Guess who it is


Can this sign?

Surely it does not know?

Here are both versions of the US special services could look like Hitler, he tried to change his appearance:
Until the mid-1950s, neither the Allies winning nor the Germans themselves were not sure of Hitler's death. He sought until 1956, when officially still German and Austrian bureaucrats have recognized its "withdrawn completely." All this time in Germany, Hitler wanted a photo hung with various versions of its altered appearance.

On the night of May 1, 1945 Stalin woke up: call from the headquarters of the 1st Byelorussian Front, Marshal Zhukov. He reported for duty at the command post of the 8th Guards Army, commanded by General V. Chuikov, German truce, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Hans Krebs infantry. He brought the letter is addressed to Stalin and signed by Goebbels. The letter contained an offer of truce, reported the suicide of Hitler. Krebs said that Chuikov - the first of the foreigners who provide information about this historic event.
As evidenced by Zhukov, Stalin's response was restrained: "play the game, you rascal! It is a pity that it was not possible to take him alive. " In this expression of emotion it was completed and followed the business question: "Where is the corpse of Hitler?»
Zhukov said that, according to Krebs, the corpse of Hitler burned at the stake.
It seems that for the first time Stalin believed in Hitler's death. However, on May 2 in newspapers reported Tass' German radio about Hitler ", which said:" These messages (Hitler's death) is a new fascist trick ... The Nazis obviously hoping to give Hitler the opportunity to leave the scene and go into hiding ».
TASS is the mouthpiece of the Soviet government. If Tass stated that Hitler was alive and hiding - so that was the view of Stalin.
May 25, 1945, arrived in Moscow, Harry Hopkins, an individual, a former adviser to the late President Roosevelt, staying retired.
The next day, he was received by Stalin, who tend to take only the Heads of State and Government. The meeting was attended by the Soviet side - People's Commissar Molotov, with the US - the ambassador and a prominent diplomat A.Garriman Ch.Bolen.
Opening the meeting, Harriman turned to Stalin, saying that President Truman dispatched to Moscow as its unofficial representative Hopkins, as he is known for its sympathies to the Soviet Union. Hopkins did not need the advice and views. He was the first of the major political figures of the West, who arrived in Moscow in autumn 1941 with an offer of assistance - military, strategic materials, food ... He was adviser to the president, was truly a great statesman - in America he was considered "a man №2». Roosevelt trusted him the most complex and responsible assignments.
This time he came to relieve tension to outline the US and the Soviet Union because of Poland (Stalin and Churchill pulled a quilt over Europe each, it was bound to break in half, which happened shortly).
During the meeting, the question was raised about the fate of Hitler. " Here is an excerpt from an American recording conversations:
"Hopkins said he hoped that the Russian will find the corpse of Hitler.
Marshal Stalin replied that Hitler was alive and hiding somewhere. Soviet doctors say they have found the bodies of Goebbels and Hitler's chauffeur, but he personally doubted even in death Goebbels. He said that all this seems a bit strange, and all the talk about the funeral and burial cause him serious doubts. According to him, Bormann, Goebbels, Hitler and perhaps Krebs alive and hiding somewhere ...
Hopkins said that the Germans were a few very large submarines, but no trace of them left ... He expressed the hope that we will find Hitler, no matter where he was.
Marshal Stalin said that he is aware of these submarines, which shuttled back and forth and transported gold and valuables from Germany to Japan ... He said that he proposed to his intelligence to get information about these submarines, but so far it has failed to find any traces, and therefore does not exclude the fact that Hitler and others have fled to Japan ... »
(By the way, in the Soviet press and in closed newsletters Tass intended for senior management - "tassovkah" starting from June 24, 1945 has repeatedly mentioned about the flight of Hitler on a submarine - each time with reference to the foreign sources.)
The leaders of the victorious until the mid-1950s were in doubt about the fate of Hitler, and all waited manifest traces. Hitler failed to appear, and only formally and in Germany, and the United States, Soviet Union, Britain and France also agreed that the Fuhrer was dead. More precisely, the "no».
Finally, a formal "registration in the other world," Hitler was only 11 years after reports of his death in 1956 Berhtehsgadene (where his summer residence) held a meeting of the Administrative Court, which is based on the "long is missing" and the testimony of 48 witnesses officially declared Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau, April 20, 1889, died. Among the witnesses there were chief of the Reich Chancellery E.Kempka garage and returned from Russian captivity Ehtman dental technician and two secretaries of the Fuhrer, former eyewitnesses.
Shortly before the city of Linz (Austria), near to the administrative center of Braunau, where Hitler in his childhood he studied (but did not finish my studies) in a real school, also took the Administrative Court, which adopted the same solution.
So, until October 1956, Hitler officially listed as alive, as there were no official documents to prove the opposite.
In 1944, the artist created a US Secret Service 6 retouch portraits of Adolf Hitler, to show probable changes in the appearance of the dictator and accelerate his capture after Germany's defeat. Later, in 1945, not all believe in the death of Hitler and the retouched pictures were hung throughout Germany and Austria. They stayed there until the beginning of 1956. Last a poster announces the search for Hitler, was filmed in Munich in March 1956.