Why use used plates from mosquitoes
And then the balloon mosquitoes! Summer, friends, which means it's time for all sorts of sneaky insects to bite us by the sweet sides. This is especially true of mosquitoes, which have long been hunting people. And woe to you, O possessor of a delicious first group, if you have not taken any protective measures. What to do if there is nothing at hand and it is over fumigator?
Editorial "Site" I would be happy to tell you what to do in such cases, because everyone can be in such conditions. From us a few tips on how to save yourself from mosquitoes and why it is not rash to get rid of used records.
Fumigator fluid used to be rescued in different ways. And they put themselves on cologne, and there was kerosene. Nowadays, it is easier to find a fumigator than kerosene, and people already use triple cologne, the mosquito does not touch it. In general, you have neither, and there is only this thing to stick in the socket, and an old record that does not give a shit. Let's talk.
Old records from mosquitoes If you are in the country, no mosquitonet It does not help and winged bloodsuckers rod from all the crevices, take the old plate, fluff it a little and set it on fire. Walk with a makeshift torch around the room so that the spirit of the fumigator drives the grouse back into the darkness. Just make sure there's not a lot of smoke in the room, you'll be a groove yourself.
Look for a bottle of castor oil in the first aid kit (or any other one with a rather pungent smell). If you have the fumigator itself, and the plates no longer give any effect, then drop a little oil on them and the entire structure safely include in the socket. Make sure that the plate is not very wet, the electricity is still.
Why do it and how does it work? As you know, mosquitoes have an excellent sense of smell, especially feel carbon dioxide. We're breathing, they're catching it. In addition, mosquitoes feel sweat, skin odor and, of course, blood. Our task is to disorient them at the very first stage. Any oils that have a thick plume, and other powerful smells, can cope with this.
Liquid for fumigator can be applied not only to the record itself, but also to yourself. The same castor oil might work. If it is not under his hands, you are in nature and nothing but sunscreen is found in the bag, smear yourself with sunscreen. Let the damned beasts pay as much as possible for food!
In a similar role, hand cream, body spray (you will need to spray yourself from the head for your feet) and a good old man can act. triplet. Yes, you will smell good, maybe even for a few days, but you will not itch like stunned, and worry about how to quickly remove the bites from your beautiful face.
If you're careful, there's nothing. fumigator You don't have to look. Just stock up on repellent or ultrasonic trap, you do not have to peel again. In the comments write how you fight mosquitoes, and also look at this link. It contains a list of plants that mosquitoes do not like, which means that they can be planted in their yard. Good luck!
Editorial "Site" I would be happy to tell you what to do in such cases, because everyone can be in such conditions. From us a few tips on how to save yourself from mosquitoes and why it is not rash to get rid of used records.
Fumigator fluid used to be rescued in different ways. And they put themselves on cologne, and there was kerosene. Nowadays, it is easier to find a fumigator than kerosene, and people already use triple cologne, the mosquito does not touch it. In general, you have neither, and there is only this thing to stick in the socket, and an old record that does not give a shit. Let's talk.
Old records from mosquitoes If you are in the country, no mosquitonet It does not help and winged bloodsuckers rod from all the crevices, take the old plate, fluff it a little and set it on fire. Walk with a makeshift torch around the room so that the spirit of the fumigator drives the grouse back into the darkness. Just make sure there's not a lot of smoke in the room, you'll be a groove yourself.
Look for a bottle of castor oil in the first aid kit (or any other one with a rather pungent smell). If you have the fumigator itself, and the plates no longer give any effect, then drop a little oil on them and the entire structure safely include in the socket. Make sure that the plate is not very wet, the electricity is still.
Why do it and how does it work? As you know, mosquitoes have an excellent sense of smell, especially feel carbon dioxide. We're breathing, they're catching it. In addition, mosquitoes feel sweat, skin odor and, of course, blood. Our task is to disorient them at the very first stage. Any oils that have a thick plume, and other powerful smells, can cope with this.
Liquid for fumigator can be applied not only to the record itself, but also to yourself. The same castor oil might work. If it is not under his hands, you are in nature and nothing but sunscreen is found in the bag, smear yourself with sunscreen. Let the damned beasts pay as much as possible for food!
In a similar role, hand cream, body spray (you will need to spray yourself from the head for your feet) and a good old man can act. triplet. Yes, you will smell good, maybe even for a few days, but you will not itch like stunned, and worry about how to quickly remove the bites from your beautiful face.
If you're careful, there's nothing. fumigator You don't have to look. Just stock up on repellent or ultrasonic trap, you do not have to peel again. In the comments write how you fight mosquitoes, and also look at this link. It contains a list of plants that mosquitoes do not like, which means that they can be planted in their yard. Good luck!
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