer, of course, "Yes."
This story happened during the great civil war. Her character was Samuel Curtis Upham, nicknamed ” Honest Sam”, who accidentally flooded the Confederation of thousands of counterfeit banknotes.
How? When the war started, old Honest Sam wanted to earn extra money, and decided to make a fake 5 dollar bill Confederate – as a decorative souvenir. However, the money Upham was so realistic that people have decided to cut off the warning placed by Upham on all bills and spend them as real.
After a 5-dollar bills sold out, Upham decided to try again, but with a $ 10 because toy money with higher denominations are even funnier. When Upham finally discovered what had happened, he, nevertheless, decided to continue to produce fakes since they have devalued the real money Cofederation.
Fake the Upham worked so well that by the end of the war, his "notes" were virtually identical to the present. In an attempt to combat it, the Confederation established the death penalty for counterfeiting. But as Upham did not live in the Confederation, is absolutely nothing he is not threatened.
Lady, “stpasha” money in the kitchen
Historically, counterfeiting is a predominantly male activity. However, there are several women, who also learned the craft. Among them is Mary Butterworth, a lady who became a real Queen of counterfeiting, making fake in her kitchen.
Butterworth's method was simple: using nothing but iron and the handle, it could translate drawing notes on a sheet of paper, which is then, at your leisure, in detail described. By 1723, Butterworth had expanded her business to include a half of his crazy family.
Unlike almost all the others on this list, Butterworth was never caught. The police, however, raided her house after seven years of forging counterfeit money, but not not noticed anything suspicious (you can't arrest someone for the presence of iron). Butterworth thanked the stars and left the underworld before the age of 89 in harmony with the law.
The abortive Nazi plan
Perhaps one of the most ingenious Nazi plans was operation Bernhard the plot to ruin the British economy by flooding England with millions of counterfeit British pounds.
But before the operation was launched, British spies managed to find out. When the first few counterfeit bills were discovered, banknotes value above five pounds were withdrawn from circulation, and the plan was axed at the root. By the end of the war to distribute counterfeit money was nowhere, so the Nazis unceremoniously dumped the majority of the bills in lake Greenhouse.
If you wonder how was like fake bills for real, judging by the samples that came to the UK, the forgery was of exceptional quality.
The inkjet counterfeiter
"The inkjet counterfeiter" is a nickname for albert Talton that using an inkjet printer, the know-how and effort, in the middle of the two thousandth was released into circulation about seven million counterfeit dollars.
He used a multi-stage process impressive complexity, but with one big drawback – all the bills wore the same serial number. And yet he made a mess of the printer that you could buy in the store for 200 bucks.
To move in this helped Talton his love of experimentation. At the very beginning Talnet found that the real $ 100 bill turns yellow, if it has to hold a special token for authentication, and since most retailers checked like this, it was really the only thing he needed to implement to make their forgeries look convincing.
In General, Talton bought a marker and began to check them every paper that came across. Matter is able to deceive the marker detector are toilet paper. Or, more precisely, recycled paper.
With this information, Talton bought as many printers as he could fit in his house and began literally print their own money. Money toilet paper printed on an inkjet printer.
The old man drew his own dollars

Unlike Boggs, who created their money out of curiosity, Edward Mueller created their of necessity.
Most of the characters in this article for hours painstakingly recreated the banknote with perfect accuracy, and the money Muller the Secret service called "funny fake" – perhaps he did them in pencil. Despite this, he remains a forger with the longest career in American history, from 1938 to 1948.
Years later, the equipment 62-year-old Mueller broke, and the dollar became noticeably worse in quality. Ultimately, the failure to repair led to a spelling error in the spelling of the name of Washington as "Washngton". Even funnier happened when the government finally tracked down this elusive criminal. Hundreds of people who got these bills, I decided to keep them as Souvenirs instead of having to trade for real. That, of course, allowed Muller to go on living his quiet, harmless life a few years longer.
However, all good things must end, and Muller eventually was caught when his house burned down, and the children found the ashes of equipment.
What was the punishment? He was imprisoned for a year and a day in prison, and wrote a ridiculous fine of$1.
But the story doesn't end when the leaders of the Studio XX Century Fox heard Mueller, immediately bought the rights to it, paying Mueller a sum large enough that he could live the rest of my life, nothing lacking.
source: mixstuff.ru
Source: /users/1080