Eropeysky and US debt crises - Interesting Facts
The euro is the single currency for the 17 members of the European Union. Also this currency are mainly handling 6 countries that are not members of the EU.
European Union - is a powerful international organization with its own flag and diplomatic missions.
The European Union - a political union of 27 European countries, with the aim of creating a single market for goods and services without economic barriers. 10 members of the European Union does not use the euro as the base currency.
Eurozone - a fiscal union brings together 17 EU countries that have adopted the euro as their currency.
The United States has 2, 7 trillion dollars in the monetary base. This amount is able to pay only a small part of US foreign debt of 15 trillion dollars.
If a person will spend $ 1 per second, 12 days nabezhit amount of $ 1 million. At this rate, $ 1 billion can be spent only for 32 years. To spend one trillion dollars will need 31,000 years.
In 1971, the US national debt was $ 75 million. In 2010, the debt increased to an amount each hour.
In 2008, US households have lost about 18% of their own value, and losses were equal to about 11, $ 2 trillion. This decline was the largest in the period after World War II, when the Fed began tracking the statistics for households.
Over 5 years to 2008 "collapsed" 11 banks. In 2008, 25 banks went bankrupt and its assets were transferred to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). In 2009, 140 banks burst.
Today, the national debt is 15, $ 2 trillion. For every person on the US accounting for 48 380 dollars of debt or 127,431 dollars for every household.
August 3, 2011 the national debt has increased by 238 billion dollars - and it was the highest increase in the national debt in one day in US history. The previous record growth of debt amounted to 186 billion, and it happened June 30, 2009.
The US government is about $ 5 billion every working day.
Trillion $ 10 bills, elongated vodnuliniyu opoyashut globe 380 times and it still is not enough. To pay the national debt.
Spain has the highest in the European Union youth unemployment. He is almost half of the working population.
Srednmy berabotitsy level in the European Union is extremely high 20%. The European Commission argues that young people not only received a heavy blow of the crisis, but its consequences are threatened by the fact that such problems will become permanent.
In the context of the eurozone crisis is increasingly heard concerns that the financial problems of one country will cause serious financial crisis in another country, which will have a devastating impact on its economy.
The International Monetary Fund says that China will overtake the United States on key economic indicators already in 2016.
The first time since the postwar period, counting from 1947, the debt of the United States was 100% of the gross national product of the country after the debt ceiling was raised in August 2011.
In 2011, the US reluctant "to come" in a group of countries, the national debt exceeds the gross national product. In this group, except for the United States: Japan (229%), Greece (152%), Jamaica (137%), Lebanon (134%), Italy (120%), Ireland (114%) and Iceland (103%). < br /> China, the largest foreign holder of US debt, strongly criticized the behavior of the United States in August 2011, advising that country to start a "treated dependence on debt" and "start living within our means." In the Chinese press was made that the issuance of the US dollar should be taken under international control, and expressed doubt that the US dollar can remain the world's reserve currency.