Kolomoysky: Separatism will not work in any of the south-eastern region of our country.

Benny can be subtly persuasive, even when deadly polite. This is a hint, by the way, not a metaphor.
Kolomoysky: Separatism will not work in any of the south-eastern region of our country.
"In my native Dnipropetrovsk separatism will not work. Separatism will not work in any of the south-eastern region of our country. I want everyone to take a sober look at the policy situation, and formed its position particularly in the light of the Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Code. Anyone who tries to go against the unity of Ukraine, be sure to lose.
And I especially want to appeal to one person - the mayor of Kharkov Mr. Kernes. Gennady Adol'fovich, opening it you "Ukrainian Front," I think misunderstanding. Command the front and lead him into battle you get the moral right, especially when themselves prefer their combat training, rather than cycling, and when you start risking yourself or your loved ones. A separatist statements you should only do this if you will be sending his son on a trip to the Maldives is not, and in Dagestan, or the station in Volgograd - let him look and share experiences. Maybe it's a very sobering your hot head. God forbid you to look into the eyes of the sons of mothers who can not return to an organized front of you. Ukraine has never waged wars of conquest, but its not an inch of land will give. Mr. Kernes, if you start playing the destinies of millions of people, you can seriously complicate his and so complicated own destiny. Think about it. "