Why Russia is in 7th place in the medal standings? (3 photos)
The answer to the question of the title can give these two champions:
In the photo two gold medalist Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Man - Podladchikov Yuri Yurievich; girl - Anastasia Kuzmina Vladimirovna.
As you guessed, both men - Russian, but not acting for Russia. Yuri - for Switzerland, Anastasia - for Slovakia.
Yuri became the Olympic champion in snowboarding.
Anastasia won gold on February 9 at the biathlon.
Why are they not in favor of Russia? 1. Article about Anastasia:
As explained itself Kuzmin, she chose to live in Slovakia and performance for the national team of the country in order to spend as much time with my family (that lives in Slovakia her husband and son). According biathletes, the decision to change "sporting nationality" was given her very hard.
At the same time, many fans of the team expressed the view that Kuzmin in Russia is not valued highly. In particular, informal online resources you can find information about that after the baby is born Kuzmina requested an independent apartment, what was denied. Official confirmation or refutation of this information at this time could be obtained. In addition, a number of fans and experts stressed that Kuzmin did not get the national team of Russia. Information about the reasons for this vary, but in part it confirms itself biathlete. In an interview, she said that after the birth of the child she could not get into the national team, as to enter the high level of training to personal trainers work and funding. "To get into the team (Russia), it is necessary to pass a heavy internal selection. Not everyone can do it, "- said athlete.
2. Extract from interview with Yuri:
- Why do you have moved from the Russian team in the Swiss?
- I've had problems with the coach of Russia. Working together, we could not completely. I'm grew up in Switzerland, where trained and studied. And in Russia, even looked at me askance, as I had other opportunities because of it. Personal relationship with the coaches were very difficult, even bad. This situation did not like and my parents. Everything was very easy, so on the transition I did not even care. In Switzerland, I grew up and started riding when I was not yet FIS-license. The Swiss know that I have a Russian passport, but still helped me in every way. I skated and learned from the best local riders and was part of this team. But, since I am a citizen of Russia, I had to speak for the Russian team.
Do not be surprised if after four years Maxim Kovtun become Olympic champion, playing for the national team of some sort of Belgium.

In the photo two gold medalist Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Man - Podladchikov Yuri Yurievich; girl - Anastasia Kuzmina Vladimirovna.
As you guessed, both men - Russian, but not acting for Russia. Yuri - for Switzerland, Anastasia - for Slovakia.
Yuri became the Olympic champion in snowboarding.
Anastasia won gold on February 9 at the biathlon.
Why are they not in favor of Russia? 1. Article about Anastasia:
As explained itself Kuzmin, she chose to live in Slovakia and performance for the national team of the country in order to spend as much time with my family (that lives in Slovakia her husband and son). According biathletes, the decision to change "sporting nationality" was given her very hard.
At the same time, many fans of the team expressed the view that Kuzmin in Russia is not valued highly. In particular, informal online resources you can find information about that after the baby is born Kuzmina requested an independent apartment, what was denied. Official confirmation or refutation of this information at this time could be obtained. In addition, a number of fans and experts stressed that Kuzmin did not get the national team of Russia. Information about the reasons for this vary, but in part it confirms itself biathlete. In an interview, she said that after the birth of the child she could not get into the national team, as to enter the high level of training to personal trainers work and funding. "To get into the team (Russia), it is necessary to pass a heavy internal selection. Not everyone can do it, "- said athlete.

2. Extract from interview with Yuri:
- Why do you have moved from the Russian team in the Swiss?
- I've had problems with the coach of Russia. Working together, we could not completely. I'm grew up in Switzerland, where trained and studied. And in Russia, even looked at me askance, as I had other opportunities because of it. Personal relationship with the coaches were very difficult, even bad. This situation did not like and my parents. Everything was very easy, so on the transition I did not even care. In Switzerland, I grew up and started riding when I was not yet FIS-license. The Swiss know that I have a Russian passport, but still helped me in every way. I skated and learned from the best local riders and was part of this team. But, since I am a citizen of Russia, I had to speak for the Russian team.

Do not be surprised if after four years Maxim Kovtun become Olympic champion, playing for the national team of some sort of Belgium.