Exotic fruits and vegetables
Kiva melon (Cucumis metuliferus)
Gelatinous contents of this African horned melon tastes like a sweet cucumber with a little sour poslevkusiem.
This is a close relative of broccoli and cauliflower. If you like cabbage, this vegetable is fantastic you will surely enjoy. In addition, this wonderful vegetable is packed with antioksidantami.
Hand of Buddha
It is popular in Asia the fruits of one of the representatives of the subfamily Citrus (Rutaceae family). The content of this fruit under the thick skin very much like limon.
The fruit durian recalls some "alien" fruit the size of a soccer ball, covered with barbed hard skin. The pulp of the fruit inside a pale yellow color. Smell like a dirty worn socks, rotting meat, or waste water (choose what you like). However, this fruit tastes amazing and elegant. The first European explorer who in the 1700s first tried this fruit called him "king of fruits". "As soon go on a dangerous journey only in order to try this fruit" - said the brave puteshestvennik.
Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)
Monstera is growing in many homes. In nature, this plant produces delicious fruit. Mature fruit core monstera, despite the unpleasant pungent smell, delicious and tastes like ananas.
Few people know that there is a North American banana Paw-paw (banana prairie). This banana grows in south-eastern America. Externally it is very similar to an ordinary banana only slightly shorter and has a fragrant zapahom.
Dragon fruit
Dragon Fruit or Pitaya is very sweet and delicious fruit with white flesh, dotted with small edible seeds, like kiwi. Many who have visited Thailand, already "tasted" Pitaya. Currently, this fruit is fast gaining popularity in the western world. It is possible that he will soon appear on our prilavkah.
At first glance, these fruits can be taken for wood parasitic fungi. In fact, this sweet fruit, to taste something resembling slivu.
Star fruit
A cross-section of the fruit forms a substantially regular star. This fruit is juicy, sweet with a hint of sour. Tastes like grapes, mango, lemon - all in one. In its composition contains a lot of oxalic acid, so it is not recommended zloupotrebLyat this fruit for people with kidney failure. Homeland fruit - Sri Lanka
Goat beard
The root of the goat beard. Tastes like ustritsy.
Gelatinous contents of this African horned melon tastes like a sweet cucumber with a little sour poslevkusiem.

This is a close relative of broccoli and cauliflower. If you like cabbage, this vegetable is fantastic you will surely enjoy. In addition, this wonderful vegetable is packed with antioksidantami.

Hand of Buddha
It is popular in Asia the fruits of one of the representatives of the subfamily Citrus (Rutaceae family). The content of this fruit under the thick skin very much like limon.

The fruit durian recalls some "alien" fruit the size of a soccer ball, covered with barbed hard skin. The pulp of the fruit inside a pale yellow color. Smell like a dirty worn socks, rotting meat, or waste water (choose what you like). However, this fruit tastes amazing and elegant. The first European explorer who in the 1700s first tried this fruit called him "king of fruits". "As soon go on a dangerous journey only in order to try this fruit" - said the brave puteshestvennik.

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)
Monstera is growing in many homes. In nature, this plant produces delicious fruit. Mature fruit core monstera, despite the unpleasant pungent smell, delicious and tastes like ananas.

Few people know that there is a North American banana Paw-paw (banana prairie). This banana grows in south-eastern America. Externally it is very similar to an ordinary banana only slightly shorter and has a fragrant zapahom.

Dragon fruit
Dragon Fruit or Pitaya is very sweet and delicious fruit with white flesh, dotted with small edible seeds, like kiwi. Many who have visited Thailand, already "tasted" Pitaya. Currently, this fruit is fast gaining popularity in the western world. It is possible that he will soon appear on our prilavkah.

At first glance, these fruits can be taken for wood parasitic fungi. In fact, this sweet fruit, to taste something resembling slivu.

Star fruit
A cross-section of the fruit forms a substantially regular star. This fruit is juicy, sweet with a hint of sour. Tastes like grapes, mango, lemon - all in one. In its composition contains a lot of oxalic acid, so it is not recommended zloupotrebLyat this fruit for people with kidney failure. Homeland fruit - Sri Lanka

Goat beard
The root of the goat beard. Tastes like ustritsy.