Animals - lovers krovushki
We offer you a selection of animals, some of which - the real bloodsuckers, and others simply love blood.
1. Lamprey
In the mouth of the lamprey contains a huge number of teeth. These horrific teeth seizes defenseless victim in the vicinity. But the probability that the monster will be to hunt for people, small - except that he had a long hunger strike.
2. Finch
Do not let a harmless mind these birds mislead you. If they see a wounded bird of another species, then fly up to her and start picks open wound until it starts to bleed again. Most of the finches gets gulls. And, most surprising, the victim does not resist. However, not all that scary if you're not a bird with the Galapagos Islands, then you are safe.
3. Candiru
This parasite swims inside another fish and devouring it from the inside. Candiru - another reason why we highly recommend that you do not swim in the waters of the Amazon River. The probability that candiru will prey on people is low, but still there.
The case when in 1997, candiru, attracted by the smell of urine a local resident who decided to go to the river and help is a good idea, swam in his urethra. There they ate while blood and tissues, and then died. Fish corpses had to be removed surgically, after which the person fully recovered.
4. Triatominae
They are also called kissing bugs for human propensity to bite his face while he sleeps. People hunt bugs constantly, and most of them goes to residents of US states of Arizona and Texas. Bonus! They are the vectors of Chagas disease, and if the bug still was not contagious, the victim in any way guarantee the immune reaction to the bite: swollen eyes, skin blisters, breathing is difficult and there are convulsions.
5. Mockingbird
The behavior of these birds scavenging similar to that of the finches, mockingbirds only more aggressive and not afraid of people. However, the likelihood that they are interested in your water bottle is much more likely that they seriously need your blood.
6. Butterfly vampire
These butterflies use their proboscis like a mosquito to drink the blood of warm-blooded. In this case, human blood for them - the most pleasant delicacy. And now the good news: the habitat of these insects are more and more extended. Previously, they lived only in Malaysia and southern Europe, but it is likely that soon they will be there for you.
7. Voloklyuy
Look into the eyes of the demonic creatures. As well as their counterparts finches and mockingbirds, voloklyui feasting on the wounds of other birds. Moreover, they can hunt animals and larger - for example, in cattle. People, however, do not attack.
8. Snail "nutmeg»
Even seemingly harmless creation is out for blood. This type of snail hunts stingrays - the victim makes a small incision and then drink their blood through their gill slits. Snail attack on you will not - unless, of course, you will not cramp.
9. Butterfly Madrilenial
For dessert we have an unusual species of butterflies, which literally born in hell. They drink blood from fresh corpses. They are unlikely to hunt for you if you are still alive. But of course, you will be an nightmares at night.
1. Lamprey

In the mouth of the lamprey contains a huge number of teeth. These horrific teeth seizes defenseless victim in the vicinity. But the probability that the monster will be to hunt for people, small - except that he had a long hunger strike.
2. Finch

Do not let a harmless mind these birds mislead you. If they see a wounded bird of another species, then fly up to her and start picks open wound until it starts to bleed again. Most of the finches gets gulls. And, most surprising, the victim does not resist. However, not all that scary if you're not a bird with the Galapagos Islands, then you are safe.
3. Candiru

This parasite swims inside another fish and devouring it from the inside. Candiru - another reason why we highly recommend that you do not swim in the waters of the Amazon River. The probability that candiru will prey on people is low, but still there.
The case when in 1997, candiru, attracted by the smell of urine a local resident who decided to go to the river and help is a good idea, swam in his urethra. There they ate while blood and tissues, and then died. Fish corpses had to be removed surgically, after which the person fully recovered.
4. Triatominae

They are also called kissing bugs for human propensity to bite his face while he sleeps. People hunt bugs constantly, and most of them goes to residents of US states of Arizona and Texas. Bonus! They are the vectors of Chagas disease, and if the bug still was not contagious, the victim in any way guarantee the immune reaction to the bite: swollen eyes, skin blisters, breathing is difficult and there are convulsions.
5. Mockingbird

The behavior of these birds scavenging similar to that of the finches, mockingbirds only more aggressive and not afraid of people. However, the likelihood that they are interested in your water bottle is much more likely that they seriously need your blood.
6. Butterfly vampire

These butterflies use their proboscis like a mosquito to drink the blood of warm-blooded. In this case, human blood for them - the most pleasant delicacy. And now the good news: the habitat of these insects are more and more extended. Previously, they lived only in Malaysia and southern Europe, but it is likely that soon they will be there for you.
7. Voloklyuy

Look into the eyes of the demonic creatures. As well as their counterparts finches and mockingbirds, voloklyui feasting on the wounds of other birds. Moreover, they can hunt animals and larger - for example, in cattle. People, however, do not attack.
8. Snail "nutmeg»

Even seemingly harmless creation is out for blood. This type of snail hunts stingrays - the victim makes a small incision and then drink their blood through their gill slits. Snail attack on you will not - unless, of course, you will not cramp.
9. Butterfly Madrilenial

For dessert we have an unusual species of butterflies, which literally born in hell. They drink blood from fresh corpses. They are unlikely to hunt for you if you are still alive. But of course, you will be an nightmares at night.