Random fishing in Karelia
Weather trash, decided to recall the summer. Nature gallery Buda many little fishing.
On a fishing trip, we were not going to, had a different idea: he wanted the boat to walk on Lahdenpohja to Balaam, only the 24 km. in a straight line. We loaded the boat on a trailer and brought to Karelia, was lowered into the water. But as they say "Do you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." On the way from St. Petersburg by boat something has fallen off, and maybe vice versa whacko, in general, at a set speed, occasionally screaming like a gypsy, hung with the bazaar. Since the emergency engine on our boat otrodjas was not found, and the children's paddling scoops several kilometers. Ladoga, in case of failure, do not pinned, the nature of the lake does not know firsthand, decided to walk around the local archipelago (the same as the fjords in Norway), enjoy nature and not only (before there was a submarine base). Half an hour later it became clear that our draft and speed boat burial is only a matter of time. They began to look for the pilot, and when I scored on the case and poured on 50, the pilot came out of the forest itself. A man appeared separately, the area is well known, the reason for such places, wherever we are on a rubber boat not snooping, and after another 50 grams proposed to go fishing. To the question "What is and what to catch?", Said the fish for trout, will give a fishing rod. Well, who would refuse such an offer.
44 photos
2.Lahdenpohya, locally simply Landoha. It's not a flood, and garages for boats
4.vhodim in Skerries
5.do rocks sometimes less than a meter
11.Skala nicknamed "Crocodile»
16.Nenadolgo go to Ladoga. There sounder was crazy: I saw the depth of more than 99, 9 m., It zashkalilo he zeroed out and began yelling obscenities good "Catastrophe, every man for himself!" Really tense since I have not seen this before, waiting for a blow on the rock or submarine
17.mnogolyudny beach)))
19.Stary Finnish fairway could pass between the Skerries, staying in Ladoga. It marked on both sides of the beacons. Action.
21.Nas welcomes seal. We saw just a couple of squirrels and a fox, but far away to shoot there was no point
22.Valaam. The optics seem so close
25.Skit. Living hermits. On the pier funny inscription: "moor only with the permission of the abbot," that is, you first need to take a stroll on Valaam. These are the good monks)))
27.Ostrov gulls. When approaching start throwing sticks, stones, and when it ends, can start and eggs
36.dogadaytes which side to bypass the island
39.esche one outlet to Ladoga
42.Podhodim lova.Vhod to the place in a narrow archipelago. To the question: Why such confidence that there is a trout in the archipelago, the pilot said, "Now see for yourself»
43.Larchik just opened. Where it is grown. Network periodically torn, and a trout jumping out of them often, but one way out of Skerries and narrow, its length is 400 meters, depth of 30, lack of freedom, the food on a regular basis, it is far from the trough and leaves. Aboriginal theme prosekli and enjoy. The farm is fenced with logs, moored convenient catch where you want, not in cages, and the fence are not swim.
44.polnym course go home
45.Uvy, fotik died on this frame. Publish as is. Total fishing for two 5 trout from 800 grams. up to 1 kg. and a floor with a bucket of roach perch. This stuff could catch at least 3 buckets, because pecked incessantly, is only fit flush worm, but an hour was not interesno.gde something wrong with numeratsiey.mozhno kicking and ask questions.
On a fishing trip, we were not going to, had a different idea: he wanted the boat to walk on Lahdenpohja to Balaam, only the 24 km. in a straight line. We loaded the boat on a trailer and brought to Karelia, was lowered into the water. But as they say "Do you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." On the way from St. Petersburg by boat something has fallen off, and maybe vice versa whacko, in general, at a set speed, occasionally screaming like a gypsy, hung with the bazaar. Since the emergency engine on our boat otrodjas was not found, and the children's paddling scoops several kilometers. Ladoga, in case of failure, do not pinned, the nature of the lake does not know firsthand, decided to walk around the local archipelago (the same as the fjords in Norway), enjoy nature and not only (before there was a submarine base). Half an hour later it became clear that our draft and speed boat burial is only a matter of time. They began to look for the pilot, and when I scored on the case and poured on 50, the pilot came out of the forest itself. A man appeared separately, the area is well known, the reason for such places, wherever we are on a rubber boat not snooping, and after another 50 grams proposed to go fishing. To the question "What is and what to catch?", Said the fish for trout, will give a fishing rod. Well, who would refuse such an offer.
44 photos

2.Lahdenpohya, locally simply Landoha. It's not a flood, and garages for boats


4.vhodim in Skerries

5.do rocks sometimes less than a meter






11.Skala nicknamed "Crocodile»





16.Nenadolgo go to Ladoga. There sounder was crazy: I saw the depth of more than 99, 9 m., It zashkalilo he zeroed out and began yelling obscenities good "Catastrophe, every man for himself!" Really tense since I have not seen this before, waiting for a blow on the rock or submarine

17.mnogolyudny beach)))


19.Stary Finnish fairway could pass between the Skerries, staying in Ladoga. It marked on both sides of the beacons. Action.


21.Nas welcomes seal. We saw just a couple of squirrels and a fox, but far away to shoot there was no point

22.Valaam. The optics seem so close


25.Skit. Living hermits. On the pier funny inscription: "moor only with the permission of the abbot," that is, you first need to take a stroll on Valaam. These are the good monks)))


27.Ostrov gulls. When approaching start throwing sticks, stones, and when it ends, can start and eggs









36.dogadaytes which side to bypass the island



39.esche one outlet to Ladoga



42.Podhodim lova.Vhod to the place in a narrow archipelago. To the question: Why such confidence that there is a trout in the archipelago, the pilot said, "Now see for yourself»

43.Larchik just opened. Where it is grown. Network periodically torn, and a trout jumping out of them often, but one way out of Skerries and narrow, its length is 400 meters, depth of 30, lack of freedom, the food on a regular basis, it is far from the trough and leaves. Aboriginal theme prosekli and enjoy. The farm is fenced with logs, moored convenient catch where you want, not in cages, and the fence are not swim.

44.polnym course go home

45.Uvy, fotik died on this frame. Publish as is. Total fishing for two 5 trout from 800 grams. up to 1 kg. and a floor with a bucket of roach perch. This stuff could catch at least 3 buckets, because pecked incessantly, is only fit flush worm, but an hour was not interesno.gde something wrong with numeratsiey.mozhno kicking and ask questions.
