10 kind of safe and familiar things that can kill you
Look around you, look, do not you think that everything that surrounds you want to kill. No, I do not paranoia. Everything, absolutely everything, so you can routinely kill you. Today, only ten of things out of your life, who only think to kill you ...
1. Fish
Tell me, what is useful to the fish. Once, yes, I would agree with you, but not today.
Fish is full of poisons. Okay, not all fish is toxic, but the majority, the vast majority, may carry on the toxins themselves. Fish caught in oceans are often delivered in the form of a delicious bonus traces of mercury. My fish carefully. After all, as the Americans say shit happens.
Of course, if you want to avoid the terrible dangers of mercury, you can always eat river fish. For example, the same salmon. Disappoint you, but now 90% of freshwater fish are grown on farms and feed them special food from pesticides to water the fish are not infected with lice and other diseases. For example, salmon farm is 16 times more toxins than in the natural, but where many fish to take to all the growing humanity. So the habit of constantly and a lot of eating fish really deadly.
2. Drinking water
Like water from the tap. Her cleaning agents that could potentially cause cancer of the liver and pancreas. Disgusting, but the chemicals can be found in everything from food packaging to electronics. Yes, tap water is no exception.
We have something more normal, and here in the US and Europe in some places the content of harmful PFOS (perfluorocarbon) in tap water just rolls over. You may not boil? Then we go to you ...
3. Warmer
Over the years, a hot water bottle with hot water made of polycarbonate plastic, which contains bisphenol A (BPA), a toxic chemical that causes cancer in the long term breast and prostate, brain damage and disruptions in the endocrine system. Studies have shown that chromosome mutations in mice increased from 1-2 per cent to 40 per cent when they are kept in cages made out of this material.
Bisphenol A has also been found in baby bottles. Canada, France and Germany have already banned the substance in the manufacture of containers for liquids. And, by the way, you have no idea how close he is to you now. He's here right here on CD, DVD disc, laptops and PCs. Aaaaaaa Run ... save yourself ...;)
4. Dental floss and shampoo
Perfluorinated compounds, or PFCs are a family of fluorinated chemicals. PFCs as additional reinforcing material prevent thread breakage and strengthens the hair, after you have washed your hair with shampoo. But their minus that PFCs are highly toxic. These chemicals are used in many cleaning products, as well as dental floss impregnated with them and without them does not do any strengthening shampoo. PFCs are harmful to the liver and kidneys, as well as harmful to pregnant women, but rather for their unborn child
5. Watching TV
You do not watch TV ... Do not lie ... The University of Queensland have recently found out how much can be deadly TV.
As a result of their investigation it turns out that for every hour of watching TV, we lose 22 minutes of life. Or, in other words, if you're watching TV six hours a day, then you risk to die five years earlier. And if you're watching TV while still smoke your cigarette 1-2, then you cut the life of another 30 minutes to an hour. So go ahead, watch NTV and zoom your death.
6. Breathing indoor air
Forget the car exhaust and industrial fumes, the air in your home four times more dangerous and dirtier than the air outside. This contamination comes from the so-called "volatile organic compounds" (or LOS). Things like plants, paints and cleaners pollute the air in your house. And, yes, you understand me correctly, in new air is more dangerous than the old house.
7. Fruit juice
And it is what is harmful?
Sulphur dioxide. Yes, he is in such things as dried fruit, fruit juices and even cereal. It is used as a preservative and as an adhesive, which helps to retain particles of the product together. Unfortunately, he is for the body only harm, it slows the nervous system and develops an allergic reaction. Future moms and loved ones, do not drink juice, and do not eat what I Admincheg Muz4in.Net, listed above. Eat only organic fruit. Sulphur dioxide, remember, increases the likelihood of miscarriage.
8. Smile
Be happy - is harmful to health.
The long-term study that began in 1921, for decades studied the lives of 1,500 participants of this global experiment. One of the many discoveries of the project is that happy people die sooner than people who have at least a little unhappy. In the words of Dr. Leslie Martin of the University of La Sierra - "The subjects who were the most cheerful and had a good sense of humor, lived a short but happy life, and their life in comparison with the sullen longevity was more like a child's life." < br />
People who are most at risk are happy to play with your health, eat more junk food and even a chance to "burn" that is, asleep or become a drug addict, and therefore die sooner, much more. If you fall into the category of an optimist, do not worry, you will surely die with a smile on your face;)
9. Fast food and popcorn from the microwave
There are fat popcorn or french fries do not bring happiness to you and will not make you healthy. Everyone knows that fast food is nice and tasty, but we will speak frankly, crap. But it's not just food that will clog your arteries with cholesterol, it is something more
Scientists from Toronto found that the chemicals used in wrappers to fast food, are a real poison. As long as you carry a Big Mac in a box, a box to give time to all those chemical sweets, which she currently holds. These chemicals can cause cancer. Also, the package itself increases the damage of oil, which prepare your burger.
Diacetyl, remember that word. It is oil, which is preparing all the fast food, as well as its concentrated form is in a pack of popcorn for the microwave.
10. sunscreen.
Over the years, all the doctors advised us to be smeared with cream, to reduce the harm caused by the sun's rays which, when excess cause skin cancer.
But it turns out that sunscreen is not so good as it seems. In addition to the fact that it helps to prevent burns, the cream also blocks vital vitamin D. This vitamin stunning, which, as you know, helps maintain bone health, helps balance the immune system and fights HIV. Oh yes, he also "eats" the cancerous cells. So the resort is better to choose the right time for the Sun and not abuse sunbathing. In Europe, it is considered that a quarter of women who died from breast cancer could live if they maintain a sufficient level of vitamin D, rather than constantly smeared sunscreen

1. Fish
Tell me, what is useful to the fish. Once, yes, I would agree with you, but not today.
Fish is full of poisons. Okay, not all fish is toxic, but the majority, the vast majority, may carry on the toxins themselves. Fish caught in oceans are often delivered in the form of a delicious bonus traces of mercury. My fish carefully. After all, as the Americans say shit happens.
Of course, if you want to avoid the terrible dangers of mercury, you can always eat river fish. For example, the same salmon. Disappoint you, but now 90% of freshwater fish are grown on farms and feed them special food from pesticides to water the fish are not infected with lice and other diseases. For example, salmon farm is 16 times more toxins than in the natural, but where many fish to take to all the growing humanity. So the habit of constantly and a lot of eating fish really deadly.
2. Drinking water
Like water from the tap. Her cleaning agents that could potentially cause cancer of the liver and pancreas. Disgusting, but the chemicals can be found in everything from food packaging to electronics. Yes, tap water is no exception.
We have something more normal, and here in the US and Europe in some places the content of harmful PFOS (perfluorocarbon) in tap water just rolls over. You may not boil? Then we go to you ...
3. Warmer
Over the years, a hot water bottle with hot water made of polycarbonate plastic, which contains bisphenol A (BPA), a toxic chemical that causes cancer in the long term breast and prostate, brain damage and disruptions in the endocrine system. Studies have shown that chromosome mutations in mice increased from 1-2 per cent to 40 per cent when they are kept in cages made out of this material.
Bisphenol A has also been found in baby bottles. Canada, France and Germany have already banned the substance in the manufacture of containers for liquids. And, by the way, you have no idea how close he is to you now. He's here right here on CD, DVD disc, laptops and PCs. Aaaaaaa Run ... save yourself ...;)
4. Dental floss and shampoo
Perfluorinated compounds, or PFCs are a family of fluorinated chemicals. PFCs as additional reinforcing material prevent thread breakage and strengthens the hair, after you have washed your hair with shampoo. But their minus that PFCs are highly toxic. These chemicals are used in many cleaning products, as well as dental floss impregnated with them and without them does not do any strengthening shampoo. PFCs are harmful to the liver and kidneys, as well as harmful to pregnant women, but rather for their unborn child
5. Watching TV
You do not watch TV ... Do not lie ... The University of Queensland have recently found out how much can be deadly TV.
As a result of their investigation it turns out that for every hour of watching TV, we lose 22 minutes of life. Or, in other words, if you're watching TV six hours a day, then you risk to die five years earlier. And if you're watching TV while still smoke your cigarette 1-2, then you cut the life of another 30 minutes to an hour. So go ahead, watch NTV and zoom your death.
6. Breathing indoor air
Forget the car exhaust and industrial fumes, the air in your home four times more dangerous and dirtier than the air outside. This contamination comes from the so-called "volatile organic compounds" (or LOS). Things like plants, paints and cleaners pollute the air in your house. And, yes, you understand me correctly, in new air is more dangerous than the old house.
7. Fruit juice
And it is what is harmful?
Sulphur dioxide. Yes, he is in such things as dried fruit, fruit juices and even cereal. It is used as a preservative and as an adhesive, which helps to retain particles of the product together. Unfortunately, he is for the body only harm, it slows the nervous system and develops an allergic reaction. Future moms and loved ones, do not drink juice, and do not eat what I Admincheg Muz4in.Net, listed above. Eat only organic fruit. Sulphur dioxide, remember, increases the likelihood of miscarriage.
8. Smile
Be happy - is harmful to health.
The long-term study that began in 1921, for decades studied the lives of 1,500 participants of this global experiment. One of the many discoveries of the project is that happy people die sooner than people who have at least a little unhappy. In the words of Dr. Leslie Martin of the University of La Sierra - "The subjects who were the most cheerful and had a good sense of humor, lived a short but happy life, and their life in comparison with the sullen longevity was more like a child's life." < br />
People who are most at risk are happy to play with your health, eat more junk food and even a chance to "burn" that is, asleep or become a drug addict, and therefore die sooner, much more. If you fall into the category of an optimist, do not worry, you will surely die with a smile on your face;)
9. Fast food and popcorn from the microwave
There are fat popcorn or french fries do not bring happiness to you and will not make you healthy. Everyone knows that fast food is nice and tasty, but we will speak frankly, crap. But it's not just food that will clog your arteries with cholesterol, it is something more
Scientists from Toronto found that the chemicals used in wrappers to fast food, are a real poison. As long as you carry a Big Mac in a box, a box to give time to all those chemical sweets, which she currently holds. These chemicals can cause cancer. Also, the package itself increases the damage of oil, which prepare your burger.
Diacetyl, remember that word. It is oil, which is preparing all the fast food, as well as its concentrated form is in a pack of popcorn for the microwave.
10. sunscreen.
Over the years, all the doctors advised us to be smeared with cream, to reduce the harm caused by the sun's rays which, when excess cause skin cancer.
But it turns out that sunscreen is not so good as it seems. In addition to the fact that it helps to prevent burns, the cream also blocks vital vitamin D. This vitamin stunning, which, as you know, helps maintain bone health, helps balance the immune system and fights HIV. Oh yes, he also "eats" the cancerous cells. So the resort is better to choose the right time for the Sun and not abuse sunbathing. In Europe, it is considered that a quarter of women who died from breast cancer could live if they maintain a sufficient level of vitamin D, rather than constantly smeared sunscreen