In Chechnya film about russsky fascists
In Chechnya, making a movie about how Russian Chechen children burnt alive ...
Photos of the day - from the shooting of the film footage of the deportation of the Chechens by Soviet power, is now going in Chechnya. Picture was shot studio «Terrible film" named after Sheikh Mansour. Sheikh Mansour, who do not know the founder muridism in Chechnya, which began a long and bloody struggle against the forces of our Empire, and killed many Russian before he was caught and sent to Schlisselburg. Roughly speaking, if our money, it's "Picture of the Russian exile from Chechnya production of" Yermolov movie. " Shots appropriate:
Tolstomyasye Russian fascists are dreaming about vodka, broads and the Chechen genocide .... No, theoretically it can be anti-Soviet, anti-Russian and not the film - as well as the film studio "movie Yermolov" could theoretically make a film about the horrors of international Islamic terrorism, to expel Russian from Chechnya. But let's not play the fool and pretend that Chechens are distinguished from the Soviet Russian.
"Rozsa asks bricks." It is evident that acting Valais Chechens picked with love, with this, you know, a pleasant trembling fingers, "I love you right now uzho rassnimayu, Rusnya!»
Rusnya uniformed infantryman in the cult of the Great Patriotic drives rebellious Chechens in the barn. Elegant spit on his bald head agitprop - is required to hang shovels lzheistorikov NATO with tales about 2 million German women were raped in the Russian Federation itself make films, which is not what German women raped - people live harness.
Inside the barn crying tiny Chechen children, Beevor his raped German women finally put to shame.
"Everything for the front, everything for victory!" - I do not believe that the Chechens are not giggling, strengthening the cherry on top of the cake.
"Pub!" - 25 years later, the famous "Come and See" by Elem Klimov of the atrocities of the Nazis in Belarus finally got Chechen remake. There can not be heard, but inside the shouting burned alive Chechen children, Chechen spectators at developing tolerance to the Russian people. What is still the current postmodern country the Russian Federation, is not it?
And finally a word from Mrs. JAM Kashtarovoy, avtoresse sentimental reportage about the shooting:
It's not just a movie, artistic, documentary or historical ... This is primarily another resounding victory of the higher mind, the historical tribute of justice. The film will involve not only the well-known and not-so movie actors, but, first of all, this film will unite still restless, without peace gained their soul unjustly killed and burnt in the village of Haibach. Can a film convey all the tragedy, the pain and the tears of those events? Probably, not. Even the water wears away the stone, but the unbearable loss for the Chechen people, and for many of the deported peoples of the North Caucasus will be as an eternal monument that can not be erased from the memory, despite the tears of thousands and thousands of the descendants of those victims. Echoes of those years as a symbol of fortitude small people, will live in the hearts of young mountaineers who, through such films will honor the memory of ancestors worthy to know about them and remember despite the new time and lived half a century after.
According to the authors, analyzing the plot of this picture, the viewer will be easier to understand the tragic accidents branch, which we all had to go through again during the last two wars in Chechnya.
That is, the citizens do not even hide the fact that it's not about the crimes of the Soviet power, but about, say, a current event. To the younger generation in the peaceful life of young mountaineers do not forget who his enemy.
I think the movie will give us a lot of interesting shots "Rusnya eyes Chechen friends," which will serve as an excellent material for rollers with campaigning for the freedom and independence of the Chechen people, the talented filmmaker. Sima, cute, Sima. Cinema "Russian - the people-Hitler" - the wisest thing you can venture into your position. And it started!

Photos of the day - from the shooting of the film footage of the deportation of the Chechens by Soviet power, is now going in Chechnya. Picture was shot studio «Terrible film" named after Sheikh Mansour. Sheikh Mansour, who do not know the founder muridism in Chechnya, which began a long and bloody struggle against the forces of our Empire, and killed many Russian before he was caught and sent to Schlisselburg. Roughly speaking, if our money, it's "Picture of the Russian exile from Chechnya production of" Yermolov movie. " Shots appropriate:

Tolstomyasye Russian fascists are dreaming about vodka, broads and the Chechen genocide .... No, theoretically it can be anti-Soviet, anti-Russian and not the film - as well as the film studio "movie Yermolov" could theoretically make a film about the horrors of international Islamic terrorism, to expel Russian from Chechnya. But let's not play the fool and pretend that Chechens are distinguished from the Soviet Russian.

"Rozsa asks bricks." It is evident that acting Valais Chechens picked with love, with this, you know, a pleasant trembling fingers, "I love you right now uzho rassnimayu, Rusnya!»

Rusnya uniformed infantryman in the cult of the Great Patriotic drives rebellious Chechens in the barn. Elegant spit on his bald head agitprop - is required to hang shovels lzheistorikov NATO with tales about 2 million German women were raped in the Russian Federation itself make films, which is not what German women raped - people live harness.

Inside the barn crying tiny Chechen children, Beevor his raped German women finally put to shame.

"Everything for the front, everything for victory!" - I do not believe that the Chechens are not giggling, strengthening the cherry on top of the cake.

"Pub!" - 25 years later, the famous "Come and See" by Elem Klimov of the atrocities of the Nazis in Belarus finally got Chechen remake. There can not be heard, but inside the shouting burned alive Chechen children, Chechen spectators at developing tolerance to the Russian people. What is still the current postmodern country the Russian Federation, is not it?
And finally a word from Mrs. JAM Kashtarovoy, avtoresse sentimental reportage about the shooting:
It's not just a movie, artistic, documentary or historical ... This is primarily another resounding victory of the higher mind, the historical tribute of justice. The film will involve not only the well-known and not-so movie actors, but, first of all, this film will unite still restless, without peace gained their soul unjustly killed and burnt in the village of Haibach. Can a film convey all the tragedy, the pain and the tears of those events? Probably, not. Even the water wears away the stone, but the unbearable loss for the Chechen people, and for many of the deported peoples of the North Caucasus will be as an eternal monument that can not be erased from the memory, despite the tears of thousands and thousands of the descendants of those victims. Echoes of those years as a symbol of fortitude small people, will live in the hearts of young mountaineers who, through such films will honor the memory of ancestors worthy to know about them and remember despite the new time and lived half a century after.
According to the authors, analyzing the plot of this picture, the viewer will be easier to understand the tragic accidents branch, which we all had to go through again during the last two wars in Chechnya.
That is, the citizens do not even hide the fact that it's not about the crimes of the Soviet power, but about, say, a current event. To the younger generation in the peaceful life of young mountaineers do not forget who his enemy.
I think the movie will give us a lot of interesting shots "Rusnya eyes Chechen friends," which will serve as an excellent material for rollers with campaigning for the freedom and independence of the Chechen people, the talented filmmaker. Sima, cute, Sima. Cinema "Russian - the people-Hitler" - the wisest thing you can venture into your position. And it started!