Facts about people

developing the light bulb, Thomas Edison scribbled 40 thousand pages.

In the human body about one hundred trillion cells, but only a tenth of them - human cells. The rest - the microbes.

In humans there are no identical fingerprints. The probability of matching lines in 2 men and 1 on the same finger 1/24 million.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began composing music at 3 years.

Living descendants of William Shakespeare in the world left.

Every minute in the world 27529124 liters of beer drunk.

The most famous manufacturer of paper in England was called ... Whatman.

Cleopatra verify the effectiveness of its poisons, giving their slaves.

Jack the Ripper, the most famous killer of the 19th century, has always committed his crimes at the weekend.

Dr. Alice Chase, who wrote the book Healthy eating and a lot of books about nutrition, died from malnutrition.

The volume of the world's largest container of popcorn was 200 cubic meters. m., it placed 16 tons of popcorn.

In the world now live about one hundred thousand people over the age of one hundred years.

Hunger disappears in humans after 21 minutes after he eats a piece of bread.

About 70% of people are affected depending on the opinion of the majority, and can have their own opinions about 30%.

The famous fighter of the bulls of the 19th century. Lagaridzho (born Rafael Molina) 4867 bulls killed.

Great Genghis Khan died while having sex.

When a person is in full smiles, laughs, filled with laughter, improves the function of the heart, burn calories.

American Pit Ruff throws an apple from his own head using the boomerang.


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