On Yanukovych regime through the eyes of a professional transport and energy sector
Advance reservation, I write not for glory, but to little people understand that in the country we have going through the eyes of the middle class, by virtue of their profession are constantly working around the world.
Early during the reign of Yanukovych made scratching their head, even those skeptics who talked about the imminent collapse of the state. Concrete lifting the economy, have come on board of the "orange" and ended rabid crisis because of the inability to be President Yushchenko, briefly started again. Prime Minister Azarov said in the heat of joyful events promised to go to the people of Kiev "all" without flashing lights and delays people and known in Odessa and abroad Crook clan that controls the ports in the region and to advocate for Yulia Tymoshenko, got on the brain. In particular, 29-year-old Yuri Kruk was personally sent to "work" in place, arrived in Kiev to give gifts to the blue-white, and famous in the port that did not feature a mile from kilometers (sea all are measured in nautical mile: 1852 meters) which led to a curious mishaps in the execution of his orders.
Azarov enough for two months.
Yanukovych was held in the bounds of decency until a parliamentary majority. Since then it began a rapid decline once promising country in full ass.
Upon arrival of the blessed holiday in Montenegro, I have cheered the start of the stunning mayhem: push-ups absolutely everything from supermarket chains to the midpoints of the business. Ukrainians unaccustomed to such (with the "orange" Small and medium businesses lovingly nurtured, trying to understand already at a large level), at first surprised, and then began to be indignant.
- B * s, you represent, - my good friend, the coal trader could not stop the disturbance. - These things come to run into Ostapovich. (Ostapovich just owned business quite noticeable chain stores - names have been changed). Some petty crime came and began to demand 50%. Ostapovich went straight to the "Pope". After speaking people came, they said, since you complained, we take 90% live on the rest.
By 2012, this picture has become commonplace not only in retail, but also in the transport business. In Ukraine, there are very few fleet, despite all the efforts "Ukrrechflot" and "NIBULON", but notable companies taking charter ships of at least 30 thousand tons in Odessa can be called a ten. Being and so inconspicuous and obscure bandits, they are all gone deaf in the cellar, as it turned out, it was not in vain. It is not so long ago, Mr. Kurland, who owns a well known company with fanfare Ukrferry bought a new expensive steam and gave an interview to the magazine "Ports of Ukraine". To him it came exactly a week: a million in a month or two ferries were needed Alexander Yanukovych ...
Alexander Yanukovych, or as it is called for the eyes, Sasha dentist distinguished by the fact that exactly one year showed growth of its business in 7500% (and this is not a joke). Clan Yanukovych, "Family", began to strengthen positions.
In 2012, in Ukraine have identified three of Clan: Akhmetov, Kolomoisky and family with approximate (27-year-old tycoon Kurchenko, Firtash, etc.)
And that in 2012 simple people, seeing new listings taxes, I realized what he was in the ass. The family wanted to strengthen the position - a new generation mladooligarhi actively expanding and began to climb into the territory of its competitors, but the money they lacked.
I had to take on a completely unsporting behavior: the judge. Judges were changed. Bribes and not trained. Any criminal authority and / or the deputy judge could easily change in the region. It is ohrenevshy people tried to argue. To no avail. Business wilted completely: if before all could be solved through the courts (as did a group of TIS, otgrohali under the South almost the second port and is considered the most powerful in Ukraine or agents or Forwarders Association), we have won the gos.kompany now was impossible. < br /> The criminalization of society, the widespread impoverishment of the people and the reduction of stocks against the backdrop of increasing acts all reported construction of new castles and mansions in protected land began to attract unwanted attention of the people.
Settled during the years of the Kuchma system threatened to collapse overnight.

Advance reservation, I write not for glory, but to little people understand that in the country we have going through the eyes of the middle class, by virtue of their profession are constantly working around the world.
Early during the reign of Yanukovych made scratching their head, even those skeptics who talked about the imminent collapse of the state. Concrete lifting the economy, have come on board of the "orange" and ended rabid crisis because of the inability to be President Yushchenko, briefly started again. Prime Minister Azarov said in the heat of joyful events promised to go to the people of Kiev "all" without flashing lights and delays people and known in Odessa and abroad Crook clan that controls the ports in the region and to advocate for Yulia Tymoshenko, got on the brain. In particular, 29-year-old Yuri Kruk was personally sent to "work" in place, arrived in Kiev to give gifts to the blue-white, and famous in the port that did not feature a mile from kilometers (sea all are measured in nautical mile: 1852 meters) which led to a curious mishaps in the execution of his orders.
Azarov enough for two months.
Yanukovych was held in the bounds of decency until a parliamentary majority. Since then it began a rapid decline once promising country in full ass.
Upon arrival of the blessed holiday in Montenegro, I have cheered the start of the stunning mayhem: push-ups absolutely everything from supermarket chains to the midpoints of the business. Ukrainians unaccustomed to such (with the "orange" Small and medium businesses lovingly nurtured, trying to understand already at a large level), at first surprised, and then began to be indignant.
- B * s, you represent, - my good friend, the coal trader could not stop the disturbance. - These things come to run into Ostapovich. (Ostapovich just owned business quite noticeable chain stores - names have been changed). Some petty crime came and began to demand 50%. Ostapovich went straight to the "Pope". After speaking people came, they said, since you complained, we take 90% live on the rest.
By 2012, this picture has become commonplace not only in retail, but also in the transport business. In Ukraine, there are very few fleet, despite all the efforts "Ukrrechflot" and "NIBULON", but notable companies taking charter ships of at least 30 thousand tons in Odessa can be called a ten. Being and so inconspicuous and obscure bandits, they are all gone deaf in the cellar, as it turned out, it was not in vain. It is not so long ago, Mr. Kurland, who owns a well known company with fanfare Ukrferry bought a new expensive steam and gave an interview to the magazine "Ports of Ukraine". To him it came exactly a week: a million in a month or two ferries were needed Alexander Yanukovych ...
Alexander Yanukovych, or as it is called for the eyes, Sasha dentist distinguished by the fact that exactly one year showed growth of its business in 7500% (and this is not a joke). Clan Yanukovych, "Family", began to strengthen positions.
In 2012, in Ukraine have identified three of Clan: Akhmetov, Kolomoisky and family with approximate (27-year-old tycoon Kurchenko, Firtash, etc.)
And that in 2012 simple people, seeing new listings taxes, I realized what he was in the ass. The family wanted to strengthen the position - a new generation mladooligarhi actively expanding and began to climb into the territory of its competitors, but the money they lacked.
I had to take on a completely unsporting behavior: the judge. Judges were changed. Bribes and not trained. Any criminal authority and / or the deputy judge could easily change in the region. It is ohrenevshy people tried to argue. To no avail. Business wilted completely: if before all could be solved through the courts (as did a group of TIS, otgrohali under the South almost the second port and is considered the most powerful in Ukraine or agents or Forwarders Association), we have won the gos.kompany now was impossible. < br /> The criminalization of society, the widespread impoverishment of the people and the reduction of stocks against the backdrop of increasing acts all reported construction of new castles and mansions in protected land began to attract unwanted attention of the people.
Settled during the years of the Kuchma system threatened to collapse overnight.