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The front panel of the phone is made entirely of gold or silver. Picture made using the technique of hot enamel, encrusted with diamonds with a total weight of up to 1, 5 carat natural ruby, garnet, topaz. Display protects specially crafted sapphire crystal, eludes scratch. Multi-hand grinding, engraving, polishing the hull and its components, as well as a variety of coverage options - platinum, gold, silver or special scratch-resistant colored enamel, further emphasize the individuality of variants of each model. Total required 60 different unique processes to create such a phone.

For each phone ISSE Monaco, in Italy, following the age-old tradition of hand-made jewelry box with a unique pattern created from separate pieces of rare wood, forming unusual shapes and colors. Inside the box is installed the original Swiss musical mechanism. When ready, close the key box, and singing the music freezes in anticipation of the future owner.

ISSE Monaco Phones can be purchased at major shopping centers in Moscow and mobile phone stores ... Boo-ga-ga (note the common man, middle-income)


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