"Sunny" phone

Beijing Hengjiweiye company announced a mobile phone that runs on solar energy.
While Motorola patents own mobile phone with solar cells, the restless Chinese are also not asleep.
That's a company with a long and unpronounceable name Beijing Hengjiweiye presented its vision of the solar cell device at the exhibition China Beijing International Expo 2007.
It is not hard to guess that the main "trick" of the device - the ability to restore vital energy (their own, not the owner) with a light source nearby.
Although the specifications of the device is not yet known, and the information on the price at the moment is not available, the device itself is aimed primarily at those users who are not indifferent to environmental issues of the environment.
Many bad to say about the appearance of a novelty, but I personally think that it is quite decent and very interesting. Do you like?