Phone with built-in cigarette lighter

Chinese unrecognized geniuses once again been created phone with unique functionality. Their new creation called SB6309 Lighter Phone combines all the features of a standard mobile phone byuzhdetnogo, but, in addition, has a built-in cigarette lighter. Naturally, the target audience trends - people who have one of the most rasprostranennh bad habits, and if they previously spent on cigarettes and lighters, then buying SB6309 Lighter Phone second item of expenditure will be excluded.

It is lighter very elegant, it is hidden by a special chrome shutter under which eminent handset manufacturers hide the camera. The camera in the SB6309 Lighter Phone, of course, is present, but it is located just below and is not protected by anything.

It was learned that the phone-lighter is not available in Russia, at least, through legal channels, maybe it's just the solution distributors, and could in our country began to fight against smoking. Cost SB6309 Lighter Phone is not specified, but it is unlikely the price will rise above $ 150, particularly given the specs. They, in contrast to the presence of the cigarette lighter, did not impress in the SB6309 Lighter Phone has only 1, 3-megapixel camera, FM-tuner, a slot microSD, 2, 4-inch QVGA-screen, support for GSM networks and, of course, the two connectors the SIM-card.

And early invented by the Chinese mobile phone razor Cool758.

Unexpectedly, is not it? However, more and it becomes obvious that the Chinese can expect anything. But in spite of this unexpected "two-in-one", it can be quite useful: Well, imagine - did not have time to shave in the morning, completely forgetting about the forthcoming meeting or other important event. But with such a phone for you is not a problem - took out his phone, shaved (sounds like something!) And ready to fight. As for the functions of the phone, it has a touch-2, 5-inch display and 0, 3-megapixel camera, supports Bluetooth and two SIM-cards.